2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

okay i'm not sure the best way to do this but i'd love to meet as many of you guys as i can this year! maybe we could all meet at the main fire circle on a certain day, or list our camps here in this thread, or maybe nobody cares. i at least wanted to try. i'm open to suggestions here.

we'll most likely be hanging near the "El Cirque" folks. they've got geodomes and freaks. we'll have my blue bus, visuals, and there'll most likely be lots of really loud good dark fat beats coming from the huge sound system we have. everything from indian music to drum and bass to ambient to bauhaus. we most certainly will have a fire dancing arena, along with all kinds of other circus arts activities, martial arts, stilts, gymnastics, clown stuff, etc. and babes spinning fire. and me

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

**pictures socks sopping wet with hand lotion hanging by the bed**
okay that just sounds like some sick weirdo satanic kinky toy or sumthin

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

/nudges arashi
dude! i told ya not to tell anyone! now they'll all find out aboot the shaven llamas!!

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

master sodiummember
536 posts
Location: carson city, nevada

well, I wrap them in bags personally, but you could let them drip if you want. and this is only for worse case type thing. its not comfortable to sleep during the hot day with socks on.

you can't have a war against terrorism because war IS's not about worshipping fire. its about making the fire want to worship you.

250 posts
Location: Upland, CA., USA

Important news! Word from people already out on the playa is RAIN. It has been raining east of Fernley, near BRC. It is expected to hit the playa.
Yea! A little rain means less dust. But in 1998 a huge rain storm hit just after the event, stranding many in the muck for days.
People should prepare for this by bringing rain gear such as big rubber boots and those cheap hooded plastic raincoats.

And in other business, yes, let's still plan on meeting up at the Man on Tuesday. I suggest a sign/countersign system to identify ourselves. Such as one person says "G'day," and the other person says "Mate."(In respect to HoP, erm, kiwis do say "G'day," don't you, or is that just an Aussie thing? *feels like ignorant American*)


2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

boy have i heard horror stories about the mud! icky poo! looks like i better save a pair of absorbent socks for my sore tooties! guess i better get out my muckin boots... for those who've had horses...


i'm heading out this afternoon!!!!!!
off to oregon, and then... pop!
i even went out and bought a cowboy hat. yeeeehaw!

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

35 posts
Location: Chicago, IL, USA

AWESOME, Tuesday night dark, at the man..
all us crazy WildFire Kids will be there..

Look for the shaved head and dual pony tails.. =)

oh GOD IT"S NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!

WildFire Entertainment

master sodiummember
536 posts
Location: carson city, nevada


can you tell I'm happy. ONLY 12 DAYS LEFT UNTIL I GO HOME!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAY!!!

just figured this could use a little bump, since its so close

you can't have a war against terrorism because war IS's not about worshipping fire. its about making the fire want to worship you.

vaperloc...the mightylook @my member
466 posts
Location: Ft worth Texas

I wish I could go and meet all of you but I am just a poor boy from Texas maybe next year.
Non-Https Image Link

There are no obstacles only challenges.
Very funny scotty now beam down my pants.
[colour."green"}What would willie do?

AHH theres too many wee leprechauns i cannae squash them all

nomadBRONZE Member
356 posts
Location: Paris, France

I am going to Burning Man again this year (3rd time) with the rest of my group. Anthelion will have its own camp, together with 1337 from nyc, called Shiesha Camp. Come visit us to spin, relax, drink turkish tea, smoke the shiesha or just hang out. We are part of Sparseland, a kick-ass village somewhere on the Esplanade.

I will try to make it to the Man on Tuesday night and drag other people with me. Between the 10-15 fire spinners I am camping with, I am sure some will make the trip. But as Skunk said, commitments are very hard to honour that far in advance so forgive me if I end up not showing up.

Anthelion and 1337 will both perform Friday night and then Saturday night in the Conclave. Plus I'm sure we'll show up randomly at parties here and there.

For the wicks, I have travelled a lot within the US and abroad since 9/11 and never had any problem. I always pack them in a tupperware, secure it with a rubber band, put it in 2-3 plastic bags, and check it in. I also carry pictures with me to show a security officer who would wonder what the hell they are. If you're really paranoid, travel only with virgin wicks, but i don't think it's a necessity.

Does anyone know if Sage is going this year?


2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

yep she's in my van. with bells on. see above for camping info.

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

wow maximus i just caught that kid's show thing. how cool, a kid's camp! i love it! i wanna go hang out there!!!!!!!!


crap i guess i better get my ticket now...

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

master sodiummember
536 posts
Location: carson city, nevada

just purchased the last of my fuel. yu think 35 gallons of white, 10 gallons of kero, and three gallons of denatured alcohol (for green flame) will be enough for 4 people?

you can't have a war against terrorism because war IS's not about worshipping fire. its about making the fire want to worship you.

master sodiummember
536 posts
Location: carson city, nevada

so I'm just wondering vaporlock, why the I'm not going, and then a picture. not to sound too much like a moderator, but they take up alot of bandwidth and cost malcom more the more we use em. so purchace from the shop to keep lotsa pictures on HoP.

you can't have a war against terrorism because war IS's not about worshipping fire. its about making the fire want to worship you.

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Looks to me like you guys are in for beautiful weather. -- Gerlach, NV

I'm jealous.

Have fun and do an extra spin for me.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

250 posts
Location: Upland, CA., USA

One last post then I'm out the door...
There are opportunities for firedancing every night.
There's the opening ceremony at the cauldron Monday at sunset.
Then Mon.-Fri. at Arson Island village at 90 degrees and Esplanade will host fire performances 9-11pm. Performers will get little fimo medals. 1337 from New York City will host and perform first on Tuesday night.
Tuesday- *ahem* HoP meet at the Man at dark.
Wednesday- Kidsville wants fire performers at sundown 2900 and 165 degrees.
Thusday- Fire Fabulon at Snowflake village.
Friday- Basswaves Marina wants fire performers Midnight-3am, 300 degrees and Esplanade. Fuel provided hahaha. Fire performers are welcome other nights, too, but he wants a really big show Friday. And he plays killer trance.

All my friends are invited to drop by our camp, the Green Fairy Bar Camp, Forecastle and 150 degrees.

Back in two weeks.



517 posts
Location: Sheffield, England

Hello guys,

I'll be there... the man... tuesday. Can't wait to see you all.

I have a cheeky question to ask of you too... I travelled light so didn't bring staffs, and a 'friend' of mine who recently borrowed my firepoi has charred them to death. They last about 10 seconds (10 seconds literaly - not said for dramatic impact) hence, no toys.

If anyone could bring a spare pair of poi for me to play with that would be fantastic. Any takers?...

My advice to first timers:

Get out there during the day, Don't just lounge aroung smoking grass - it'll be worth it 'coz there's a lot to see.

Take anything you want to 'take' with you. Chemicals and plants are surprisingly hard to get hold of and aren't that cheap.

Take something for shade or you will regret it.

And a warning: There were 2 deaths last year. Neither were from dehydration (if you sip all day you'll be fine), both were from fire. One guy was twisted on drugs and went firewalking (a bit daft even if your straight). He fell, he died. With the other one I'm not sure about the details but they also died in a fire. Be careful!

See you soon...

Jo :-)

Educate yourself in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!


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