MSG (aah my stomach lining)member
36 posts
Location: tasmania


i think that this forum has become to popular and m,ainstreem and now people are just talking about crap which has nothing to do with fire, poi, or anyother things that this sight reprisents

dose anyone feel the same way i do?


pa pa pa-pa-pa patrick

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

no... rolleyes

And this is why more than one subject thread was opened, to talk about simple things like what's happening around you and others around you, and technic threads to go over new moves... just think, if all we could talk about here was poi, it would end up going something like this...

"I spun poi..." rolleyes

This is a community... I place to open up... not just to talk about spinning... it may be called "Home of Poi", but the "poi" is only our common ground... it really should just be called "Home". ubblove hug

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

That's beautiful, Arsn. And so true.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

very much so. this place is home.

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

There's plenty of Poi conversation in the "Poi Moves" thread....

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

There are even [Old link] in the technical section. biggrin

Konstilovable smart-ass
785 posts
Location: vineyards, Vienna, Austria

"Mainstream"? since when is an intelligent discussion of topics that affect all our lives "mainstream"?

"mainstream" is usually quite far away from intelligence...

where i am from at least........

if u wannt to chat about poi and fire u can go to the technical section or stay in your obviously "underground" scene.

is it so "underground" that u have to meet in darkened cellars?

sorry dont mean to p!ss on anybodys shoes but i have BIIG problems with the whole discussions of UNDERGROUND vs MAINSTREAM scene. i went through that in the punk scene back home and it just ended ugly.......

Whats so "mainstream" about hop then?

please clarify......

"is optimism in austria just a lack of information?"
-Alfred Dorfer

mechBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,207 posts
Location: "In your ear", United Kingdom

mmmmmmm chocolate!


knosti, its all prespective, for me, mainstream or not, you will always knwo a good spinner, you will always be able to see some one who is doing it for kicks, and some one who is trying to show off,

remeber may, its all about pretty patterns! ubbrollsmile

Step (el-nombrie)

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

Written by: MSG (aah my stomach lining)

i think that this forum has become to popular and m,ainstreem and now people are just talking about crap which has nothing to do with fire, poi, or anyother things that this sight reprisents


Heaven forbid we should chat to our friends on here in a "social" forum rolleyes

Let's relight this forum ubblove

Narr(*) (*) .. for the gnor ;)
2,568 posts
Location: sitting on the step

confused confused confused

what are you on my little pickle?!?!?!?!!!

yes we do talk about said 'crap', but alot of people come here to chat to friends that they cant see everyday due to distance etc. and im sorry but i dont know if you just sit around talking about a single topic all the time with your friends because no one i have met ever has!!

as has been said before there are different forums for different discussions.

yes this board has become more popular over time but i see no problem with that, and before this turns into a 'is fire spinning going mainstream or not' thread there are many of them already click the search button.... as long as everyone is haveing fun, enjoying themselves and meeting new people , were is the problem?? ...

so get down form that high horse and come and play juggle weavesmiley hug biggrin biggrin hug weavesmileyjuggle

she who sees from up high smiles

Patrick badger king: *they better hope there's never a jihad on stupidity*

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

Lighten Up!

As the other guys have said, u can discuss poi and stuff in the other forums, but here is to just kick back, chill and have a chat, or just fool around lots... hence the name of the forum. If u want topics that stick to the subject, go to the Social discussions Forum.

I never go in there. Far to logical for my liking.

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

i agree with all of the above

in any setting that involves a hobby/interest/activity/etc., people do discuss more than just that particularly commonality. i go to raves, but we all don't just talk about the djs and the lights and the decorations and our previous rave experiences. we get to know each other. i also write poetry and go to poetry readings, but we don't just sit around and discuss grammar. that's how you make friends.

i can't imagine how boring all the various events would be if we never talked about anything but poi. like the party at joe's back in january....we spent a great deal of time spinning and teaching each other new tricks. but we also played games, we chatted, we watched movies, we joked around, we got to know each other.

the boundaries aren't rigid...blur them a little

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


RosscoOfficial HoP hobbity potato monster!
434 posts
Location: Cardiff, The Diffshire

ditto to what "most" people have said here. wink

O.B.E.S.E. Official Potato man.

Remeber kids.... Its all fun and games until someone loses a bol**ck! biggrin

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

I'd be pretty scared if all anyone ever talked about is spinning!

MSG (aah my stomach lining)member
36 posts
Location: tasmania


dude, spinning is my life.
apart from the stage.
and it is a spinnmers site!


pa pa pa-pa-pa patrick

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

To use Malcolm's own words...

Written by:

Community - This is a place to talk to others like yourself. There are a number of forums available. Please take note of the [Old link] for the discussion group pages and be aware of internet safety from using these forums. Also links to members picture galleries, videos and a database to help you meet up with others in real life. Collect HOP points within the community when you post and use them to get site rewards and shop discounts.

This site is and will always remain a spinning site at heart, however, the community side of things will always be here two. If your wanting spinning only, you may find yourself better suited in either [Old link], [Old link], [Old link], and maybe even [Old link]... I hope this helps. rolleyes

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

Written by:

posted by arsn:

And this is why more than one subject thread was opened, to talk about simple things like what's happening around you and others around you, and technic threads to go over new moves... just think, if all we could talk about here was poi, it would end up going something like this...

"I spun poi..."

This is a community... I place to open up... not just to talk about spinning... it may be called "Home of Poi", but the "poi" is only our common ground... it really should just be called "Home".

Troy, you're such a sweety hug

I've made some really lush friendships through this forum..:*

I love coming on here to just chat with friends and say hello, and spread a little fluffy stuff and pixie sprinkles*:. I come to this sight *for* all that yummy warm fuzzy stuff!*:. And the fact that we all have a common interest is a bonus.:*

This sight has reached people all over the world, from different cultures and backgrounds...all coming together in beautiful unity grouphug

This forum gives us a chance to really get to know fellow twirlers/spinners/jugglers/fire dancers/poi peoples ...whateveres... on a more personal level.... If we were restricted to just the technical stuff or poi/fire related topics, there would be no place for friendly warmth and silly chitter chatter that makes you giggle and smile and brighten up your day... *

ubblove.:*I LOVE HOME OF POI!!!*:. ubblove
It's perfect just the way it is...:* ubbrollsmile


* day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

pritty wise wises, mr troy
Home is where the poi is.

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

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