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235 posts
Location: Calgary alberta Canada

Im so excited but so scared all at once!!!
and didnt have anybody to tell so i have to tell you guys!!!

i was hired by a lady who owns and designs a fetish clothing company. this sunday there is going ot be a huge fetish ball in which her fashion show is going to be in.
shes hired me for a 3minute and 50 second set!
im so pyched! its unreal! theres a professional make up artist and shes hired a tattoo artist to come in and paint me up with tribal tattoo art (temporary of course) theres a photo shoot included, and shes made me the most awesome costume ever!! its the real deal. and i get paid as well... unbeliveable..

my only issue is that it less than a week away and im getting a little bit freaked. theres going to be just under 1000 people and ive never done anything this magnitude performance wise...
any advice???

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DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

Keep your eyes on the fire! And HAVE FUN!!!

Oh, and be sure to get good pictures of the tribal paint thing, I'm trying to get some ideas for my own performance. Happy spinning!

[ 23 July 2002, 12:13: Message edited by: Brody ]

What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

235 posts
Location: Calgary alberta Canada

indeed! i think i will do just that.. keep your eyes on the fire.. cuase if i look at the hords of peopl i might fall over....

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DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

Just curious, how did you get noticed by an event organizer like this? I'm trying to break into the pro circuit myself and could use a few pointers.

What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

235 posts
Location: Calgary alberta Canada

it was purly coinsidence actually. i met a girl who was modeling for the woman and she told me that they needed a fire spinner. she dropped my name and i was hired..

also, ive putym name in with lots of costing agencies with a resume etc. and i was tlaking ot one of there representatives and they said when they needed someone like me i was first on the list... mostly cause iw as the only one that phoned them.. but ill belive it when they phone me.. i heard they are going ot be filming alot of medieval type moveis and they will need stuff ike hat real soon so maybe.. maybe.. *shrugs*

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CharlesBRONZE Member
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Congratulations, Sorcha! Don't forget to ask the organisers about how to get hold of photo's and other recordings that may be taken during your performance, it's a great way to get promotional vids and pictures.

Of course, I know this doesn't really need mentioning, but please be very careful as well. Make sure you have an experienced safety with you and DON'T TAKE ANYTHING THE ORGANISERS SAY FOR GRANTED.

Most big events like this are crazy, with people not turning up on time, frilly lace and crepe paper (easily ignitable) being stapled onto the stage at the last minute and a million other unplanned thigns that can be a danger or worse during your performance.

The organisers often think they have all these things under control but seldom do, and hardly anyone there realises what's involved with fire safety for spinners (as opposed to normal firesafety which is very different).

Have a great (safe) time and we hope to see it all the photo's really soon!!

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235 posts
Location: Calgary alberta Canada

thanks so much charles!
the really funny thing is is that the woman im working for had asked me to tkae cotrol of the whole situation ive already explained to her my expectations witht he stage and saftey etc.
also copies of media stuffs etc. ive been ripped right off one to many times but THIS time it will all be great... ive even asked for extra staff to be around the stage to keep the drunken public at bay...

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CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

That's awesome, however I've had the same experience many times, and none of them have not had some unexpected issues arise, usually to do with decorations, other acts costumes or people backstage being unintentionally disruptive.

It's great that you've talked to her about it, and she seems to be aware of things, but remember she is only in control on paper, not when everything happens...

But anyway


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235 posts
Location: Calgary alberta Canada

thank you!!

im still really nervous and generally scared of the whole deal..
the what=ifs keep playing over and over in my head..

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flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
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You'll have a blast and they will love you!

The 2 best shows Dangerboy and I have ever done have been for fetish audience. They totally dug it and we really were able to harness and express that raw sexual energy that fire sometimes has.

The last show we did was totally unbelievable with the most amazing hand-welded recycled metal costumes and masks for a leather pride party with about 4500 people. We took a video camera and asked a friend to film it, however half way through the performance, some offical people saw it, confiscated it and wiped the footage. Total bummer cos we have zero evidence (aside from reference letter) of our most mindblowing show to date.

Best of luck!! And don't freak out too much with technicalities and flashy moves - its all in your energy.


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Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
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sounds mad, why in the name of Mundine did they do a thing like that to your footage??!?!?

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flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

methinks due to the nature of the gathering. I'm sure many of the people there would not want to be recorded in that sort of environment...

Protecting people's privacy I guess. Shitty, cos all we wanted it for was our performance - not going to sell images to the tabloids "CEO of Rich 500 company found in crotchless gaitors at gay BDSM party"

it just sucks cos we don't even have any photos of us in our amazing costumes or anything. bastards!

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