Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

My birthday is in a couple of weeks and I'm gonna get myself a pressie and buy an ElectroGlo staff. But I was wondering just so I can be extra excided when I buy it, does anyone have any pictures or can get some and post them here with their ElectroGlo staff?

235 posts
Location: Calgary alberta Canada

Thats funny! im doing the same thing!!i posted a thread asking which color is brightest etc. *lol* im going witht he blue i think..------------------A Faeries Heart Beats Fierce and Free!!!!!

Teach tolerance, not competition.
Send food, not bombs.

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

Blue is my favorite color so yay for blues! erm *koff* yea. Great minds think alike eh? *snickers* I couldn't get over how skinny the staff is! *drools and shuffles off to bed*

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I'm hoping to get some pictures of my staffs in action in the next few days. I'll post them when I do.------------------C@ntusThere's only one way of life and that's your own.


Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

sweet cantus, thanks =)

SurlochSILVER Member
64 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Well, I just read every post in every forum that contains the words 'electro glo' and couldn't find anyone who has actually reviewed these things yet smileWhen you post up the pictures, can you also give us a review - how easy they are to fingerspin, wind resistance, weight, durabilty etc.I spin on grass half the time, but the other half is on concrete in carparks, garages etc. If I try to pull off a throw and miss, what are the odds I have just wasted AU$90 odd????Please give us your best evaluation. I'm going to get one anyway I think, and just be ultra careful with it. I also prefer the colour green, but if it is really dim and blue is easily brighter by far then I guess I'll have to go blue, does anyone have one of each to do a comparison? Also can you test how long the batteries last Cantus. Thanks, hopefully you can finally answer these questions that have plauged mankind since the dawn of time grin

Ní mar a síltear a bítear

“Things may not be as they seem to be”

34 posts
Location: Sydney, Australia

from memory pele just got a green one and said it was really good.. do a search.. smilei could have hallucinated that though, so check for yourself.. smile------------------If at first you don't succeed, tell everyone you did and hope they don't ask you to prove it...

If at first you don't succeed, tell everyone you did and hope they don't ask you to prove it...

SurlochSILVER Member
64 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Yeah, Pele got a green one and said it was really good, but she didn't say it was good *compared to* the blue smileStill, I'd love to know from anyone who owns these were they worth it? I'd love to be able to twirl where fire can't go. Bah, I'll probably eventually get both a green and a blue and twirl both rofl and make it a moot point.

Ní mar a síltear a bítear

“Things may not be as they seem to be”

sunbeamSILVER Member
old hand
1,032 posts
Location: Madrid, United Kingdom

Absolutely worth it. I found it quite light and hard to grip at first but you could add tape to the middle if you need more grip. They are durable - I've chucked mine about loads and it's still intact. They look cool too. Sorry but I haven't got any pics. But you're never going to guess what I did? Was taking it to a club on Saturday night, a little mashed, and I left it on the bus! Oh no! So my glostaff is in the hands of London Transport Lost Property, which worries me slightly. Best comment I've had made to me while in a club with my glo-staff: "Wow! That's the biggest glow stick I've ever seen!" hee hee!Hope both your staves arrive soon and bring you lots of joy!Sunbeam------------------Life in the circus ain't easy but the folks on the outside don't know yeah well the tent goes up and the tent goes down and all that they see is the show and the ladies on the horses look so pretty and the lions are looking real mad and some of the clowns are happy and some of the clowns are sad. Welcome to the freakshow.. here we go (Freakshow by Ani di Franco)

"I don't take drugs. I am drugs" - Salvador Dali


CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I haven't seen the blue one in action. I have a red one and a green one. They are both quite bright. I can't imagine the blue being very much brighter though.They survive bouncing off concrete having, as they do, rubber stoppers on the ends. Several people have complained that they are a little too light. This is easily remedied with the addition of a small weight, eg a few coins, to each end.Fingerspin wise they are very smooth and comfy. I cannot see any need to add grips as they are comfortable enough to hold and come supplied with a little shiny tape denoting both the centre and the colour ( wink tongue).Is that enough information?------------------C@ntusThere's only one way of life and that's your own.


Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

Fingerspinning, and they can survive massive high speed impacts on concrete. SWEET! *drools*

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

They hurt a lot when you have a massive high speed impact with the ring through your eyebrow though.Smashing yourself in the nipple ring hurts a bit too.....*Idly wonders that this information might not be applicable to anyone else*------------------C@ntusThere's only one way of life and that's your own.


PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

For my evaluation write-up (which is located in the Social section because I also evaluated the Buzz Poi) check here are run on 3v watch batteries, which can last years, and are fairly cheap and easy to replace. The weight is a challenge I enjoy. The center is marked with tape but I think I am going to add a bit of see through packing tape for a grip. The actual diameter is not so bad, especially if you have used the three scetion staff which is pretty round. It takes adjusting, but all new toys do. I adore mine, truly!PWB took photo's last night of my son and I both twirling around with it. I will see when I can coax him to put them up. I also have to add this, and it is really the coolest know how if you take a pencil, hold onto it at one end and wave it up and down it creates the illusion of bending? So does this thing!!! When you spin it in a simple forward rotor, the light refracts (sp??) and makes the staff appear to bend at the ends. My housemate first saw it so we all stopped to take note of it. It looks like a twisted pinwheel when going around. And the light is really different than fire and is, for lack of a better word, freaky. I adore it!------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

Yayyy!!! I bought my ElectroGlo staff today!Blue! Best color in the world hehe I'd go outside and wait for the mailman, but I have school tommorrow =/ evil school... more atisipation!!!Air Mail is evil... 7-9 days ! Although last time when I bought my Poi it came in 4 I think (thanks malcom!!!)

2 posts
Location: Guildford, England

hiyai got myself a green and red staff for christmas and haven't been able to put them down since they arrived 3 weeks ago. they are a whole world of fun and when i get bored spinning them i pretend i'm a jedi!!!diameter is fine, weight is ok though they sometimes bounce out of my hand when i toss them high and fail a catch, seem to be quite durable - having survived numerous drops on concrete, the centre marking tape is useful and also tell me which one is which colour, they are smooth plastic tubes but i have no problem with grip, finger twirling works fine, and they look truly awesome when it is dark with minimal light. they rock.i think i might have to get a blue one as well soon - because i can!have fun, God bless and have funJoshua

SurlochSILVER Member
64 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Just posting to say I recieved my order today and am EXTREMELY happy grinSo happy infact that I'm going to be getting a second so I can do double staff with them. Now I've just got to choose a colour - should I go another green so they match, or take a blue. Do green and blue go together anyway... hmmm. So hard to decide winkAlso - the performance practice poi are excellent, very well weighted and simply fly through the air. Bit lighter than I'm used to obviously, but I know I'll get the hang of them soon enough. I was playing around with them all lunch break today smileHaven't had a chance to watch the videos yet as I work all day, but I'll be sure to get at least one in late tonight after spinning in the park.

Ní mar a síltear a bítear

“Things may not be as they seem to be”

68 posts

If the colors are the same as glowsticks, green and blue don't go too well together, but red and green are pretty good.

Live by honor. Kill by stealth. Only the unseen survive.~peace~

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

Yay!!! I got my staff today, and I went straight into the garrage to practice... it's great, nice weight and length, but I noticed that even after half an hour of spinning it, the LED's weren't completely filling the whole staff, only maybe 6 to 7 inches on each side then just sorta fade into the white film. Is it because of the batteries? or it's supposed to be like that?

SurlochSILVER Member
64 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

I thought it was a bit wierd as well, but I think they are supposed to be like that. At night you don't notice it so much, it looks like the whole staff is lit up.Also, if you spin it fast enough, it is just a big blur anyway grinI've ordered both a red and a blue so now I will have one of each colour. Only fault I have with them is that the plastic used to grab the batteries out fatigued and snapped already from popping the rubber end on and off so often. However, it is no biggy, I'll just use some needle nosed pliers to grab the baterries out when I need to replace them.

Ní mar a síltear a bítear

“Things may not be as they seem to be”

263 posts
Location: Holiday, FL, USA

so uhm, where's the pictures? ooo or wouldn't a video be nice..staring at the little animation in the shop in getting boring frown

SurlochSILVER Member
64 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Well, if the other two ever arrive (beggining to get worried, ordered them last monday and still weren't there last night) I'll take a few pics and maybe make a video and post it up...

Ní mar a síltear a bítear

“Things may not be as they seem to be”

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

If someone can lend me a video camera....------------------C@ntusThere's only one way of life and that's your own.


442 posts
Location: Rochester, NY, USA

Here's a picture of Noah using the staff.ElectroGlo Staff It's a 640x480 29K jpeg file. This is a warning to our modem friends.It was taken at night in Pele's living room. I set the camera to a long exposure and it came out nice.------------------FYI: I am not Pele. If you wish to reply to me and use a short version of my name, use: PWB."Those who can, do. Those who can't, critique" - Let the fire change you[This message has been edited by Pele'sWhippingBoy (edited 14 February 2002).]

FYI: I am not Pele. If you wish to reply to me and use a short version of my name, use: PWB.

English? Who needs that? I'm never going to England. - Homer Jay Simpson

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

Wow, purty! Mine looks like that, only... blue grin

SurlochSILVER Member
64 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Hooray they arrived grinI have one of each colour. As soon as one of my friends lets me 'borrow' his digital camera I will take a short video of each one and host it on a site I'm making. They are very cool, and all are pretty much equally bright.Problems I have had so far: I have removed the plastic strips from the ends. They just get in the way and make it hard to pull the stopper on and off. On my green staff (which has been in a few battles now heavy usage), the Led units have been pushed into the tube, the tiny plastic tabs supposed to stop this were bent back. Admittedly, this is my fault - the strip inside the tubes isn't a uniform length, when it goes all the way to one side, I would bang the end sharply on the ground to get the strip back into the middle.I won't be doing that on the other two however, I'll just have to put up with the strip sometimes being at one end or the other. I think a better measurement of the strip would be a good thing to look into, on all 3 staffs the strip is different length. On the red one it is almost perfect, managing to cover both diodes. On the blue one, it is a little worse, not covering both. On the green there is around 2-3 cm's of empty space on one side or the other depending on how often I hit it on the ground to even it up lol.Overall though these are niggling details and of no real importance. For it's function and price, I am extremely happy with the Glo staffs. They are very durable (except for the plastic tab thing), lightweight, easy to finger twirl etc, and look very cool in low light conditions. Taking them out again tonight actually grin

Ní mar a síltear a bítear

“Things may not be as they seem to be”

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

I found since I didn't get any tabs that if you bring them back up with computer plyers (I forget what they pulled... jumper plyers I think but I might be thinking about cars). They work pretty well but scratch up the LED unit pretty bad.

19 posts
Location: new jersey, usa

hihi i'm new..and *gasp* I dropped my jaw when I saw the electroglow staff...i'm currently trying to learn how to swing glowsticks [or poi if i get around to ordering] and im not too great. I did take 2 years in marching band as a front squad [flag twirler girl] so staffs are my thing!Ima order the staff sometime and try my best to get pics for you guys grin

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

Pictures are good... I like pictures.Spicy, is the flag team at your school girls only? (That's kinda screwy if it isn't, cuz the one at my high school is)*shuffles off mumbling about sexisim* (sp? lol) winkKinudin

125 posts
Location: Calgary, AB, Canada

Contact ElectroGlow!!!!!!!!!!!!! ummm maybe not such a good idea.... *goes back to pondering*------------------May the fire of God burn its impression on your heart.

May the fire of God burn its impression on your heart.

19 posts
Location: new jersey, usa

nope guys can join if they want... though none do grin

78 posts
Location: london, england

okay sold! thanks for the pic PWB now where do i get it from?cooooooool!


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