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nucleonnewbie 404 posts Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Posted: I mean Just look what can hapen to you whenm youre playing not just children and not just with fire but playing in general look its dangerous see?
so you think Im not a newbie? Ok I'll be the King of the newbies. Nucleon the king of all noobs
newgabeSILVER Member what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls. 4,030 posts Location: Bali, Australia
Posted: Hey Stout, No, of course I don't think there should be an 'old age limit' any more than a 'young age limit'. Or else I would be tucked up in my rocking chair knitting ( hmmmmm that sounds quite pleasant actually!) I'm still just going blah blah responding to discussions on another thread about intrinsic wrongness of kids and fire (This thread is an offspring off that, via my parodic (or 'spoof' for the Americans!) post on kids spinning socks...)
Spinning has been of great benefit to me: I have had accidents that have caused spinal and shoulder injuries (staff is too much for me now) Poi is one of the few things I can do that will not hurt me but that keep me flexible and happy!
.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....
Hi to you too Stout, you are very near me I think? Have we met?
How old are we anyways? * thinking perhaps we should all move on over to my intro thread or something since I have digressed off topic rather horribly...***
wherever you go, there you are
newgabeSILVER Member what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls. 4,030 posts Location: Bali, Australia
Posted: Ok, See you there!
.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....
StoutBRONZE Member Pooh-Bah 1,872 posts Location: Canada
Posted: Of course, in a much delayed flash of possible insight, I got the idea that maybe you were referring to yourself, Newgabe. That maybe you thought you were to old to spin and hence considered yourself a possible danger.
In my opinion, the over 30 crowd is sorely underrepresented in these arts, and I don't know why. A good spin gives the same results as a good massage. Maybe it's the fire thing, maybe it's the association with raves ( but I doubt it, around here, raves don't have a bad reputation ) or, maybe the whole thing is just a little to weird.
Rowanlee, I think we may have met, a couple of years ago. Were you in Thailand because you speak Thai? I'll pop over to your intro thread now.