1 post

yo wassup ppl, im kinda new at this poi stuff and i wanna do sum glowstringing, i was juss wonderin what would b tha best string to use for glowstringing (not fire poi), if ne1 got suggestions then plz reply, thanxz

55 posts
Location: canastota, ny usa

i like to use old dead glowsticks as handles and then just a pair of shoelaces to connect them to the new far no problems

excuse me, santa, have you seen half a bike?

9 posts
Location: everywhere

hi there.....i just wana say GO THE GLOW STICKS! b4 i say anything else....

well there are several things you can do to help with this problem....if you have practice poi(the comet ones) then you can tie the glow stick with a peice of string or ribbon on to the end of the where the ball is but be careful not to tie it to the swivel part as it can get tangled....i have made that mistake b4....i spent the whole night at this rave going what the f*%k!??? why are my poi tangling up! in the morning i did find out my mistake! ..................or another way that i do just to get a piece of ribbon or string and tie it to the glow stick and start spinnning.......i love to use the poi one thought....its a lot easier becuase that is what im used to and it still gives off the same effect! halfabikes way sounds just as good too.....

but ya know what i say....what ever floats your boat!

have fun!
peace out!

JaedenGOLD Member
220 posts
Location: Edmonton, Canada

Basicly anything works, but try to stay away from nylon as that'll eat your fingers quite quickly. I used to use shoelaces but have upgraded to ballchain. The biggest advantage of ball chain is that there is a swivel at each joint so your sticks don't twist too bad, the other is that you can use the same set of strings for fire and glow.

The world is not out to get you but if you fight it you will be eaten alive

521 posts
Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...

I agree with Jaeden. If I were you lilraver then I would buy some:

Chain & Links

They can be used for glowsticks, fire heads and comet heads .

Very vesatile piece of kit and well worth it .



[ 09 August 2002, 01:41: Message edited by: [garbo] ]

be excellent to each other: safe:

12 posts
Location: wiltshire

Hi all

does anybody know whether you can buy glowsticks that are not the ones that you snap and that your can use longer eg. battery power etc ???
and where from

luv ya all ! keep twirling

Poi Twirling Maggie

Mark PBRONZE Member
old hand
1,031 posts
Location: Bath, England

Hi maggie,

Glowsticks try -
(snap variety)

Electric Glowsticks - either electroglow from the site shop


Mark P

12 posts
Location: wiltshire

Thanx Mark P

Is there any shops in Bath that sell poi or any kind of juggling stuff ??

Poi Twirling Maggie

Mark PBRONZE Member
old hand
1,031 posts
Location: Bath, England

Hi Maggie,

There arent really any good shops in Bath for Poi and juggling stuff but I think there are a couple in Bristol (The Kite Shop for one).

I tend to order most of my stuff from here and other online stores at the moment though.

Mark P

vaperloc...the mightylook @my member
466 posts
Location: Ft worth Texas

I use parachute cord,it is flat and has the capacity to hold anything not burning.If you live in the good ole US then go to an army navy store they sell big spools of it for 4.00 it looks like grey shoelace but is thicker.

There are no obstacles only challenges.
Very funny scotty now beam down my pants.
[colour."green"}What would willie do?

AHH theres too many wee leprechauns i cannae squash them all

33 posts

I have a set of electroglo poi and they're just like glowstrings except for the wire to connect if youre into spending some money they work just the same.(the heads even look like glowsticks)

The Dragon of The Poi

87 posts
Location: Oklahoma, USA

Ite, check this out.
I personaly have found that the best set up as far as spinning glowsticks is:
1.goto Wal-Mart (god of all stores here in the US) fishing swivels from the hunting depratment (roughly 50 cents)
3.get nylon cord from the fabric department (i use black its about $2)
4.using the tieing instrutions on the back of the casters connect them to the cord (you only need to loop it two or three times) make handles you have either use glowsticks, which does look really cool, or tie the same thing at the end only making loops.

I've been making these for all of my friends and everyone loves them. they work soooooo well and don't get tangeld and I have never had them come loose.


<( ' ' )>
Fear the Kirby

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

Aye, my friend and Poi mentor Pozee does some wicked color changes with using glowsticks as handles and both ends are new glowing glowsticks!!

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

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