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2 posts

If you have little faith in petitions then there is another way to put a halt to things,


Get newspapers in on it, TV, Magazines, Radio.

Choose one american media, post on this website the one u all agree on and mass telephone it on one particular day.

For example.

Choose a region, ie New York
Pick a newspaper, ie New York Post (I dont know but you should know your countries newspapers)
Choose a date and fucking call them, swamp them with calls, (even if its just 50 calls they wont be able to ignore it) trust me it will work. tell them the gov is trying to pass laws under our noses, tell them your civil rights are being taken for granted. Whats the cost to you. a buck 50 for the call, and 20 mins out of your time.

Do it please

Im scared to shit about what your gov is trying to do, cause it will affect me as well.

If you do this, tell me and I will make sure the story is noticed over here as well.

One more thing before i go

It sickens me that on the day that the "coalition" bombed that Wedding in Afganistan, Bush refused to allow American troops to be called under the new International Court of Law. Over 150 countries have agreed to this new court that investigates war crimes and crimes of an international scale. So why not America too. He even threatened to withdraw from the UN.!!!!

Lastly, I know Bush didnt come up with the RAVE act, but I just think that if there wasn't this so called war on terror, then bush would be labelled a mad man, a loon. He believes he has God behind him and that American troops should be above the law!!!! He condems propoganda in these "terrorist" countries then uses the god damn same fuckin tactics on his own people. SICK

The RAVE act is just the tip of the iceburg.

If we don't do something soon I fear it will be too late.

The Rave act is just the beginning of what the American Government is capable of.

Too many times have I heard people say its not my problem, the consequences are gonna happen to another generation. Well, Newsflash. If this way of thinking carries on then the people it will affect wont be able to do anything.

Hold on to your libertes..... While youve still got them.

PS If Ive offended anyone leave your comments at the door, because if you think what is happening in the world at the moment(not just America) is right and the way foward, jesus, im not even gonna go into it. You know, think about it.

Alone we fall, Together we fight

1,551 posts
Location: the arms of the Ganja Goddess

WTF is the Rave act???? I am not American and I am against all the american gov't stands for!!!

Therefore I am an Anarchist!!!

Non-Https Image Link

[ 05 July 2002, 13:22: Message edited by: Bram ]

You. Its whats for dinner!

As time passes, you realise all the mistakes you amde and the ones you wish you never did make.

The wave crashing on the beach

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

What country are yuu from then BMBG? I notice you say "your gov" not out government. And "I dont know but you should know your countries newspapers"

Bit shouty but carry on anyhoo.


CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Being against America doesn't make you an anarchist Bram. It just makes you anti-American.

Anarchism is a whole other thing. Look it up someplace before you make blanket statements like that. You look like an idiot if you're not careful and then people don't listen to your ideas.

Just trying to help


1,551 posts
Location: the arms of the Ganja Goddess

I always make myself look like an idiot tho C@ntus. And I know what anarchy is, and I follow it. It is like one of my mini-religions. Which kinda makes it an oximoron. Oh well

You. Its whats for dinner!

As time passes, you realise all the mistakes you amde and the ones you wish you never did make.

The wave crashing on the beach

LapaireSILVER Member
36 posts
Location: Hadley, MA, USA

Anarchy isn't a religion, it's a form of government, or rather a lack thereof. Also, an oxYmoron is more along the lines of "jumbo shrimp" or "honest liar." Maybe you meant to say "contradiction in terms" but then I don't think that really fits either.
Now that I've badgered you a little, I have to say that I have my problems with government too.

(could you be mixing up atheism with anarchy maybe?)

When there is no place that you have decided to call your own then no matter where you go you are always heading home -Soseki

SickpuPpyNinja Rockstar!
1,100 posts
Location: Denver, Co. U.S.A.

Being non-American and anti-American, I think, now makes you a terrorist. Because, as George Dubbuya Bush so eloquently stated "You're either with us! Or against us!" Yeah, speaking off stupid blanket statements........

And BM/BG, their is a book out that you should read before you start badgering the media in this way. It is called The Media Monopoly by Ben Biddickian (sp?) I don't remember who it's published by, and I loaned the book to a friend so I don't have it here to look at Anyway, it first came out in 1980 or 81 and at that time it reported that all of the media outlets in the country (newspapers, tv, magizines, publishing companys, and even school text book publishers, and music companies and promotion companies, and radio stations) were owned by only 30 ultra right wing orginiations, people, and corperations. In 1990 his revised edition came out and it was down to twenty with predictions that it would be down to as little as six before 1995.

It's a very good book, you should read it if it is still in print.

Jesus helps me trick people.

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

I didn't know you could read Puppy. You're a man of many talents aren't you.


4,308 posts
Location: York, England

ACtually, my CI teacher had a list of teh top ten multi-nationals and teh amount of our media they controlled. it was pretty scary. it was in fact most of it. just thought you'd be interested. and i'm emailing someone who does soem work for teh new yorker and such to see if i can get an edge over there. sometimes he does stuff like that. have to wait till he's home tho.

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

you changed your signature you sneaky sneak.


Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

Look I dont know about any other area but PBS will air anything. If you really wanted to get your voice out start there, then move on to bigger and better things, hell in Albuquerque NM they have a half nekid indian type guy who does nothing but read from cue cards and bitches about America. I am sure they would put you on. *shrugs*

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

Most things, not always taken seriously though. but who watches PBS? ACtually, they have pretty cool stuff once in a while. Ok, i'm rambling, sorry.

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

93 posts
Location: ringwood,nj usa

i'm feeling a little bad cause where's the poi or fire art at. but for heaven sakes thank you that's a fantastic idea. who in for the day of july 8th. ny post is more read by everyday people. i know i read the voice more. mannana i will post the #'s.

thank you thank you thank you

mich from hell

Better to Burn out than Fade out, Baby!

14 posts
Location: U.K

Bush is EVIL
America or rather the american government has done the most damage to the world than any other country. i can't understand how that kuntucky fried fucker thinks, does he think of revenge, or his capital? He has funded the occupation of palistine by isreal. the isrealis (troops) have gone into these poor peoples homes and tortured peoplegiving settlers no other choice but to flea. further more occupied area in palastine don't allow the media or any ambulances into the area. i ask my self what kind of a democracy is this? it's inhumain.

i am not american however i am strongly anti american, i study media and as a media student i have been analysing american, english, and middleeastern channels such as Al Jazeera. i have found an enormous amount of propaghanda being used on the american people. Fox news is a strog premoter in propaghanda for e.g. using 'War on Terror' as a main headline almost treating the reality like just another hollywood film. What does war on terror mean? is it a contradiction? in my eyes war is terror.

please think about this.
take it easy.

an eye for an eye will blind the earth - ghandi


14 posts
Location: U.K

if current affiars or news interests you check out non mainstream news with


Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

*Laughs histerically at Talabany*

Your first mistake is that you watched FOX NEWS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Damn your an ignoraimus if you think Fox is the or a good representation of American news!

There isnt a government or news agency that does not use propiganda to promote something.

Your post was too filled with your own hate. I have made that mistake many times in the past. Step outside your hatred for America and try posting again, ohh and for Pete's sake stop watching Fox News!!

That still cracks me up, ohh I need to go to the bathroom before I pee myself!!!

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

14 posts
Location: U.K

i can't under stand what your laughing at, fox news was just an example of mainstream news media CNN uses the phrase "war on terror" too. 'Reymundo' i'm sorry but i think you are being incredibly selfish indulging in your own humour at the expence of innocent peoples lives, the point i am trying make is that the america/isreal palastine situation should involve disscussions rather than violence. i don't agree with suicide bombings but i also don't agree with occupation which prevokes suicide bombings.

i am for peace

14 posts
Location: U.K

about propaghanda
i understand that there isn't a nation which doesn't use propaghada, but in this current position that the west are in on the "war on terror' ie lesser developed countries; propaghanda is excessivley used. I think it is a form of mass brain washing and it is wrong however people should have freedom of speech whether it be a facist speech or a democratic one they should not be forced upon people in this manipulative way. the media controls this, money controls the media, the government controls the country's income.

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