Larry Laffermember
6 posts
Location: Athens,Greece

Hello to everyone!I'd firstly like to take this opportunity to greet everyone in the forums, as well as congratulate the webmaster for his great job. keep it all up.As noticed, I'm a new user(just found out about this great site, about three days ago(whee, I'm not alone afterall!!!) although have bought my poi a while ago. Still a newbie though, still I wasn't practising enough all these days.And for the question...I've started taking the Poi lessons the last few days, and got really pleased with how easily I could adapt to them(thanks to the easy to follow instructions and cool animations included there), till that 1 handed butterfly move.... It occured to me that everytime I managed to get that one running(had slipped both poi's in my right hand) the wicks always banged together, resulting in them going in random directions, and hitting me in the most "hurtfull" places! Any way to prevent this from happening would be greatly appreciated, since I found no logical way to have the one poi slightly in front of the other, as I would do with the normal butterfly in order to prevent this.Thank you for your time. Hope I get accepted in this wonderfull oversea twisters group you've made here!LLafferPS: anyone from Greece? would love to meet in person.

439 posts
Location: Oceanside, California, USA

It's all in the wrist Larry. You have to train your wrist to turn slightly. It's not hard at all once you get the movement down, but that's just about every move with poi. The key to poi is in practicing.Ericand welcome!

Its about talent, not make up or costumes.

54 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

That was one of the first moves I learned- get the hang of the normal butterfly, and try to keep your hand steady, and it should come with time. smile

((m/)) --==EyeStorm==--

Larry Laffermember
6 posts
Location: Athens,Greece

Ok, thank u all a lot! I'll try those out as soon as can.LLaffer

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