Forums > Help! > my poor shoulder blade!!!!

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8 posts
Location: Never Never Land

I am in desperate need of help. Whenever I do a behind the back move with my staff ( anything - spinning with my fingers, both hands, passing it behind my back)it hits my right shoulder blade! I pretty much have to put my head to my knees to do anything.

I have no desire for a massive burn on my right shoulderblade, can anyone give me some techniques to practice?



pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

try stretching up your arms by doing regular stretches on a daily basis, this helps to gain more of a reach behind the back and with no discomfort.
also try looking at your hand positions, generally in poi and staff, if some thing catches your body, you are not possitioned corectly some where and sounds to me like its in your hands and wrists.
when u are passing behind your back pass and grab with the other hand and have your palms facing up and your thumbs together.
hope this helps you dude.

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
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Yeah that sounds right since i've started i couldn't go even behind the back . But if you stretch enough your flexibilty improves a lot . *i can touch my toes now*

that shrewd and knavish sprite

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KajiQuantum Theorist
564 posts
Location: Vansterdam

hopefully those fencing classes we're taking will help with flexablity in your shoulders darling.

In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird, now the world is weird and they take prozac to make it normal again.

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

right back to this one:

1: lift your arm above your head, then bend it at the elbow and run the palm of your hand down the back and apply a little light pressure/ push with your other hand.

2: hold your arm down a little floppy by your sides, then bend from the elbow and run the back of your hand up along your spine.

do both arms, and do them as often as you want, you will be suprised on how much you can gain from this, also do it just before you have a spinning session, warm ups are as importand as having paraffin if you want a good burn.

also with both exercises, you will find that you can confortably get your hand inbetween your shoulder blades. also the reach needed to get into waist wrap poi moves, you really need to do this for a long time + other arm stretching possitions. i am an inch off from getting my middle finger in my belly button with my arm going round my back, i know some one that can get it in there comfortably... ewww.
so thats the importance of stretching up. its learning and dialing in a move all on its own.

CharlesBRONZE Member
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thanks Smugs/PK...

What will also help is to realise that you are tipping the staff towards your head on an angle, and that this can be easily rectified by putting your wrists in a postion where you can't hold the staff and hit your head at the same time.

When you are holding the staff behind you, your palms should be pointing away from the small of your back, horizontally.

If you hit your head, they are almost defintely facing into the small of you back and/or pointing up into the sky.

Without a staff put both your hands behind your back, one on top of the other annd press the back of the top hand against the small of your back. This ensures your wrists are point away from you in the right direction.

Think about the wrists and the way the muscles feel when in this position and then try it with the staff.

THERE IS NO NEED TO SPIN THE STAFF FAST. The slower you spin it in this stage, the faster your body will correct your previous habit of having the palms facing upwards.

Feel free to let me know if this doesn't make any sense, I'm more tha hppy to reowrd it.

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musashiistarring Skippy the green llama
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also helps a weee bit to lean forward when starting..lead into with the left hand and twirl with both hands in the same measure as forward hand over hand...hope this helps, C

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CharlesBRONZE Member
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Kaszeko...Any luck with the suggestions yet?

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8 posts
Location: Never Never Land

Yeah, thanks a ton for your suggestions guys! I'm already pretty flexible in the arm/shoulder area,but I've been practicing ( Slowly!!!)in front of a mirror and practicing posture. Thanks very much to all for your help!!!

Much Love to all!


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