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Posted: Very cool strobe poi for those of you with money...check out this link:https://www.cyberthings.com/java/ffly.htmit's a shame about the price otherwise I would but two of them, wrap the wires round some string & weight the end - hey presto! an adjustable pattern funky set of poi!let me know what you think, or if anyone's gunna try it.Jo.
Educate yourself in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!
dangerboyoriginal member 205 posts Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Posted: A cheap alternative to this is to get little portable xmas light sets. I got some for xmas and they're great! They run on 2 AA batteries, are about 6ft long, and look sweet-ass when spun. I just taped some fabric around the battery pack for protection, then attached it to the end of a length of chain to act as the weight. The string of lights i taped along the length of the chain, then put some handels on, and it's ready to go. They ony cost a few bucks, though they may be a little hard to find out of season. Mine were purchased at a drug store, so they are fairly easily accessable.------------------Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath, fire my spirit
Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath, fire my spirit
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