Forums > Technical Discussion > aka: "How to take a picture for dummies..."

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2 posts
Location: UK/France

Heya all...
i'm sort of new to the forum (and to the site now i come to think about it).

Anyway here i am. My question: i've got a completely manual camera and would like to know if there's anyone who could tell me what srt of speed/aperture i need for a night picture. Say, what Firemorphster loaded up recently (still available on the photo page i reckon) looks really good to me... how do i get tehre?! (picture-wise... move-wise, well... that come later doesn't it? :P).

cheers all

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Hey there and welcome.

This topic has been discussed a few times before. If you do a "search" you'll find lots of threads on photographing poi.

Here's one I posted on...

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

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