18 posts
Location: Staffordshire, England

Does anyone wknow of any websites/online shops that I can buy a staff from? I'm new to spinning, My friend (someone has to be) Mech introduce me to staff but I only have a mop! With mop end and I can't get it off (the mop end , I have no problems in that dept). Mech is gonna lend me a staff but thinks it'll be too light plus I want my own!

biggrin cheers ppl

When I die bury me upside down....then the world can kiss my ASS!

DentrassiGOLD Member
3,045 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

id recommend clicking the 'Go Shopping' link at the top of the page. then click 'staffs & batons'. it might be helpful.

alternatively, go to the hardware and buy a piece of wood.

"Here kitty kitty...." - Schroedinger.

mechBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,207 posts
Location: "In your ear", United Kingdom

mike, ur a wolly, like dentrassi says, go to teh top of teh page and there si a go shopping section

i dont think you wnat a fire staff though as you are only learning, so i lend you one of my broom staffs, and that will sort you out for a while!

althought the hop shop does do a #ubblove colapsing staff that i still plan to buy, once im through with making my own staffs for a while, once i have three or four diff designs, and i have finished flag staffs!

Step (el-nombrie)

PheonnexxBRONZE Member
89 posts
Location: Plymouth, UK

Hey the HOP shop is good but there is also www.butterfingers.co.uk and they are situated in the uk.

Burn !

18 posts
Location: Staffordshire, England


When I die bury me upside down....then the world can kiss my ASS!

FireNixBRONZE Member
old hand
904 posts
Location: India/Bristol

Hi there

Im a Uk based retailer of Fire equipment.

Im currently in Asia at the moment - but shall be coming back to the Uk in a few weeks.

I have some lovely telesopic staff for 35-40 quid - 2 different length central hanndles going to 3 different lengths each staff.

I also sell virtually every other sort of Fire and juggling equipment you could think of

If ya interested - give me an personal email or you can visit my website - although its still under construction - so may not be much help!!

But when I get back i'll be putting photo's of all the equipment on there
EDITED_BY: FireNix (1080986960)

Feel the Flame

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

Not another bloody Nix, *sigh* I can never seem to come up with something creative when i see that little box marked 'nickname'. frown

T mad

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

BethMiss Whippy
1,262 posts
Location: Cornwall & Oxford

www.firetoys.co.uk they sell fire and practice equipment, very reliable and are in the UK, good prices as well!


Aim high and you'll know your limits, aim low and you'll never know how high you could have climbed.

graceBRONZE Member
117 posts
Location: salisbury wiltshire, United Kingdom

i agree with the above i bought some poi from there last weekend. Good price and very good product. Im deffinetly pleased with my purchase juggle

Hold my breath when you are near
so i don't have to breath you in
look away before i start to endorse
your eyes full of hate and remorse
in to the eye of another
be the silence that screams

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Not to be rude guys - but this thread has gotten a little dis-courteous.

The Home of Poi community is entirely funded by their shop - hence no adverts, pop-ups or the like.

It's not particularly polite to advertise other shops (yours or others) in their forum

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

paul wheelmember
2 posts
Location: Ireland

We too sell juggling and circus equipment but I sharn't advertise too much in case I might offend!
Running a shop can be hard work, always trying to offer discount prices to other jugglers etc not to mention lugging mountains of stuff around the country (as I know Phirenix does).
Surely a wee bit of competition is a good thing.
I wander what 'Home of Poi' have to say on this subject ...

Happy Shopping! juggle

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

From the Guidelines HERE
Please note that advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are inappropriate on this BB.

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

mechBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,207 posts
Location: "In your ear", United Kingdom


I wander what 'Home of Poi' have to say on this subject ...

i think mal would say exaclty what durbs has said! as would most of the mods, if not all!

i ubblove hop!

thankyou mal, the site, teh shop and the buzz is amazing!

Step (el-nombrie)

FireNixBRONZE Member
old hand
904 posts
Location: India/Bristol

I understand that Malcolms business funds this excellent website and I fully appreciate this forum and wider community.
Thats why I never put a thread up advirtising my stuff.
However I think when answering someones query about shops, then to give info. is not only legitimate, but well....it'd be rude not to eh?!
This is after all not a purely commercial site - thank goodness. Im hardly making a dent on Malcolms sales!! - Infact I've never sold any through HoP!!!
Are there links to other Websites/Shops on here - I should think so
Well there ya go - just putting my side
I hope I do not protesteth too much!! ubbrollsmile

Feel the Flame

FireMeccaBRONZE Member
69 posts
Location: Tucson, USA

I think FireNix has the right idea. Further, if someone directly asks the question on the forum what shops are out there, and you can only say "Home of Poi," then I suppose the question should be banned (which would be silly). Furthermore, anyone who comes here generally knows they can buy here, since there is a big "Go Shopping" link at the top. They are generally, probably, trying to be educated consumers.

Personally, the more shops that are known creates "competition" that:
-lowers prices
-tends to keep businesses honest
-creates a variation in products and services that allows one, essentially, to select the quality that works for them.

Hainsey, you don't specify lengths you would cosnider for a staff, and some of these only sell shorter staves (batons) or do custom work, but here is a list anyway.

Shops ( Google or email me):
Serious Firedancing
Bearclaw Mfg.
Renegade Juggling
Flamma Aeterna

Good luck,
Flamma Aeterna

That which does not kill me, only makes me stranger.

18 posts
Location: Staffordshire, England

Thats for all the info, I didnt mean to cause any controversy but surely HOP should look as people posting other online shop links as strenthening the scene as a whole if more people take up poi/staff/etc.

i.e. Look at the bigger picture

Also, no offence to HOP staff, if people like myself need to find other online shops perhaps HOP should look at the product range it offers. Just a suggestion.

Thank you all very much though for your input.

When I die bury me upside down....then the world can kiss my ASS!

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