Forums > Social Chat > Arizona Girl new to Poi

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pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Hi everyone! Just want to introduce myself and hope there are some awesome people out there who are willing to clue me into this new world! I'm very excited for the arrival of my training poi (fluffy balls to get used to the moves). I've done poi for approximately 20 minutes and can already to the typical spins, butterfly, alternating butterfly, and am learning the weave. I love a challenge and really would like to explore this awesome new skill! I'm 25 and live in Phoenix Arizona. I'd love to hear from people all over the world and can't wait to meet some great new people! Thanks so much for reading this and please, feel free to private message me or reply on here! I'd love to talk! Thanks!

Erica smile

Whether you believe you can or can't you WILL be right.

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Oh shucks!

This is actually the Social Chat section.

There's a whole section devoted to "Introductions"... you should go and post there. You'll probably get quite a bit more love if you posted there.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

pitchereSILVER Member
27 posts
Location: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Oh! I'm sorry, I'm still figuring this site out. Thanks so much!


Whether you believe you can or can't you WILL be right.

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