32 posts
Location: australia

hey everyone (im a new member) i am new 2 poi n i have gotten myself a homemade poi set from someone i know for $6.50 (australian). this set has a double loop of leather to hold, a cheap chain and a tennis ball on the end. i was wondering, since im definitly NOT ready 4 fire poi i would try glowstix poi, i didnt want to have 2 buy a special set 4 glow, so i modified my own and made a keyring on the of the chain so i could attach/detattch the balls or glowstix. i just thought that maybe u could attach a fire poi head, thus making an "all purpose" poi set. does ne 1 think this is a good idea? i was asking because i found that having 2 buy several set of poi just for the different kinds of poi is quite expensive. soz this is so long but could u pls reply whether its good or not? fanks everyone

SoMe PeOpLe WaLk In ThE rAiN, oThErS gEt WeT!

249 posts
Location: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

yeah, i know a lot of people who do that, but it also means you have to put up with black chains that get marks everywhere. you can just make yourself a set of tenniss ball ones, and attach those glowing bracelet things to them which costs about $2 everytime, or jsut have the tennis ball ones changeable to the glow ones. either way, have the fire poi seperate. a good idea is to detach the heads of the fire poi anyway so you can soak them constantly out of use, but by all means dont go rushing into fire!!!

RoGOLD Member
57 posts
Location: Kamloops, B.C, Canada

I've gotten some home made poi as well, and it's gone through many upgrades and replacements... My words of wisdom. While keyrings work, they also tend to break easily. Instead of Keyrings you should look into getting Quick links (a chainlink that has a nut on the side that twists open so you can attach other chain to it). You should be able to find them at most hardware, or general stores, pet stores might carry it too. They're basically invincible, and only cost about a $1 to $2 canadian a piece (I don't know the exchange rate). If you get into fire poi keyrings tend to get hot and lose their strength unless they're really good. Nothing's worse than a flaming poi wick flying through the air. Quick links will definately hold... Hope this is some help to you.

.Morph.SILVER Member
669 posts
Location: Lancashire, UK

Multi-purpose poi, why not Or mix and match poi, different heads: beaming, glowstick, kevlar, tennis balls, small children - different chains: type of chain, thickness, length - & different handles: single loop, double loop, leather, nylon etc.

Having a wide range of mix 'n' match poi adds to the variety of poi-ing. But, when using them for fire always check all parts to make sure there is no weakness. A free flying tennis ball ain't no trouble, a ball of fire landing somewhere it shouldn't or hitting someone ain't too funny.

I don't use key rings on fire chains, they may last a few spins, but as Canadian-guy said, they wear real easy & quickly.


32 posts
Location: australia

quick links huh?? ill have a look 4 em, fanks m8

SoMe PeOpLe WaLk In ThE rAiN, oThErS gEt WeT!

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

I have a multipurpose set of poi.
in fact, all my fire toys are multipurpose.

My poi are completely dismantible thanx to the aforementioned quick links. This means i can change chains (i have two diff length sets of chain for variation), change tennis balls to wick, change double fingerloops to single long ones for doing moves with throws, attach my wicks/tennis balls to my ropedart, or end of staff for double wicks,.....

the downside of this is that if you are trying to teach someone else how to spin, or your mate wants to have a go... you dont have a spare set to loan them.

i find tho, that if i put my wicks in wee lil baggies to avoid "sooting" everything up, and wipe the chains over before putting them back in my bag, i avoid any soot residue... easy!

Currently on the right side up of the world.

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

oh, and fyi, the smaller and thicker the keyring, the less the wear and tear, ie: they are alot less likely to stretch apart.

I use some fantabulous FLAT keyrings that do not stretch at all. i have no idea where you could get them but have a look around!

Always remember to check your fire gear before practicing or lighting up for signs of wear, no matter if you use keyrings or not!

Currently on the right side up of the world.

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