Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > Burning Man: 8/30 - 9/6 Black Rock City, Nevada

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squarefishSILVER Member
(...trusty steed of the rodeo midget...)
403 posts
Location: the state of flux, Ireland

Easy question: wink

Who's going!? biggrin peace

*gasp* for those who don't know, Burning man is a huge festival which started of from very humble beginings in 1986 on Baker Beach, San Francisco with 20 people attending.

It rapidly grew and since 1991 has taken place in Black Rock Desert, nevada on the western US. coast.

Last years celebrations saw over 30,586 people attend from all over the world. eek

Burning man is one of the most exciting events in the entire festival calender, with live music, hundreds of fire performers from all over, art cars, naked pixies, dust storms, booze, themed villages and magic times.

..... biggrinAnd generally supertanker sized buckets of fun biggrin.....

Dates are 30 Aug to 6th Sep.

Further info can be got from here--


Come with us, Step up a level and take a look around.....


EDITED_BY: flash fire (1083271767)

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

well, i went!
i was admittedly late as my skin was busily pressing another's, but at great personal sacrifice i peeled myself away and got to the man and no one was there. oh well. it wasn't much into dark by the time i got there! but i had no bike yet so i had to WALK there.
i have this hopper gathering karma thing i guess.
there was too much wind to spin much this year, so i just carried my swords around and danced my way to a swollen ankle (old injury). i think i danced 60 hours in the last 4 days. biggrin

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia


I hope that hoppers can make more of an effort for next year's gathering... If I can make it all the way from Australia, you guys can make it from elsewhere on the playa, surely?


And who wouldn't wanna meet up with Dangerboy and flash fire? huh? wink

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vanizeSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,899 posts
Location: Austin, Texas, USA

remember those words when it is suddenly realize it is winkan hour past the time you were supposed to be at the HoP gathering, something too fabulous is going on right in front of you to be bothered to walk all the way over to where it is supposedly happening, and you feel like completely blowing it off since oyou are pretty damned sure no one will be there anyway!


Wiederstand ist Zwecklos!

rbmnycBRONZE Member
194 posts
Location: Brooklyn, NY, USA

Right, of course, the HoP gathering. Yet another of five things I was SUPPOSED to do - on Thursday night alone - that I didn't make it to.

I did however get to meet and hang out with and spin next to the Controlled Burn crew. I heart Reno! Thank you Cody - and spread the NYC love to the rest of your group ... and your FIANCEE!!! ubblove Congratulations!

CodySILVER Member
That guy from Reno
556 posts
Location: Reno, Nevada USA

The love shall be spread ubblove

But first yet another of Cody's rants.
Does any one know who the person, (a fire safety I believe) was at 2:30 the night of the burn who was yelling at my brother? Something along the lines "you lit it you spin it a$$h##le." This has me really iritated for many reasons. First, who the heck do you think you are to yell at controlled burn? Yes my ego is getting in the way right now but comeon. Ok some clarification... when we hit the audience with a fury of large fire, Dave and Chris came out spinning the testies. My brother Cory came out with the Canon staff (staff with a basketball sized fireball at each end). Bottom line, crowd went WOW. The ambient temperature around the three of them gets pretty hot, which makes the bonfire a foot away from you much less tolerable than normal. So Cory put the staff down safely and proceeded to find a safety to help put it out. It had the proper effect and he made the call to controll the situation by stopping. Right about then this person starts yelling at Cory (read above). If he was mad at Cory because he thought there was too much fire he needs to realize it was Burningman, the night of the burn at the chaos portion of the show. Time to go big. Plus in the spirit of burningman when everything and everyone was so extremely positive there was one person ruining my brothers night by being a jerk. mad
He was lucky I didn't know what haponed untill after the burn. My brother and I are very overprotective of each other and I would have had words with this guy.

Thank you everyone at burningman who made up for the few jerks out there who had no business in the center circle. biggrin

Cody Canon
Controlled Burn, Reno Nevada

CodySILVER Member
That guy from Reno
556 posts
Location: Reno, Nevada USA

Pictures pictures pictures biggrin

Numbers 33 and 34 are me scaring the crowd burn night. wink

Thank you Franklin J. Flocks

Cody Canon
Controlled Burn, Reno Nevada

musashiistarring Skippy the green llama
1,148 posts
Location: Seattle, WA

Is #98 Roger/Orbit spinning dead mice??? eek

First intention, then enlightenment..
Ars Pyronomica

" Life is programmed. Whether death is programmed or not is yet to be determined."

CodySILVER Member
That guy from Reno
556 posts
Location: Reno, Nevada USA

It looks as if he is contemplating eating one confused

They might be rats biggrin

Cody Canon
Controlled Burn, Reno Nevada

musashiistarring Skippy the green llama
1,148 posts
Location: Seattle, WA

right...theyre a bit big for mice..more than a mouthful, almost a meal???

First intention, then enlightenment..
Ars Pyronomica

" Life is programmed. Whether death is programmed or not is yet to be determined."

OrbitSILVER Member
270 posts
Location: USA

The mice were a bit rubbery for eating, but lots of fun for spinning. The tails stretch a lot, though, and are a bit weak near the ends.

The photos were by Frank Flocks, who is in my camp (Winking Lotus). He also does a lot of 3D photos, and I'm hoping he doesn't have that one in 3D.

CodySILVER Member
That guy from Reno
556 posts
Location: Reno, Nevada USA

Orbit thanks for linking me to the pictures. wink

He has you eating a mouse in 3D!!! biggrin

Cody Canon
Controlled Burn, Reno Nevada

OrbitSILVER Member
270 posts
Location: USA

Dude, you look SO badass in those photos!

CodySILVER Member
That guy from Reno
556 posts
Location: Reno, Nevada USA

I look like I belong on Alien vs Predator or something. I gues I was scarry eek biggrin

Cody Canon
Controlled Burn, Reno Nevada

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