Forums > Social Chat > YEAH final day at work

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189 posts
Location: nevernever land

well thats it finally finished proper work for at least a year.

Just got to plan my world trip now and then you better watch out cause I'm gona come and bug the hell outa ya

only problem is my internet acsess is gona be limited from now on , but hey lifes to good at the moment to worry about that.

hope to see alot of you soon
love n many happy hugz

ask yourself this??.......... When was the last time you dug a hole you could be proud of???
answers on a post card

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

YAY YOU, Brashie ... I'll be posting the same message on october 15th when I leave work and get ready to fly around the world for at elast a year as well ...

GOOD FOR YOU I am soooo excited and happy for you : tell us more : where are you going ? when ? who ? why ?

getting a bit over-excited here, sorry

herb tea anyone ?

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

189 posts
Location: nevernever land

well it's gona be me and my lurvly lady Gemma.
we havn't set any thing in stone yet but this is the list of places we're hoping to get to:

Rome-to see all the sites manly
thailand -
cambodia-the temples
vietnam-the people and the cultre
then Island hop over to Australia.
Kenya- I like ephalumps
Egypt-I want a picture of me spinning in front of the pyramids
Paris- and disney land

There might be more but hey we'll see in the near future, so cass your gona have to show us round when we come and see ya.

This should all happen in the new year, just got save alittle more spending cash for the trip.

Yeah for the oppertunity to see the world.
I'm so excited about it and can't wait to meet lots of fluffy lurvly people.

ask yourself this??.......... When was the last time you dug a hole you could be proud of???
answers on a post card

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

sorry, hun, would have loved to welcome you two love birds, but new year I'll probably be ..; let me think .. probably Guatemala !!!

the countries you're planning on sound wonderful allthough I am not sure of the order you put them in let us keep HOP posted cause maybe we can meet at some point in some corner of the world

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

189 posts
Location: nevernever land

we'll see france is goin to be the last stop before we come back to england so who knows

ask yourself this??.......... When was the last time you dug a hole you could be proud of???
answers on a post card

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

Yep .. definitely if I am around , will even make some crepes for you two (with nutella )

keep me / us posted where you are in the world as many of us will actually be on the road in the coming few months !!!!!

shine on

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

hey brashie, i just realized it's my last day at work too!!

but i'm gonna have another job in two or three weeks so it's not as cool

but i'm movin to cali

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

flowingchaliceBRONZE Member
180 posts
Location: Leicester, uk

Cool man!!! you never told me that, you dark horse Will definitely hook up with you before you go to steal lots of lovely moves while I still have the chance!!! HAAAHaaha hahhhaa HHAaaaa... the chalice is really EViL, and not fluffy at all!!!! (who said that???) Get back in here NOW... you're not allowed out until midnight, ouch! stop it fiend.

seeya soon

Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside wakes C G Jung

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