Forums > Technical Discussion > err...Any positive Articles on fire breathing?

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I am Schwabemember
25 posts
Location: GB Wisconsin usa

well...I told my soon because they found out heheh...Ill explain that laterbut, uhm, does anyone have any FAQs, directions, or other articles about fire breathign that offer positive aspects of it, and do not simply say DANGEROUS DANGEROUS DANGEROUSthey dont listen to reason all that well, but some they do...thanks...Schwabe

442 posts
Location: Rochester, NY, USA

SearchDo a search on this site. Please! There was a thread started today on this.I know, I know, you'll say "But I'm looking for an article." Well la ti da. Do a search. Somewhere in there is bound to be a link or something to an article.Thank you.------------------"There no such thing as bad weather, only wrong clothes."Pyromorph - Let the fire change you

FYI: I am not Pele. If you wish to reply to me and use a short version of my name, use: PWB.

English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England. - Homer Jay Simpson

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Hey Whipping Boy, long time, no see. I told him (schwabe) this the other day. I said do a search. He was even told he would get shouted at for not doing a search. And yet here we are again....[This message has been edited by Cantus (edited 04 January 2002).]


442 posts
Location: Rochester, NY, USA

Cantus, I saw that. I laughed.As a good reply, I will stick to topic.IaS, also check the Articles Link on the top of the page. It's one of the links under the HoP title. I noticed there's lots of things there and it's got the heading of article.------------------"There no such thing as bad weather, only wrong clothes."Pyromorph - Let the fire change you

FYI: I am not Pele. If you wish to reply to me and use a short version of my name, use: PWB.

English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England. - Homer Jay Simpson

I am Schwabemember
25 posts
Location: GB Wisconsin usa

pwlI did. I did. There isnt a topic on this earlier today either. The Articles section doesnt have information pertaining, and yes, I posted this asking for articles, becuase, I was looking for artciles.see any resemblence?nevermind though.most of the file pertaining to fire breating add to the edge of how dangerous it is, I know this, but it didnt reassure them very well. Its all good now, but pwl and cantus, seriously, if you dont have anything to say in a post dont post.

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Hey Swchabe/Cantus...When you say article I think you may need to elaborate more, as in do you mean a magazine article rather than a thread, because the threads are full of useful advice and articles are very definitely one-sided, as well as not encompassing many npoints of view (often).I felt your post to Cantus was actually a little rough, what he said was completely relevant to this thread (usually they aren't, but this one is an exception)Sometimes people will respond to a thread you post with info about you, that's the danger od starting a thread and it pays to be aware of this (the danger is not too hard to deal with...)Kudos to al...------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.com

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442 posts
Location: Rochester, NY, USA

Shortened version of my name is PWB. And someone who is new to posting should not be providing advice. I notice now you said you searched and didn't find what you need. Now we can narrow it down.The thread I mentioned is Fire Breathing FuelIn which he asks for fuel and breathing basics. I mentioned it because it is another fire breathing thread (and it started the day before this one.)I've put a little more thought into your question and I have one of my own. What kind of positives are you looking for?It's an entertainment art. It looks cool. That's what it is. That's what it's for. If you get proficient enough you can get paid for it. Is that what you're looking for? You probably won't find an article like that.At best you'll find an instructional.There's just nothing like Marketing posters for Fire Breathers. It's not an established career. You can't say it'll get you in shape (like with poi.) You can't say you'll get to help people (If you were a fire-man.)I would like to apologise for sounding rude before. We get a lot of new people and they ask similar questions as others before them. On top of that we get young people asking things that they aren't ready for. If you have to prove to your parents something about this then you're probably too young to do it. Note, I said if. Chances are you can't convince them of anything. It's not like convincing them that being a bus driver over a doctor will make you happier.------------------"There no such thing as bad weather, only wrong clothes."Pyromorph - Let the fire change you

FYI: I am not Pele. If you wish to reply to me and use a short version of my name, use: PWB.

English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England. - Homer Jay Simpson

I am Schwabemember
25 posts
Location: GB Wisconsin usa

yea, its cool, I was rude too...and how I typed pwl instead of b...errr....yea. anywyasFor the 'positives' I meant, was an atricle which would look 'official' of some sort, but it couldnt be, since, its not a standard carreer like you mentioned. Something that would be reassuring to my parents. I handed them a printout, and was hoping they woudl see it as I approached it slowly and carefully rather than just saying (ooh, flames). but they took it as if this was dangerous, and should not be done.:/heh, my parents are now at the point were it makes them nervous, and wont let me use their cc to order off the site smile (I dont buy stuff online I have to figure out how to get a bank check or something....) basically, Im rambling...information that looks informed and is reassuringIve had a hard time...their arent many sites on this...

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Thanks Charles. Schwabe, in the last thread you posted I offered you help. I told you how to get information. How to find like minded souls. All you have done is posted a new topic hoping that we'll not notice it's you again.Don't snap at me for being harsh. I have tried to help you.My post was to Whipping Boy, not you. I've known him for a while now. I was making pleasant chitchat.Anyone that knows me will know that, sillyness aside, I generally go out of my way to help people. In this case I felt that I had guided you enough previously.When you become a moderator, or have been here a while, then you can tell me that my posts are out of line and I might take note (not if you're a moderator tongue). But, at the moment, you're just a 14 year old American kid with concerned parents.I'm not having a go at you. I'm just stating my case.By the way, when i was your age my parents didn't like me playing with fire. But i was an arsonist. So it's probably not the same thing.....------------------C@ntusThere's only one way of life and that's your own.


1 post
Location: seattle, washington usa

with Cirque. This is a nice article about the art, and it even quotes our local fire marshal saying he likes it. read around on, we have an acclaimed safety page, and some majorly careful people backing us up. good luck!

Shouden-CrDSILVER Member
Veteran Member
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Location: Tampa, FL, USA

Schwabe, IMHO your parents will accept you doing breathing fire once they see that you can do non-fire extremely well. Fire Breathing is really not a reassuring hobby for your kid to pick up. I suggest trying something less....dangerous. *shrug* Try Poi or Staff... I'm not under any iron-thumb by my parents(as I'm 22), but I feel ya. My rents were concerned when one night I brought them out some pics from HOP and told them I just found out that my glowstringing is called POI, and that I'm going to learn to twirl fire. (: But after many many months of practicing non-fire they see that I don't hit myself or screw up very often.I wish you the best of luck finding an article that doesn't state that it's dangerous. But again, IMHO I don't think any article you bring them would change their mind(at least it wouldn't change my mind, or my parents). I'm sure your parents already know "playing" with fire is dangerous and don't need an article to tell them or not tell them that...PLURRÇRÐ[This message has been edited by CrazyRaverDude (edited 05 January 2002).]


I am Schwabemember
25 posts
Location: GB Wisconsin usa

thanks pyrovixen, thats a pretty sweet article err...proffesional, nice, neat...umm...;pand CRD...Im building up my initiative to string some shoe strings into tenniss balls and play with those...and dad put it in the words that 'it scares him' well, Im out

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