NoddyToe Poking Bad Boy
2,865 posts
Location: Lake District UK

oh you gotta love wheatabix

i think they should sell it as a powder form because lets face it

everyone waits until its mush before they eat it

just add milk and its instant mush

mix a bit of sugar in and your gonna have a good day biggrin

Remember.........YOU LOSE!!!

4 posts
Location: Portsmouth uk

I called my hamster weetabix - but now shes dead

I've just banged my head on the kitchen table

SixthSILVER Member
Devil May Cry
327 posts
Location: Manchester / London, United Kingdom

I was pretty wasted and i stupidly added beer instead of milk.....still ate it....didnt wanna waste it biggrin

I give hope to others but I keep none for myself.

poibabyBRONZE Member
9 posts
Location: Ireland

ok crunchy when cold mushy when hot's what i say!

put it in the microwave with milk and sugar and fruit and nut mix and it comes out like a bowl of heaven . . . *drool*


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