98 posts

Heya.. been a long time since i've posted here. Just hoping to get people in the San Fran bay area organized and have some poi on the beach ( ) sessions this summer.. if anyone is interested just post back up here and share th wealth.. or email me at MTNbiker@my.purerave.com
thanks.. Jon

---Formerly known as RaverRomantic---

AIM: RaverRomantic

13 posts
Location: Cupertino CA USA

you can count me in

98 posts

BUMP.. that is all.
Hopefully we are gonna do a Summer Solstice spin (friday June 22) on ocean beach in SF. hope to see some of you Bay area people there. (and i know you are out there.. )


---Formerly known as RaverRomantic---

AIM: RaverRomantic

98 posts

ARE there any SF area spinners out there?? where are you guys? hm.. SO anyway, the burn is still going on, on Friday the 21st! (not the 22nd, oops) if you want more info then just Email me .. MTNbiker@my.purerave.com
hope to see some of you on friday!!!

---Formerly known as RaverRomantic---

AIM: RaverRomantic

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

i know they exist, but they never seem to be on here.

best of luck?

are you going to firedance in santa cruz this summer?

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

10 posts

does anyone poi in san francisco bay area? coz i poi and fire spin here in the philippines and i'll be going to SF in 2 weeks so i was wondering.. to all SF spinners.. lets all get together and learn tricks from each other yeah? send me a personal message if ever you're down with that. thanks


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