Forums > Social Chat > Tonight I lose my nutella and marmite virginity!

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DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

That's right ladies and gentlemen, it happens tonight. They say you never forget your first piece... hahaha so yeah what do you guys recommend I try the two opposing substances spread across? I've heard toast....

What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

I repeat DO NOT try nutella and marmite together...

You will hate them both if you do...

Nutella = delicious, nutty, chocolaty, LOVELY!

Marmite = Kinda savory, I think its nasty! You could perhaps combine vegimite with marmite although i think both are absolutely nasty.... NASTY

Hope you like not being a virgin anymore...
Much love, drome


IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

don't listen to dromepixie, she is biased

the best way to eat them is to mix them up into an unidentifiable goo and just shovel it into your mouth faster than you can swallow.

actually don't listen to me either. as even though I have a great deal of affection for the two of them I have fears that they may not like one another.

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

557 posts
Location: The Underworld

My advice to you oh pure one, is as follows:

Marmite - Spread it thin.

Nutella - Spread it THICK!

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Az abouve, So below...

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
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Location: Over There, United Kingdom

Try them on hot toast...that's the best. The nutella melts into the toast and it's lovely....and marmite just goes well with toast!

And i agree....Spread marmite thinly and nutella thickly

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

Man Cassandra sent me Nutella all the way from France and I have still not recieved it. That really depresses me. If anybody knows where I can get it here in the good ole US of A please let me know I am craving the ooie gooie goodness of Nutella!

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Ray, go to Safeway or Vons or whatever your local equivalent is. I assure you that they'll have it. And if not, just ask them to order it.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

158 posts
Location: Oxford, U.K.

here's somthing you could try with a bannana from the nutella newbie thread ... look bout half way down the page.

One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead men got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew there swords and Shot each other.

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

I recommend that you try the Nutella first, because even if you spread it really thick, the taste's not going to linger for about 3 hours.
If you eat the marmite first, you'll probably still be able to taste it through the nutella and it'll taste rank.

Also, I second DFQ's advice, spread the marmite really, really thin - it's pretty potent

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

18 posts
Location: England


I highly recommend marmite on hot crumpets its the dogs you know what.

Never tried nuttella on crumpets but do know that its is most scrumtiddleyumptious on pancakes, oo theres a thought marmite on pancakes maybe 1 4 the future

May your heart be your guide and your love your light....

DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

The test has come and passed, and I feel I am a better man for having tried both of these products. My review follows:

Nutella - this stuff is a decadent slice of Heaven! I fear the repercussions it will have on my arteries if I allow it to become a habit but it's nonetheless one of the sweetest toppings I have ever tasted.

Marmite - good Heavens people what were they smoking when they invented this sludge? If I were to set some skunky beer outside and distill all the liquid out of it, leaving a horrendous mass of gelatinous sewage in the glass, it would not begin to compare to the awful reek this compound carries with it. Not only did they engineer it to trip my gag reflex, it also has some sort of adhesive that causes it to coat my teeth with its funk and torment me mercilessly for the following several moments. I need some 151 to cleanse my palate after ingesting this dreck!

Anyway, purely personal opinions

What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Honestly, if the U.S. ever goes to war with the U.K., I think that the "Marmite test" will be the way that we'll find a spy. If you give a guy some Marmite and he gags, he's an American...


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

73 posts
Location: Bentley Alberta Canada

Canada LOVES Nutella!(At least my part of canada does)marmite on the otherhand, ive never heard of, but it sounds like some kind of forest animal. not to offend anyone, but if you can load a peice of toast with nutella and it doesnt even compare to the rankness of the thinnest layer of marmite, then the choice is obvious. GO NUTELLA GO!GO NUTELLA GO!GO NUTELLA GO!GO NUTELLA GO!GO NUTELLA GO!GO NUTELLA GO!

~A Soft Rubber Bodybuilding Smurf~

235 posts
Location: Calgary alberta Canada


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crepes are great though and nutella goes with anything sugar based...

Teach tolerance, not competition.
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1,463 posts
Location: Florida

What did I tell you Brody?!

I TOO think the makes were smoking crack when they invented marmite but lots of people eat and (oh my god!) enjoy, so i guess more power to them!

Ciao, love hugs, drome


RoziSILVER Member
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2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Marmite is only good for making gravy. Vegemite is only slightly better.

Nutella all the way!!! I am also pleased to say that I found fluff&nutella combined in the one jar at my supermarket the other day. It was stripey!!!

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

I agree that nutella is king but really does marmite truly deserve that bashing that it receives across this site.

Marmite has it's place in the universe, when spread thinly (to all that stated that marmite MUST be spread thinly I wholeheartedly agree) it is delicious, with cheese it is superb, toasted cheese and marmite sandwiches, great food.

*heads off to evilly start swapping nutella and marmite labels(maybe jars as well), causing all kinds of troubles throughout the world, mwa ha*

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

RoziSILVER Member
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2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Hmmmm, I am gonna take a lot of convincing, sub darling. How's about I bring round the nutella body paint, & you bring the marmite + brush, & we see which is more successful

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

Mark PBRONZE Member
old hand
1,031 posts
Location: Bath, England

Nutella body paint is definately going to win!!

However I do enjoy marmite but it has to be in the right context - as body paint it would be a definate flop but on hot toast or even cheese on toast it is yummy

Mark P

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

I want Cassandra's Nutella though

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

MrConfusedBRONZE Member
529 posts
Location: I wish I knew, United Kingdom

Anyone ever tried marmite cheddar? Actually cheddar with marmite included in the cheese making process? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......


If you're not confused, you're not thinking about things hard enough.

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