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37 posts
Location: Seattle, WA USA

you know, after posting my weave topic i figured it might be a good idea to introduce myself to you all smile asking for help is only a fragment of what this boards all about. i know, cause ive been reading since i started spinning and feel like i already know some of you. in fact, i already do know some of you, turns out.lets see.. i was introduced to poi at the seattle juggling festival this year. i'd seen it at parties but didnt know what it was, and it just looked.. really hard. juggling festivals have a way of making you braver about trying new things, though. i started with fire poi, which made learning begining moves pretty difficult at first. they were heavy and really hurt when i beaned myself. i got a pair of practice poi last week (from this shop!), and since then all the moves that i just kept smacking myself trying to do have come together. im having a little trouble with weaves (hehe) but im hoping with some advice that ill get that sometime soon.i just wanna say that this site absolutely rules, and the art of poi lesson animations were a godsend for me being that i dont know of anyone in the area to practice with. i now have the video, too.. and i am already comfortable enough with beginners moves that ive started dancing while i practice! talk about feelin sexy, i dont even dance.. but once you're in the zone its undeniable wink i look really forward to sparking up in the next few months when im comfortable enough, and ive already started breaking out into neat looking things that i cant quite describe or explain yet, but i have a feeling as i learn more ill find out they're pieces of moves that already exist.its really great to have found this place. nice to meet you all.-------------------nee


439 posts
Location: Oceanside, California, USA

Hello Courtnee, Im Eric. I just wanted to welcome you to this board and say HI. So hello! As you probably already know everyone on this board is nice and even though we argue at times, we are all part of a family. This is where I go to see what other spinners are up to and how they're progressing. I love it when someone learnes a new move and post's how happy they are cause we've all been there and know the feeling. I hope the time we share together is filled with wisdom and sharing. Eric

Its about talent, not make up or costumes.

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

I am going to move this into the social thread where more people will be apt to show their smilies to you Courtnee. Hail and well met!!!!------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

286 posts

Hi Courtnee!where do you live? just curious, because I don't live far from seattle..there is a big rave going on in Nelson BC, you might like to attend, it is gonna be awesome.. tons of firespinners

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

37 posts
Location: Seattle, WA USA

thanks muchly pele, i was thinking of asking someone to move it but decided not to bother you guys with it :) glad someone else was on the same track!-------------------nee


95 posts
Location: Austin, TX, USA

Courtnee -- Since you went to the Seattle juggling festival are you going to go to the Portland festival at the end of September? I'm going to be flying up from Texas being that it's one of the larger US juggling festivals and I haven't been to it yet. If you go we should meet up and spin smile

214 posts
Location: Manchester

HEY COURTNEE.welcome to the board. i too, started spinning with fire chains before i started to spin practice poi.i tell you what. that soon made me learn the weave. after gettin hit in the legs and back from the poi. i soon started to get it right grin

RolloTCBRONZE Member
11 posts
Location: Redmond, WA, USA

Welcome courtnee! I'm also from around seattle.As you know the seattle juggling festival was put on by the cascade jugglers. They meet every saturday (in the summer when it's warm) from about 3-6 at the international fountain (seattle center). These are very nice people and there are a few people who do spin and may be able to give you some tips. They would also be glad to teach you to juggle if you dont already know how smile

DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

umm, I want to agree with Courtnee AND second the motion, YOU GUYS ROCK! Untill I found this site 5 month ago I did not know there was anybody else in the world who swung fire poi (besides my best friend, John) In fact, I had not even heard of poi until that fateful day when some dude walked up to me on campus and said "are you doing poi?". I said "Say what? Is that like Kung Fu?". He said "look up POI on the internet..." I did, and it changed my life. It brought a tear to my eye to find out that there are other poeple in the world who swing fire on chains...I AM NOT ALONE!!!Thanks to you all.

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

My it's dusty in here isn't it....


CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom



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