My hairs on fireIf its got pistons or boobs, its gonna be expensive...
515 posts
Location: Cyprus

Ok im desperate and i need help.
I am absolutley hopeless when it comes down to handeling my feelings. After spending a very short period of time with my ex last week i have again filled my head with toughts of being with her but i know this cant be.
Everytime i ever enter a relationship i get either get chucked to the side or drumped from no where with no full reason. In both instances leaving me as a tottal mess.
We parted only cause i moved away and i foolishly went back home thinking things would be the same as when i left.Well i geuss this was niave of me and i now know that she doesnt care for me in that way anymore. I cant stop thinking about this gurl and i dont know what to do, everyday shes on my mind and im causeing myself great pain because of it.Everyday i think to myself:- Is she ok? whats she doing? is she having fun? is she safe? is she being treated rite?. I know we cant be together and i know she has probably met someone eles, so how do i stop thinking about her?
I dont reali have anyone to talk to where i live and havent made any propper freinds scince i moved here so i jus end up calling her and talking to her about everything. this being the only thing i cant speak to her about tho!
As i said im desperate and i reali dont know what to do, i cant go on like this cause it reali is killing me.
Fast coming to the descision of a vow of celabacy you see,this being the only way i can think of to solve my problem. grrrrr.
Well sori for the rather downerish topic people but i reali dont know what to do or who to talk to about this!
Bye bye.

Henry Hill - 'One day the kids from the neighbourhood carried my mothers groceries all the way home, you know why? It was out of respect'...

Hope all is well : )

Lillie Frognot a stranger
558 posts
Location: wales

I'm afraid I havn't got any help or advice that I can give you, except to say that you will meet someone else, and that there are plenty more fish in the sea and all the things that people say.

But here is a hug for you hug
I hope that things get better for you soon.

Eat when you're hungry
Sleep where it's dry
No one is ever what they seem
Gabriel King - The Wild Road

My hairs on fireIf its got pistons or boobs, its gonna be expensive...
515 posts
Location: Cyprus

Thanx for the hug much needed at this moment in time.
I really dunno what to do, i feel like such a muppet at the moment. I just had a shouting at myself/hit an inanimate object session which seemed to help for a lil while but then i got a txt from her which got me all screwed up agin...gggggggggraaaaaaaaah!

Henry Hill - 'One day the kids from the neighbourhood carried my mothers groceries all the way home, you know why? It was out of respect'...

Hope all is well : )

1,359 posts
Location: London/ Surrey

The fact that you don't have anyone else to talk to in the area is probably making it worse and increasing your sense of attachment to her. It might ease once you've got more people to hang out with smile

The optimist claims that we are living in the best of all possible worlds.
The pessimist fears this is true.

Always make time to play in the snow.

Psycho_lemmingSILVER Member
Running hippy spinning lemming
15 posts
Location: Scotland

hug hope things are ok hug
take care

Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering...

teejay_bluemikes bitch
387 posts
Location: manchester/northampton/where the wind blows

ive only just moved to the area i live in as well, its really crappy for a while but the more n more i went out n had a laugh the more ppl i met! im goin out 2nite with sum ppl i met thru mike [loki] who i met on HOP!! randomly - just motivate urself n dont be scared to invite urself along [not too much obviously or they'll think ur weird]

it will take time n alot f*ck lot of effort but in the end, u will get on with stuff - u wont forget about her but it will be ok.

i no its hard to actually do it n i no ur thinkin ' yer but u dont no the situation its different ' well its not!! ive been in ur position a few times [ i move around alot ]

are there no spinners in ur area? ask.

hope ur ok luvvie,email me if u wanna chat x

jen x

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music - angela monet.

nearly_all_goneSILVER Member
1,626 posts
Location: Southampton, United Kingdom

What everyone else said... I live a long way from my girlfriend, and though I know it's a different situation for you I have many of the same feeling about her every day. In the end you just have to learn that the other person will be living their life regardless of what you're doing, and if you get to spend time with them/write them letters/talk to them on the phone then that's really cool and you have to just.. enjoy those moments in themselves.

You need to do something else to take your mind off the person. Watching TV or something isn't enough. Take up a hobby. I did. That's why I'm here now biggrin

So many hug s to you though. Try and get people around you who you can talk to. It's hard, I know, but it makes your problems seem so much more managable, even if they still seem huge.

I understand how hard it can be. I have lots and lots of sympathy. Don't think you're being stupid for having passion about someone else, even in an impossible circumstance. I guess you're just a romantic, and unfortunately despair goes hand in hand with romance. But at least we get the dizzying highs, right?

Did I just quote a bit of Equilibrium?

What a wonderful miracle if only we could look through each other's eyes for an instant.

teejay_bluemikes bitch
387 posts
Location: manchester/northampton/where the wind blows

hehe clap i like it xx

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music - angela monet.

My hairs on fireIf its got pistons or boobs, its gonna be expensive...
515 posts
Location: Cyprus

Thank you everyone, reading everyones kind tought has managed to put a smile on my face witch is pretty rare at the moment smile

The past few days has made me realise that my current situation/state of mind is a major factor in not being ale to let go. I had another chat with her the otherday an told her that i didnt expect her to feel bad or to appoligise for how she felt, thats not what i want. Jus to make sure we stay in contact and i can still turn to her when need be then ile be happy (kinda) witch was unbelieveably difficlut for me to say in all honesty.
Ile be doing my best to keep in contact with her but it takes two to tango an if my past experiances with women are anything to go by, well im hoping this time will be different basically!

As of yet i havent found any spinners but have found a few people that thought i was a complete wirdo/some sort of alien when i was spinning on a deserted beach at 4am...witch was nice! I realise i need to get out and meet some people but there are just soo many things holding me back at the moment. Ile give it time and we will see what happens.

Thanq again everyone and the hug's are very much aprechiated!

Henry Hill - 'One day the kids from the neighbourhood carried my mothers groceries all the way home, you know why? It was out of respect'...

Hope all is well : )

32 posts
Location: nottingham, uk

hey, don't worry, i'm in a similar sort of situation, my boyfriend still sees his ex who he only broke up with about 6 weeks ago so he could be with me, she went to his last night and i think she stayed the night, she may have even slept in his bed, i don't know and probably never will but i love him too much to do anything incase my worst fears come true... i'm so upset but it's a dead complicated situation as well, i can't ask for advise because no one knows the situation where in, but it's killing me, if you need someone to talk to you can pm me, i normally reply to people within the day and i could always use one more friend, and i think you could too, i'm a bit far away from cyprus, but i can still send you hugs if you need them,

hope to hear from you soon,


what kind of victory is it when someone is left defeted?

My hairs on fireIf its got pistons or boobs, its gonna be expensive...
515 posts
Location: Cyprus

thanq cainebaby, you have a PM hug

Henry Hill - 'One day the kids from the neighbourhood carried my mothers groceries all the way home, you know why? It was out of respect'...

Hope all is well : )

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