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baerie fenmember
76 posts
Location: london yah know

wow what a place !
positively makes me want to heavy breathe down the phoneline if it weren't for the fact that it would make me lose my connection to the net !
So the survey says there are mucho sexy lady on HOP well I'm sure there are many sexy boy on HOP too !
so who's gonna start the dating thread ?
luv u all !

p.s am currently sat in London bored & lonely !

Forever spiraling upwards towards unknown destiny.Where will it end ? Where did it start ?Why ask so many questions ?

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

There's a lot of sexy people on HOP.

We don't need a dating thread.

Did you start a whole new thread deliberately? You could've put this post on the bottom of the other thread y'know. Having you're own is just naughty.

There are never any mods about when you want them are there.....


158 posts
Location: england

what time is it...?

bairy fen o`clock me thinks
woowoo`s to swoopswoop your mind into swirled laughter lines...

you need not a dating agency but a time/management fairy to help the queue

nope please no synchronised anything this year
even - if i do say 'jehova' or 'ibiza' !!!

if u is bored in londinium - come to sheffield

603 posts
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, Uk

I never knew, until now, that my picture was on there. Cantus, is that your doing Bro?
Thanks. You're such and angel!

Can miles truly separate us from friends? If we want to be with someone we love aren't we already there? If there is someone willing to show, and there is someone willing to see; magic happens. This is whem humans are alive. This is when the wingless fly.

SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

is this fairie Ben?

Hey, Davy here...

Most of the hot young blood in this on-line world that live in London come to the swingers squat.

Or you might have come to the poi in clapham...

[ 28 May 2002, 00:38: Message edited by: FieryFlow ]

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,009 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

I really can't picture Ben being sat around lonely and bored!

557 posts
Location: The Underworld

OOoOOOoh, aren't u all luvly

Here's ma top 5 (in no particular order)-

-XTREMRAVR ( there's just sumthin' abt u )
-Drakien ( u remind me of sum1, luv tha lipcurl )
-Kirian ( u look like u got it goin on girl! )
-PK ( i do have a fing 4 self decoration, u so luvly )
-Durbs ( aren't we a handsome young man )
-Dibs ( wot a pretty likle faery u r )

OooOoops, dat woz six innit? Never woz all dat good wiv maffs..oh well...OOOH!-

*finds her whip*

Az abouve, So below...

SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

You're probably right about Ben..

But then again, Bairy Fen, Fairy Ben.. notice a connexion?

Not many girls on this board that I know.. So I wouldn't be so quick to tell you who'se hot and who'se not...

I've always thought DFQ and BamBam are sexy as sin tho..

557 posts
Location: The Underworld

Now who's the tease Mr Flow?

DFQ xx

Az abouve, So below...

4,308 posts
Location: York, England


*hug DFQ*

thanks gurl!

I notice there's three family on there... what can i say, Cantus, the younger ones seem to be *tasty*.....

I'm keepin me opinions to meself for now....

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

557 posts
Location: The Underworld


My top six ONLY includes those seen on the Photo Link.

There iz to be NO misunderstanding, in that
Mr Glass, and (that extremely leggy blonde) Dom have been excluded from my list.
They're just ABOUVE it.

You Guyz know you'll always be my Gods


Az abouve, So below...

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,009 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

Thanks DFQ! If I were to ever draw up (and publicise) a list you'd be on it somewhere

SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

How am I a tease?

Well, I know how I'm a tease, but you've not experienced any of that...


SmokyDavySILVER Member
Do my poi look too small in this?
394 posts
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

oh oh.. forgot, Noona is damn cute, Cassandra is lovely and Carrey is dead sexy.

thats the only 5 girls I know on hop, and they're all hot.

158 posts
Location: england

i think most of the ladies hold the fluidity of passion in their beings and sometimes they don`t keep it in check
they teach me...
how to...
watch spoons migrating
dream of lizards smiling
be a slice of bread
wake wondering where the bruising came from
make balloon guns with
lend tops and not get my tail wet (close 1!!!)

and generally smile to myself when i`m out walking in my orange-hued-world on my own far from your lovely energies

557 posts
Location: The Underworld

FF, u just ARE. through an through

Az abouve, So below...

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