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Location: London

----------- Spinning@... Update -----------

Dear all

we have moved to a new location.... se here for the new treead

[Old link]

see you at the rag factory..

this is why we have moved...

We had discussions in the pub on Tuesday regarding the use of the market for spinning@spitz and thanks to friends we have a much clearer idea of what’s going on:

Unfortunately we are not allowed back into the market for our workshops. It seems that while we have been out the market for the work, there has been a change of management. The new management appears to want to “increase the value” of the market area (gentrification is the term being used). This has led to many of the existing tenants not being invited to re enter the market, our selves included.

The st’georges residents association would have had no idea we would not be allowed back in, so although annoying its not their fault. We still have contacts in the market and we don’t want to cut out any future possibility of re-entering the market at a later date by kicking up a fuss, especially when there is no chance at all of us using the space in the current climate.

We need to do 2 things… 1. Find a temporary place to play ASAP… (see top) and 2. Find a permanent new home… to help us move forward we need your help. Please think of the people around you, be it your parents, friends, colleagues etc and see if there is anyone who may be able to finds us a new home… put the feelers out there.

If you find somewhere that fits our criteria (see below) then please get a contact name, a number or email and if appropriate, have a brief chat with them as a recommendation or personal contact makes a huge difference. If they are interested, forward their details to me and I will then chase it up.

We require an indoor or covered outdoor area with adequate lighting able to house up to 100 people on a Tuesday evening within 10mins from a tube and centrally located. We also require power to run a portable stereo.

On another note we have decided to have a Xmas party to raise some funds to help us secure a new spinning@..... ‘s venue. The confirmed date is Thursday 20th December in a Brixton from about 7.30 pm to 1 am. More details to follow.

Hopefully we will get sorted very soon and in the meantime we will meet at the poet next week and maybe look at ice skating, bowling or something else there after.

Huge hugs

Kev and the guys at spinning@.... ‘s

grouphug grouphug grouphug grouphug grouphug grouphug grouphug grouphug grouphug grouphug grouphug grouphug

EDITED_BY: Dom (1208047279)

Perspective allows us to live in a world of incomprehensible possibility, simply by blinding us to almost all of it… We’re not horses, yet we all wear blinkers...

keyarghahPLATINUM Member
Woodford is Goodford..!
241 posts
Location: Sydney at heart., Australia

hey guys, im an aussie coming to london, like soon, like next week, and again in a month on my way home, and I DEMAND SPITZ. what is it? im pretty sure whatever it is i want it.

i spin poi, contact staff, doubles, and im a contact/ring/ball juggler. and i will be away from my crew for like a month and i absolutely have to make spinny friends in london! and africa!

please let me know, where do you guys meet? in traveller terms? how far is it the airport?
as soon as i get off that plane im getting my poi out.

i will be there from 28/12/07 - 2/1/08 aaaand 31/1/08 - 4/2/08, my real email address is and my spinny business is called

please give me the low down someone!!!
love ciara


devkevSILVER Member
discoverer of phat and poigling
292 posts
Location: North London.. England

Hiya all

A reminder that This week we are meeting in 93feeteast for a while then going for a xmas curry meal at 8.30 in Reema 48 hanbury street e1... 2 mins walk away.

We would love for you to join us.

Dont forget.....

Xmas Fundraiser party for Spinning@...
Thursday 20th December 2007

7pm - 1am

Myth Bar
123 Acre Lane, Brixton, London. SW2 5UA
Here's a map

Live DJ's... Cocktails... snacks... large outdoor area...oddballs raffle.
possible fire space, bring toys

£8 on the door

Bring friends.....

if you can offer us some time on the door or marshalling the fire etc .. please email me directly..

Huge hugs

its all about the fun fun fun fun and more fun...

1 post

I just came across this message... Have been wondering where you have gone! Have you found a new location? Where are you spinning these days?

devkevSILVER Member
discoverer of phat and poigling
292 posts
Location: North London.. England

Dear all

Wishing you a very happy new year. Now we are into 2008 we can get back on track to look for a new venue. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

We are meeting on Tuesday from 7pm ish at 93feeteast again 150 brick lane. mainly for drinks however if dry there is out side space. There is space inside earlier on.

Hope to see you there

Kev smile

its all about the fun fun fun fun and more fun...

devkevSILVER Member
discoverer of phat and poigling
292 posts
Location: North London.. England

We shall start spinning @ The Rag Factory on 19th FEB ONWARDS.

The Rag Factory:
A charitable organization supporting the creative fabric of London. 6700 square feet in total of unique space in central London. Rehearsal spaces, audition spaces, filming spaces, working spaces, thinking spaces, eating spaces, meeting spaces & surprising spaces. Creative thinking for creative people & a work of art in progress. The rooms available may vary depending on their bookings however we should have space every week. There is a large open warehouse space, and 2 medium studio spaces. There is outside spaces available with all the rooms and we are looking into the optional use of some football courts over the road for the warm summer nights. It is not as large and as expandable at the old market but the feel of the place is lovely and the staff are very welcoming. The venue is child friendly.

Check it out:

The Rag Factory, 16-18 Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ


See ya there 

its all about the fun fun fun fun and more fun...

devkevSILVER Member
discoverer of phat and poigling
292 posts
Location: North London.. England

the new spinning@...s thread is here:
[Old link]

this is from the 19th feb.....

its all about the fun fun fun fun and more fun...

Bubbles_SILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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Location: mancunian, United Kingdom

can anyone help me with [Old link] ubbangel

Disclaimer:im not responsible for what i say or do whether it be before,during and after drinking alcoholic substances (owned by BMVC).
Creater of Jenisms(TM)
Virginity like bubble,one prick all gone.

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Bum - won't be able to make this first night, will try my upmost to be there next week though - I actually had a fun spin yesterday, first one of the year!

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

devkevSILVER Member
discoverer of phat and poigling
292 posts
Location: North London.. England

go here for the new venue information

[Old link]

its all about the fun fun fun fun and more fun...

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