Forums > Other Toys > anyone tried the fire skippin ropes?

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121 posts
Location: Bournemouth

seen them on ....................Any good? peace

was hibernating through winter.....oh and summer i spose...ok im just lazy

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

Yeah they aint to bad but apart from traditional skipping there isn't too much more you do with them .

Why don't you e-mail Bec or Moonpixie about them .

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

Simon Twistmember
29 posts
Location: London, England

They work well when combined with other equipment such as unicycles or balls. Hard though. umm

Puck Dallasmember
23 posts
Location: usa, Dallas, Tx

They work pretty good. I recomend finding out how tight the weave on the rope is first. It usualy is luck of the draw trying to find good tightly weaved kevlar rope. You can do just about anything I have seen with a normal jump rope and normal rope for that matter. It is a serious toy that can get wrapped around your legs and feet not to mention your hands can get burned if you aren't careful how you fuel it. It is possible to do some contact or wrap work but be weary. I also know people who get two people working from each end and use it for accent work giving it a osithiscope, or however it is spelled, like a stereo screen output. Which honestly looks really kewl.
EDITED_BY: Puck Dallas (1083083402)

the looney beanmember
45 posts
Location: halifax uk

has anyone tried double dutch yet ?

those who are possessed by nothing possess everything

roarfireSILVER Member
comfortably numb
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Location: The countryside, Australia

I had a go of the single person one the other week, they are quite dangerous, but really exciting at the same time. All I can do with skipping is forward and criss cross tongue

.All things are beautiful if we take the time to look.

MissEgyptologyBRONZE Member
officially expelled from BYU
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Location: Southern California, USA

I reeeeeeally want one of thsoe. I skip rope while on my unicyle and that would just make it at least 15 times more exciting.

"So Miss, I think you win the prize... A mormon egyptologist in a firespinning chat room... that's gotta be a record of some kind"

Thanks, NYC,but I quit mormonism now XD

MoohaahaaBRONZE Member
382 posts
Location: In Ger Land, India

When I was at a festival last year we where doing fire in a circle, and then a man would get out one of these ropes and do laps around the edge and everyone loved it and it did look great.

I would say get one smile

Some things you have to see to believe, but
Some things you have to believe in to see.

pineapple peteSILVER Member
water based
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Location: melbourne, Australia

miss egyptology - we need videos

"you know there are no trophys for doing silly things in real life yeah pete?" said ant "you wont get a 'listened to ride of the valkyries all the way to vietnam' trophy"

*proud owner of the very cute fire_spinning_angel, birgit and neon shaolin*

MissEgyptologyBRONZE Member
officially expelled from BYU
195 posts
Location: Southern California, USA

there's a bit of me jumproping in this one, it's adrillf and I messing around, with some of kael in there too, and then our first go with fire poi by the three of us.
EDITED_BY: MissEgyptology (1115320000)

"So Miss, I think you win the prize... A mormon egyptologist in a firespinning chat room... that's gotta be a record of some kind"

Thanks, NYC,but I quit mormonism now XD

FlamingOberonGOLD Member
ohm mani padme hum
134 posts
Location: Worcester, MA, USA

instead of buying one, which is ridiculously expensive, i wold buy some 1/2" kevlar rope and make you're own. pretty easy o make handles that have a swivel connection of some sort, and it will be heck of a lot cheaper than buying one...

pineapple peteSILVER Member
water based
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Location: melbourne, Australia


makin one now

"you know there are no trophys for doing silly things in real life yeah pete?" said ant "you wont get a 'listened to ride of the valkyries all the way to vietnam' trophy"

*proud owner of the very cute fire_spinning_angel, birgit and neon shaolin*

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

we have a home made one in our equipment bag... dont go near it tho.. the flames are huge, and i dont skip....

you dont just have to skip with it... certain poi moves can be done with impressive effects wink

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

FlamingOberonGOLD Member
ohm mani padme hum
134 posts
Location: Worcester, MA, USA

does anyone have any video with one actually on fire? and doing skipping along with moves other than skipping? because i would be interestd to see some of the other moves, as well as to see how it looks lit..


Spacecow00xSILVER Member
170 posts
Location: Ft. Myers, Florida, USA

yeah that might make a cool video too

You've got the wings of a fallen angel
You offer peace if they praise your name
You live your life taking everything you can get
Look down, time to fly!

photonica2000BRONZE Member
6 posts
Location: USA

there are a few people that are doing that here now for some time, they are hip hop girls that screw around with regular sash ropes soaked in colmon stove fluid in the back streets of miami, so far i havent seen any intelegent progress in that field here.

mostly they seem to be trying to get the attention of the top gangbanger by being dangerious, they dont seem to have an artistic intent.

26 posts
Location: Melbourne

Dont try regular cotton rope as half the time it is'nt 100% cotton. Had a couple of nutts trying it with SHELITE of all things and a pair of rubber gloves (heat resistant). First time it burnt through and wrapped around one of them, the second time it happened again but avoided the wrap (you think that they would learn!)

I've been toying with the idea of inserting a steel cable inside a cotton rope or kevlar rope to make it structurally sound and leave a gap at the end of the rope to the handle or cover the last 1/2 ft to stop the handles (ie my hands) burning too much.

"The company of those that seek the truth is
always preferable to those who think they have
found it"

Terry Pratchet
Monsterous Regiment

Fire-FalconGOLD Member
29 posts
Location: Geelong!, Australia

I would love to try out a fireskipping rope, seeing as its the only thing I'm good at.

Pete, if you have made one, I wanna use it!!! ...please

Stop aggrivating me! Just 'cause I'm in extinglish!

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
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Location: WNY, USA

I've had mine for a few years. Made it myself. Just make sure that you crimp the metal on the ends really well, so the rope doesn't come loose. Also remember to make it longer than a normal jump rope to give you slack and to help slow it down a bit because the additional weight can make them go fast which means the fire doesn't show as well.

Google Cirque Du Flambe. They've been using them for near a decade and do all the major circus style jumping with layers of people, ropes, acrobatics and such.

There are tonnes you can do with a jump rope. It is just like everything else...only boring if you do not push for something more.

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

house_of_millGOLD Member
old hand
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Location: Manchester England

I had a portion of my ponytail stolen by one, they are so fun and can be a good thing to have for a little spinning break,

*Thats one of my favourite Nurseries over there,*

Roman, Trippie Hippie,On the way back from Play Festival

JastapusBRONZE Member
39 posts
Location: UK, Essex

they must be brilliant to photograph..... well the once anyway. a mahousive circle of fire.... hmmmmm i supose if you cant skip you shouldnt relaly use one!!!

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