It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.
What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...
Trippie Hippie- Monty Dons secret love child
Fly like a mouse, run like a pillow, be the small book case.
"Last night i met some pixies and we danced around a stone".
Because dressing up is fun.
Yo-yoist, Staffer and 3 Ball and Club Juggling
'Its people like us, who make them feel talentless.'
Empty your mind. Be formless, Shapeless, like Water.
Put Water into a cup, it becomes the cup, put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Water can flow, or it can Crash.
Be Water My Friend.
"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade
I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.
What if we think the jokes on them,
But really - the jokes on us....
and also... i wuv Rougie *snuz*
ive got a fuzzbox and im not afraid to use it
R.I.P. gayfest
to live at all is miracle enough