[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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Thought id start this tread for simple manipulation tricks that havent been thought of yet, Im shure there must be loads out there and Im going to start it off with this incredibly simple little number I cant believe i never thought of before.

stop the staff vertically infront of you, pirroette, spin staff.

Thats it! simple huh? should add another level of visual intrest


This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

StoneGOLD Member
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Nix?, I tend to associate manipulation with coins, pens and magic tricks. So, as far as simple tricks go, I think rolls and drop-catches are effective.

I never though much of them until I was watching Adi's side roll/drops tricks in COL3. I thought it brought a kinda circus feeling to the clip.

The basic roll I've seen is where you hold the staff horizontal out in front, staff resting on the back of your hands, arms facing forward.

Then you lift your arms up (to a diving position?) and just let the staff roll down your arms behind the head. You can catch the staff behind the neck or bring the arms under, and let the staff roll down the back of the arms, behind the back. Catch the staff in the crook behind the knee or roll it back over to the front.

Anyhow, I don't think it hurts to have a roll or a drop-and-catch in your bag of tricks. Great contact stuff in col3, btw

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

LapaireSILVER Member
36 posts
Location: Hadley, MA, USA

I like to roll the staff down my arms and body and then flick it off of my foot.

I also use the staff to do sort of pole vaulty things, like flips and high kicks. you can also use it as a pivot point to walk on walls, ceilings, etc.

Some things I do are just basic things where I just happen to be holding a staff, like flip-ups, handsprings, pirouettes, cartwheels, balancing on a fence while twirling, or martial arts strikes.

I hope more people post, I'm really curious too

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4,308 posts
Location: York, England

Lapaire's kicky things are awesome, btw.

I like to do silly stuff like bounce it off the back of my hand then palm then some other body part etc. i tend to dance better when i'm doing such silly things so yeah. combos that involve bouncing or dropping it to ur thigh and then rolling it down and "throwing" it off ur thigh are fun too.

*note i don't get to practice staff with staffers like ever so i don't know how most of this stuff looks as i don't perform*

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SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
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Practice in front of a mirror, window, or a sliding glass door. That's what I do since I don't own a comcorder.

[ 27 August 2002, 16:11: Message edited by: SickpuPpy ]

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Location: York, England

can't see turns and can't see stuff where i look the oethr way. itherwise i do.

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Location: York, England

just thought i'd do a bump of this. i finally learned some of this basic stuff this weekend an it kicks ass

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LapaireSILVER Member
36 posts
Location: Hadley, MA, USA

New simple trick for ya Ky in case you haven't already tried it;

You know how if you hold a 3-section with both hands on the middle section and move it side to side it does a poi-style corkscrew with the two end sections?

Try this trick with two 3 section staffs at the same time (One in each hand) Presto! Two corkscrews at once!

-Can also be done butterfly style, BTB (heh, thanx for the terminology there), split time, alternating, and on horiz or vert plane I should think
-Translates very easily into your average double staff double figure eight.

Also, I remember a type of hold used for bo staff or long spear which I think may work wonders for your trailing end problem. Try both hands near center of middle section about 3 or 4 inches apart, only instead of the way you are used to, you don't let go throughout the whole figure-8 motion. This hold is made for long weapons and gives you more strength. There are two ways to do it. One is both knuckles up and tucking under armpits (might be tought/impossible w/ 3 section), the other is one hand knuckles up the other hand knuckles down (recommended). Tell me if this makes any sense/works/doesn't works/just wasted your time

My 3 section is in development so I'm using you as a human gerbil. That breakaway 3 section on Prometheus' site looks pretty tempting to me right now =)

Thanks for the good times on Fri/Sat. Swapping moves with you folks was priceless. Especially now that you're a celebrity and all

When there is no place that you have decided to call your own then no matter where you go you are always heading home -Soseki

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

celebrity? moi? surely ur insane?

anyhow, i had to give up my double staffs and return the three-sections to their owner *sniff* because i'm flying in less than 24 hrs.... (and still not packed.) you know, those three-sections fit really well into my luggage..... *sigh* oh well. anyhow, i did do double figure eights with them, and single corckscrews, i can't do double corckscrews with straight staffs, remember?

the grip thing sounds fun to try. i don't knwo when i'll run into a three-section again, as i haev too much work to do with staffs and poi to justify making one any time soon.... plus i have to make two practice staffs and a firestaff upon arrival too cali......

but yeah. make a three-section, show off with it next tiem i see you!

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LapaireSILVER Member
36 posts
Location: Hadley, MA, USA

*Bump* I hope more people post here. *cough*hint*cough*
Maybe some regulars have some good simple stuff that they use in performance?

Insane? yes, surely, but utterly beside the point

When there is no place that you have decided to call your own then no matter where you go you are always heading home -Soseki

SpykeBRONZE Member
28 posts
Location: Wageningen, Australia

In the last couple of months i have been using this two handed style after noticing it on COL2? It is a good technique to add some interest to a show and it looks a lot more difficult than single hand but really isn't that tough. I use one hand palm up and one down method.

By using two knuckles up does this allow for more spins on the sides when they tuck up under your elbows? Trying with this pencil now it is pretty hard and i couldn't see myself doing with any speed without damaging some important goods downstairs!

My fav two-handed trick is to do the pass from rhs to lhs btb (well behind the head anyway) with two hands, (the staff and hands are behind the back but your elbows are in front and kinda going over your head. If you knew how to do it you would understand i'm sure but it is somewhat difficult to teach let alone describe.)

This move developed from the movement where you can place the staff behind your head (vert) and do pirouttes (staff starts behind your head, you turn 180 and you are facing it, turn 180 again and it is behind your head. ie, it spins on the spot) and the staff spins of the spot 360 (Propellor) for every turn you do. (two and one handed)
To make this clearer, (if it isn't) you can do this move with a clenched fist, the staff doesn't roll around in your hand or over a wrist or nuthin.
Imagine grabbing hold of a door knob (round so that you hand can slip over it) and trying to turn your feet 360 without letting go of the knob.
The only way to do this is to go over your head.

That is a simple move where the staff looks like it is spinning but you aren't doing figure-8's, finger rolls, wraps, etc.

'At this moment, you should be with us, feeling like we do, like you loved to, but never will again.'

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

yeah, two handed is fun, you can grab it either way, one up, two up or two down. try the btb weave (like poi) grabbing with two hands, also if you got col3 theres a move i do where the hands are grabbing btb but the staff comes round infron at waist level.

Other simple tricks include backwards spinning rotor passes under the elbow (like nunchucks) and across the back. takes a little practice to get it smooth but its very ninja.

whatelse, dropping to foot catch (horisontal spin) and kicking up again.

taking the staff behind the back horisontally and blancing on an up held thigh at the front before lifting off with the same hand.

should keep ya going for a while...


This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

SpykeBRONZE Member
28 posts
Location: Wageningen, Australia

Oh no! Why did i have to read this before bed!! Two handed btb weave!! I won't be able to sleep all night! Thanx Tom_Brain knows Nix?

I can't wait for the weather to improve to try it. The weather is so bad that tonight at work, the roof leaked (i work in a restuarant) and people had to cover their food with napkins or move tables!!! Freakky weather, horizontal rain and massive swell, did i mention work is a two storey megalith basically on the beach?! The waves lapping at the pillars...

But THINKING about it, all i can do, it seems to me that the btb double handed weave would also naturally include your move from COL3 (which i haven't seen) on both l & r sides. Hmm now i'm confusing myself. Aaaargh, bloody weather.

We are saying that both hands are in constant contact with the staff and not crossing over and stuff?

Hmm, is this simple stuff too?
Hmm, Should stop thinking.
Hmm, and writing my though. . .

'At this moment, you should be with us, feeling like we do, like you loved to, but never will again.'

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

yeah, constant contact.

the col3 move (minero who showed me calls it a waistwrap, but thats just confusing as it dosnt wrap, Anyway) goes a little something like this:

forward figure eight with the left hand, take it behind your back and grab with the right hand DONT LET GO WITH THE LEFT.

at this point the staff should be held at bum height behind the back with palms (well, more like nails (as your palms are curled round the staff)) facing upwards

as the staff continues to spin the left hand end goes down toward the back of your right knee and the right behind the shoulderblade.

as the left hand end comes up bring it infront of the right side your body and compleate a whole spin with the right hand end following. slight flexibility required.

heres the kinda spacca bit, the left hand end goes back behind the body and immeadatly comes infront on the left and the right hand follows. this kinda awkward manouver is not duplicated if you go back to the right side, instead you get a turn behind the back before the left hand leads to the right side again.

if you can decifer all that without getting your left and rights confused (especially as I have great trouble with that anyway) you should have an idea...

you can transform this move into the btb weave by turning 90degrees into either forward or back weave.

humm, maybe this dont make so much sence.

sleep well,


(p.s. just Nix? will do, infact im gonna change it back)

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

SpykeBRONZE Member
28 posts
Location: Wageningen, Australia

Yes, YES, YES!!!! All right i see.
Like the double handed fig 8 in front of the body where on one side it is a bit wierd while the other side is normalish.

Thanx again 'just Nix?', your description did it for me!


'At this moment, you should be with us, feeling like we do, like you loved to, but never will again.'

Whiffle Squeekaddict
416 posts
Location: Hartford, CT USA

hmmmm, heres a fairly simple trick that canbe done with doubles, if theyre short enough...

have one spinning in a vertical plane parallel to that of your nose, and have the other spinning in the opposite direction in that same plane...

looks wicked, and the effect is basically (for all you crossover artists) a butterfly weave with staffs...

from there you can turn with it and do all other fun sorts of stuff, it takes a bit to get the timing down, but the basics of the trick are really quite simple...

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ZaphodBRONZE Member
23 posts
Location: the lonesome crowded west, usa

I like that trick with the the doubles whiffle, been smoothing it, well, trying to anyway. Have you done double palm spins when spinning in oppisite directions? Thats pretty sweet.

Don't know if anyone is familiar with this one so here it goes:

When spinning helicopter above the head, bring it down and around your body, when the staff is going behind your back stop spinning it and place it to your back. Right when you have it placed against your back, turn at the same speed you were spinning. Turn a 180 or 360 whatever, then just bring it back up or go down and around the legs. Gives it a kind of change to the whole flow, and this can be done with the staff rested upon the sholders as well.

Sorry If I am rehashing anything. I am somewhat of a newbie here and am not up to date with anything yet.


Whiffle Squeekaddict
416 posts
Location: Hartford, CT USA

eesh, i can barely do double palmspins, and im pretty sure i cant even do reverse ones...

hmmmm, something to work on now...

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CharlesBRONZE Member
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Whiffle - A good hint to learning double palm spins is to hold the hands more vertical than horizontal.

Have them both spinning in front in the same direction (i.e. clockwise) and release them for one palm spin each and then grab them again. Practise this a bit and then try for two spins.

It's remarkably easy to begin with, even with my long doubles...

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Whiffle Squeekaddict
416 posts
Location: Hartford, CT USA

hmmm, never had thought to try that charles...

i tend to use shorter staffs, about 3 feet, and with my rather long arms, if i hold them out horizontally at shoulder height, while doing double corkscrews, i can usually get a couple rotations on the palm, but ill try the vertical route...

as usual though, its my stupid left hand that screws up, i think it might need some more drilling...

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CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
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Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Maximus came up with a varient of one of my throws a while back that i really like.

Reverse fig 8 at your side. Stall just behind your shoulder. Drop. Catch with same hand (in a gunfighter stylee - is this making sense to any one?) BTB at approx waist height.

Good with doubles cos you can stagger it slightly and get a good bounce going.

Thanx Maximus for that one. Love it. Use it all the time.


[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

nice, should be possible spinning i guess....


This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

JaedenGOLD Member
220 posts
Location: Edmonton, Canada

Speaking of contact staff, I just saw some sort of baton twirling competition on TSN. Sadly I do not posess the vocabulary or techical skills necesary to even begin to explain what they were doing, um think of Nix?'s clip in col3 on crack. And alot of it. 'twas insane (no offence Nix?, your clip is one of my favourites).

Now I just need to find a gymnastics school that'll just teach me how to spin, don't realy want to learn the gymnastics to go along with thier competitions though.


Oops, not realy simple tricks

[ 13 October 2002, 08:54: Message edited by: Jaeden ]

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4,308 posts
Location: York, England

hmmm... charles, can you try an explanation of what you mean by hold them more vertical?
it seems to me they;d fall..... i just must be confused.

i have a good one that's comparitivly simple (much easier in rev i just discovered!) basically, if it's in reverse yu are just doing a rev figure eight and turning ur waist but not your body to do a rev figure eight behind you. simple and kinda cool even with one, but the point is to do it with two, now taht's pretty, throw some actual turns in there too and it's so yummy, can only do it well with one tho, i'm always tripping up wit both, but then i have no skills wit doubles. it's a little weirder with fwds, but still easy enough.

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[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

yeah man, that baton stuff is incredible, Minero has built an entire spinning style on it, just looking for and XXL lycra bodysuit and he'll be sorted.

first time I saw it my eyes popped out on sticks, but im begging to figure some of it out, we have our own tricks specifically for firestaff, and I dont fancy doing the high school acro either.

have fun y'all


This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

Charles!!!! *whimpers* Plz?

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Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

kyrian, senore inferno refers to palmspins that are diagonal to the vertical plane. kinda like off horizontal, and off vertical, but i find it cooler to call 'em vertical palmspins. Have the palm in the same direction as one were waving at the police whilst walking around with no pants.

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CharlesBRONZE Member
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Sorry Kyrian, I'm flat out with performances and trying to deal with Ramahdan at the moment. (I never can spell those Arabic words).

Benders got it right, instead of holding the hand flat an dpalm facing upwards (walk like an Egyptian type thing), try tilting the fingers up so the palm is facing about 45 degrees instead.

The staff tends to push against the palm bit that is under the thumb and the bottom of the palm by the wrist, and it seems to be an easier way to get started.

Thanks Bender, for jumping in before me, not that I could undertsand much of your post

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4,308 posts
Location: York, England

yayess!! thx u both. sorry to be buggig u charles hope u havin a good time and bender, ever te inspiration, good to here from ya again mate an many thx!

Peace & Love, Kyri

Keep your dream alive
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Shalom VeAhavah

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pantsonfirethe man with the flaming pants
148 posts
Location: Brisvegas, Aust

okay simple tricks, mine arent really serious though, i have dont them in front of crowds, its good for a laugh even if you are the only one laughing!! yeah, did you ever ride broom sticks around the house pretending they were horses? like in the holy grail? just place the fire stick between your legs and ride it around making clippit clop noises!! or jump around spinning and kicking in the same manner like your a rodeo rider, its good for a laugh!!! looks full random! another good one is to stand there and paddle like your in a boat and sing row row row your boat!!! yeah sorry i took your post off topic but i could not help it!!!

It's all good

duvanancient oachkatzlschwoaf
248 posts
Location: germany

yap quite cool thread

could u tell me one more site where you can see more moves like this animated or in a video format ?
would be great

mfg | max


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