Whiffle Squeekaddict
416 posts
Location: Hartford, CT USA

ok, i know this may seem ridiculous, but i really was wondering about it, and just thought id toss it on this board to see if anybody else had an idea like this

now, i dont have the guts to fire breath, but the effect is incredible and adds so much "ooh and ahhh" value to the performance, and since glow is the usual substitute for fire, i began wondering if there was a way to do this with glow materials

now glowsticks work because of two chemicals that mix and then react to cause the light, so say you aspirated one of those chemicals and had either another person aspirate the other chemical or somehow introduced the other chemical into the plume of the first say by spray bottle?

wouldnt this creat a plume of phosphoresence(sp?)
or would the chemicals not have enough time to react with each other, or perhaps they dont work in the presence of oxygen?

or perhaps one of the chemicals is too thick to aspirate?

or even if they did, perhaps those chemicals are toxic?

just me and my little wonderings, i was hoping someone with chem background, i.e. NYC, would be able to help out here...

i would ask if anybody has tried it before but i sincerely doubt it...

oh, and since i brought it up, i feel the need to say, please dont go trying this without solid evidence theres no harmful side effects...


Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

KyleG4uSILVER Member
68 posts
Location: USA

nice nice, but where can you find some fluorescein?

It's like when you can't remember something you get.... short term.... kidney failure, that's gotta be it, something wrong with your kidneys...
Love Peace Chicken Grease, Live Laugh Love

SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

One thing I have to point out, with "glow breathing" it wouldn't be that giant poof of glow like there is that pillar of fire. The glow will just make a cloud and spray on the floor and the part that did properly aresolize into the cloud will just float down to the floor and make everything wet.

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

Dylan_DukeGOLD Member
The Duke
170 posts
Location: Frisco, TX, US, USA

Not to be rude, but all the points you guys come up with have already been discussed. Read the previous 4 pages of this thread.

But that beind said, they are defiantly good points. We've just already him them.

Violent delight, We'll live as if we die

KyleG4uSILVER Member
68 posts
Location: USA

ah, true true, my apologies man, I didn't really read this thread i just kinda jumped in on the last page... usually people bring up different topics and some of the rooms end up talking about completely different topics than the original. Usually i read what people say all the way to the end but i started this one up late at night when i was all sleep deprived and just jumped in. Hope your lip gets better DD

It's like when you can't remember something you get.... short term.... kidney failure, that's gotta be it, something wrong with your kidneys...
Love Peace Chicken Grease, Live Laugh Love

Dylan_DukeGOLD Member
The Duke
170 posts
Location: Frisco, TX, US, USA

Haha, in all honesty I do the same, usually just jump in grin

But yeah, they have come up with a bunch of different conclusions and what not, and some great ideas, but pretty much looked it all in and out.

But I've come up with a few, including keeping the chemicals seperate until they get in the air then light. I'm trying them tomorrow. I'll keep you posted on how they work out.

Violent delight, We'll live as if we die

KyleG4uSILVER Member
68 posts
Location: USA

sweet. The other night me n my neighbor were fire breathing and we put this premixed powder on the torch *the ones your supposed to throw in the firepit without opening the package* so while it started burning it looked normal, when i breathed fire with it twice in a row it was normal then when my neighbor breathed on it the reaction temperature was finally high enough to produce a large 3ft in diameter green fireball. It would look really sweet with glowing vapors though too

It's like when you can't remember something you get.... short term.... kidney failure, that's gotta be it, something wrong with your kidneys...
Love Peace Chicken Grease, Live Laugh Love

Dylan_DukeGOLD Member
The Duke
170 posts
Location: Frisco, TX, US, USA

I would imagine it would make it crawl back faster though? Be careful with that.

Violent delight, We'll live as if we die

JamethGOLD Member
378 posts
Location: NSW, Australia

Originally Posted By: KyleG4unice nice, but where can you find some fluorescein?

I've used out of date stuff from work (med lab) in drinks and stuff, but because it has to pass 'fit for injection' standards the medical stuff is far more expensive. Also I'm in Aus...

google for a US supplier?

KyleG4uSILVER Member
68 posts
Location: USA

nice nice, ill definitely check that out. I know what you mean though, postassium nitrate, which dyes flame violet/blue costs about $300 for a small jar, however fake table salt doesn't have any sodium chloride in it and its 99%potassium nitrate for a salt container and it costs $3 so its not really cost efficient to go with the medical versions...

It's like when you can't remember something you get.... short term.... kidney failure, that's gotta be it, something wrong with your kidneys...
Love Peace Chicken Grease, Live Laugh Love

SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

now you make me think about colored firebreathing laugh3

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

Dylan_DukeGOLD Member
The Duke
170 posts
Location: Frisco, TX, US, USA

HoP has colored flame in the store?

Violent delight, We'll live as if we die

LyeFate Keeps Telling Me To Stop
270 posts

Someone earlier in this thread said they did this and it looked really cool. Pics or it didn't happen.

LyeFate Keeps Telling Me To Stop
270 posts


KyleG4uSILVER Member
68 posts
Location: USA

ok, i got it on webcam, the vid's probably not great but ill load it up on youtube and try to link it

It's like when you can't remember something you get.... short term.... kidney failure, that's gotta be it, something wrong with your kidneys...
Love Peace Chicken Grease, Live Laugh Love

SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

Wouldn't firebreathing with denatured alcohol, or even putting it in your mouth be a terrible terrible idea? Along with the chemicals it used to make the fire? Like BORAX? I don't want to put a highly poisonous liquid with borax dissolved in it in my damn mouth >.<

Edit: Borax (boric acid) makes green fire, not all other colors, idk what makes the other colors.
EDITED_BY: SpinnerofDetroit (1290737909)

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

KyleG4uSILVER Member
68 posts
Location: USA

got it up, you can kinda see it but its more vivid in real life/in person

It's like when you can't remember something you get.... short term.... kidney failure, that's gotta be it, something wrong with your kidneys...
Love Peace Chicken Grease, Live Laugh Love

SpinnerofDetroitGOLD Member
All High Dude, Ruler of What You Want
2,280 posts
Location: Trenton, MI, USA

What fuel did you use? And that looks awesome.

The only luck is bad luck.

Shut up before I stall my poi up your ass grin

TideGOLD Member
Future pyrotechnician...? Or something.
111 posts
Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

In Australia, Digger's Methylated Spirits contains no methanol. It's about 95% ethanol/5% water with trace but sufficient amounts of Bitrex.

This statement is false...?

LyeFate Keeps Telling Me To Stop
270 posts

Originally Posted By: Bram....I tried this last night. Just break open a glowstick (this will tell you ifit has a glass core or not) As long as your a safe distance away as if your firebreathing it is safe. The effect is a huge glowing mist cloud that slowly settles down to the ground. You can actually get very nice distance, I had one plume go around 20 ft long [Big Grin] [Razz] [Big Grin] [Razz]

I was talking about this^^^

KyleG4uSILVER Member
68 posts
Location: USA

there are a few fuels out there that you could use. Almost any liquid with a high alcohol potency will do, but the higher the proof the harsher it is on your mouth. Do not do this with rubbing alcohol, or any toxic chemicals. Blow the mist with the wind, use your flame as an arrow to find the wind direction.

It's like when you can't remember something you get.... short term.... kidney failure, that's gotta be it, something wrong with your kidneys...
Love Peace Chicken Grease, Live Laugh Love

CalibudGOLD Member
49 posts
Location: St. Louis , USA

Glow sticks are toxic. The one where you break and shake will eat through a red solo cup. We used to do glow gloves with the liquid and use the cup. The next day the bottom of that cup and the glow material would just be gone.

polaritySILVER Member
1,228 posts
Location: on the wrong planet, United Kingdom

I'd say the whole idea is pointless anyway.

Firebreathing works because the light output is dependant on the surface area of the liquid/powder, which increases dramatically as it is vaporised.

With glow fluid it's not going to be any brighter than the liquid while it's in the glow stick, except it's going to be spread over a larger volume, making it a lot dimmer than it was in the glow stick.

Glow powder might work better, using fluorescent pigments (used for painting fluo backdrops, among other things). You'd need sufficient coverage from UV lighting though (at least 2 lamps from opposite directions). If you're going to use powder though you need to be very experienced at fire breathing, so you don't inhale any. Powders are a lot harder for the body to get rid of than liquids. Custard powder is one thing, but for pigments you'll want to know the toxicity of it before you go putting it in your mouth.

You aren't thinking or really existing unless you're willing to risk even your own sanity in the judgment of your existence.

Green peppers, lime pickle and whole-grain mustard = best sandwich filling.


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