pineapple peteSILVER Member
water based
5,125 posts
Location: melbourne, Australia

hi all.
this started in the [Old link] and i was wondering, what exactly classifies a hippy.
Is it a state of mind, a fashion statement, people who just like hug, or something else.

cheers, pete biggrin

"you know there are no trophys for doing silly things in real life yeah pete?" said ant "you wont get a 'listened to ride of the valkyries all the way to vietnam' trophy"

*proud owner of the very cute fire_spinning_angel, birgit and neon shaolin*

MedusaSILVER Member
1,433 posts
Location: 8 days at Cloudbreak, 6 in Perth, Australia

I know a number of people that think they are I always thought that hippies promoted love and acceptance...well these guys are the rudest people I have ever come across.

If you dress differently to them they will ignore you or bitch about you when they think you can't hear.

I have been on the recieving end of their bitchiness a couple of times for the fact that I wear a lot of black and am dying my hair dark all the time.

ImmortalAngelSILVER Member
578 posts
Location: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

I think we can all learn from the Hippy episode of the simpsons that the only thing that TRULY makes a hippy, is the poncho.

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> STAY SAFE! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hug.gif" alt="" />

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

Written by: Medusa

If you dress differently to them they will ignore you or bitch about you when they think you can't hear.

They aint hippies... hippies shudnt give a damn about what ur wearing.... those guys sound like wannabe w*****s.... go kick em in the shins biggrin

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

_Clare_BRONZE Member
Still wiggling
5,967 posts
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)

Medusa... I agree with you on that.

I don't think 'hippyness' can be defined... maybe it can be best aligned to a state of mind and acceptance of every person as an equal part of humanity.

There are, sadly, many people who don't believe you can be 'a hippy' unless you smoke copious amounts of weed, are vegetarian, wear certain clothes, listen to certain types of music - you get the idea - but this is not inclusive, and therefore flies in the face of the ideal they claim to support (in my opinion, anyways).

But then, I suppose every person's idea of what a hippy is must be correct, if you're thinking of it within that theory, because each person's views are as equal as the next persons.

Oops, tying myself in knots again ubblol

Getting to the other side smile

JauntyJamesSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,533 posts
Location: Hampshire College, MA, USA

i don't think i want to know what FRD ment by w*****s...

actually, i do, could somebody write it in l33t?


"How do you know if you're happy or sad without a mask? Or angry? Or ready for dessert?"

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...


0ff 70P1(: |-|0\/\/ /\/\4|\|'/ p30PL3 |<|\|0\/\/ L337?

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

Mountain ElfSILVER Member
9 posts
Location: London (yuk...must get back to nature!)

My opinion...

A hippy is a person so at peace with themselves and their surroundings that they are always truly falsehoods, what you see is what you get. And obviously, to repeat a much said phrase....lots of love and peace to share.


Outside pressure to change only strengthens inner values...

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

medusa, I’m not sure what a hippy is any more, but those people you describe don’t act like hippies.

Certainly things have changes since the peace and love, flower power hippies of the 60s. In the 90’s, the ferals (with dreads, wearing pelts and living in hide tepees) were called hippies by many. I think things became more tribal, and perhaps that’s what we are seeing with all the pseud hippie clans.

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Did anyone ever read my "raver" post?

I need to hang out with some hippies again, but I ought to write one...


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

KaelGotRiceGOLD Member
Basu gasu bakuhatsu - because sometimes buses explode
1,584 posts
Location: Angels Landing, USA

What raver post?

Even though I was a glowstringer, for 2 years I wasn't a "raver". biggrin

I know 1337, but I only use it to bug people.

So basically hippies are in a state of zen that is undescribable with words.


To do: More Firedrums 08 video?

Wildfire/US East coast fire footage

LA/EDC glow/fire footage

Fresno fire

ImmortalAngelSILVER Member
578 posts
Location: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

I was walking through my hall way and someone called me a bloody hippy as I walked by, I smiled and thought of this thread and was honored they thought so highly of me ^.^'

and you guys should watch a movie called Liquid Crystal Vision, there is some nice hippies in that movie biggrin

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> STAY SAFE! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hug.gif" alt="" />

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

lol: Lightning I was thinking of that too.

lot of work though, and I didn’t get past “smelly old hippy”

Here’s one back from the ravers on performance artists like twirlers.

These special individuals have what it takes to stand up in front of a crowd and disregard the fact that hundreds, possibly thousands of individuals cannot draw their attention away from them.
+1 Credit Point for every punter looking at you at a party
-5 Credit Points for every prop lost into the crowd ubblol

Things have changes though, and the nouveau hippy chant is:

“Give Trance a Chance"

plur smile

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

funky_hatseating apples with chopsticks can be rather difficult
167 posts
Location: Perth, Western Australia

Written by: Firepoise

I don't think 'hippyness' can be defined... maybe it can be best aligned to a state of mind and acceptance of every person as an equal part of humanity.

i agree with you there..
well sometime people ask me if im a hippy, so this is what i think most people think is a 'hippy':
dresses in style
is comfortable with what they wear and who they are
is not afraid to be who they want to be
is happy most of the time and tries to be optimistic
is kind and understanding to all people and animal
loves nature
belives in peace and non-violence
goes to peace rallies
unfortunatley one other particular steriotype is that they smoke lots of weed..

the word "hippies" is used as a generalization for a group of people who have those beliefs. however everyone is induvidual, so i dont really like being called a hippy that much..
but what the hell, its fun to classify people!!!!!!! i personally dont go round saying im a hippy (and i guess i do apply to the above) but everyones different.... meh ive totally confused my self i dont know what i think about this subject anymore!!
oh and also - what is the difference between your ego and your true self? or is it one and the same thing??????
confused rolleyes

_So_BRONZE Member
Skinny poi maker
313 posts
Location: Moscow, Russia


Non-Https Image Link

384 posts
Location: West LA

My 2 cents:
If one defines "a hippy" one is already excluding others.
The one that calls oneself a hippy is not a true hippy.
Coleman said it nicely:
Written by:

you cannot define us - we just are.

Ill follow adop and pop:
Written by:

"hippy to me seems to be a state of being. a receptiveness and an openess that lends itself to sharing and giving."

Written by:

A hippy is a person so at peace with themselves and their surroundings that they are always truly falsehoods, what you see is what you get. And obviously, to repeat a much said phrase....lots of love and peace to share.

....others call your definition enlightenment.... shrug



To learn - read. To know - write. To master - teach . . .

Tao StarPooh-Bah
1,662 posts
Location: Bristol

Written by: Mountain Elf

My opinion...

A hippy is a person so at peace with themselves and their surroundings that they are always truly falsehoods, what you see is what you get. And obviously, to repeat a much said phrase....lots of love and peace to share.


i think this is the best definition i have seen so far. all those people that have a 'hippy aura' about them, the one's with a twinkle in their eye who seem to do the right thing without thinking about it. they are all the people who are truly in touch with themselves i guess.

those are the people i admire anyway. ubbrollsmile

I had a dream that my friend had a
strong-bad pop up book,
it was the book of my dreams.

.:* Moon Pixie *:.Carpal \'Tunnel
3,492 posts
Location: .:*over the rainbow*:.

This whole thread has made me giggle and smile a whole lot!

ubblol biggrin ubblol biggrin ubblol biggrin ubblol biggrin ubblol

hug peace grouphug peace hug

* day all the fairy fridges will be aligned and my pixie world will be complete...:*

BumfroIts a bum with an afro...
223 posts
Location: Newcastle NSW

this may sound very hippy but here goes........its not good to label people cause all are different, ther may be different level of hippyness (??) so sumtimes you cant reallly hippyish (??) in a way but i dnt really call myself one, because i dnt like labels.............

Racism is a weapon of mass destruction

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

Written by: .:* Moon Pixie *:.

This whole thread has made me giggle and smile a whole lot!

ubblol biggrin ubblol biggrin ubblol biggrin ubblol biggrin ubblol

hug peace grouphug peace hug

Now theres a Hippy smile


Love is the law.

64 posts
Location: Po( i )land

"sex...good for hippies"

- i think it's from a film about sex pistols, but i might be wrong wink

i think i would define myself as a hippie long, long ago- now...hmmm....maybe some king of a post-hippie, "dressing in style", tolerant, optymistic, nature loving etc...but some of their ideas just fail- their vision of society was quite Utopian...

but thanx 4 the music.

and the positive way of thinking smile

dot.(still making love not war peace )

Down from my ceiling
Drips great noise
It drips on my head through a hole in the roof...

house_of_millGOLD Member
old hand
896 posts
Location: Manchester England

I'd say its a person who has respect for all those around them be they Person animal or plant and thinks of how any action they take will effect others before taking it.

*Thats one of my favourite Nurseries over there,*

Roman, Trippie Hippie,On the way back from Play Festival

Hubert_CumberdaleSILVER Member
[psylocibin fingerbobe].
479 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom

It's usually non-hippies that define what hippies are.

As in "you bloody hippy!"

I'm always getting labelled that (see what trouble long hair gets you into!)

And that's another thing... why is it always BLOODY hippies? - What defines a bloody hippy then?

Hubert_CumberdaleSILVER Member
[psylocibin fingerbobe].
479 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom

Charles Manson I suppose.....

(yes Mark, very drole rolleyes)

224 posts
Location: Oz girl in Eng-land

in case anyone's interested about the origin of the word hippy... it came from pre-60's when the opium smokers wore pipes on their hips... they were called hippies

"Be the Bunny"

BumfroIts a bum with an afro...
223 posts
Location: Newcastle NSW

cool, neva knew where the name came from......yeh i know wat u mean with long hair mark, i have dreads so i immediately fit the stereotype

Racism is a weapon of mass destruction

_pOp_BRONZE Member
Playing OldSchool Poi
593 posts
Location: amsterdam, Netherlands

Written by: Bumfro

cool, neva knew where the name came from......yeh i know wat u mean with long hair mark, i have dreads so i immediately fit the stereotype

no you don't...
I'm looking at your avatar right now, and you are an old gray man with a tie...
nowhere near anything to be classified as a hippie...

meditate eRic.

I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman!

jeff(fake)Scientist of Fortune
1,189 posts
Location: Edinburgh

I've hugged trees before but I've also ripped one apart trying to get a poi out of it's branchs. Will I need to hand back my hippy badge? frown

According to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle of Quantum Dynamics, we may already be making love right now...

Dragon Princessstranger
50 posts
Location: Here, there, elsewhere

I changed my hairstyle recently, from 'normal, long, loose or tied in a pony-tail or in two braids' type of hair to my 'travel-style' which involves about 100 very narrow rope-style twists, with a bead, sea-shell or feather hanging from each one...

At least two of the people who's definitions are in the thread called me 'hippy' the first time they saw me after the change. They knew me just as well with 'normal' hair, but labelled me instantly based on an alteration in one single aspect of my physical appearance... I am so glad that they could suddenly see my open, accepting, loving, receptive state of mind, but I'm wondering why they were my friends before the change in hairstyle if they couldn't see any of the good stuff in me before? Thank God they didn't post definitions involving 'smelly, dirty, spaced out, mashes, rude' or the likes.

OK, I'm kind of joking, but my point is that we use so many labels that are not definitive, or even widely understood, that the very point of labelling, which to my mind is to aid our understanding of the world, is defeated. In other words, why use a label if no-oneknows for sure what it means?

And I intend no disrespect whatsoever to my friends. By my definition of hippy, which involves peace, love and all that stuff, I take it as a compliment. Besides, your grins and tone of voice made it pretty clear you liked it. wink

I am glad this is an international game - I learnt in school that the world spins, and now I know it's true.

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

i've always thought you were a hippy smile


Love is the law.

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

'hippy' is a term that refers to young people in the 60's who were hooked on opium and had to be rolled at the hip when they were smoking it.
later, conservatives used it as an insulting name for the young people whose progressive agenda irked them.

i can't precisely define what a hippy is, but i sure know that i don't have to to appreciate just how damn sexy they is.

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always


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