PsyriSILVER Member
1,576 posts
Location: Berkshire, UK

Whats the best one you've ever had?

Sir a liability
899 posts
Location: playing with traffic

Not one of my own, but a friend of mine told me one of hers:

She dreamt that she was running down the street after a bus (one of the old London busses with the open door at the back). The best bit is that she was a giant tomato ubblol

I love dreams when you wake up and it's been so real, like falling in love with a stranger but when you wake up it's all gone (but you're still left with thatfeeling for a while.

Pull my pin out, roll me in to a room and see what happens ubbloco

PsyriSILVER Member
1,576 posts
Location: Berkshire, UK

lol reminds me of when I thought that I had loads of dosh on the bedside cabinet and I woke up and it wasnt there... lucid dreams are funny

Sir a liability
899 posts
Location: playing with traffic

I once dreamt that I had a tenner in my trousers pocket so when I woke up I had this burning urge to check. No word of a lie, in my jeans at the bottom of my washing pile, sure enough was a fiver. (okay, not quite the tenner but still a bonus!)

Isn't there a difference between lucid and vivid dreaming? Vivid being felt real, lucid being controllable?

Pull my pin out, roll me in to a room and see what happens ubbloco

spaceySILVER Member
mischeivious pixie
291 posts
Location: Sydney, Australia

i get waking dreams, where when i wake up the dream carries over into real life, very bizzare and sometimes scarey!

"I dont want no fatty bumbum, i want a lean mean shagging machine" anon

"I'm sweet and wholesome with a little bit of filth thrown in"

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

Sir a liability
899 posts
Location: playing with traffic

Written by: spacey

i get waking dreams, where when i wake up the dream carries over into real life, very bizzare and sometimes scarey!

Even funnier if it's one of 'those' dreams

Non-Https Image Link


Pull my pin out, roll me in to a room and see what happens ubbloco

yoniGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,099 posts
Location: Bideford and Bath, United Kingdom

i've had those before
recently i keep getting dejavu all the time

UCOF "evolution: Poi -> stick -> hoops -> devil stick -> juggling club -> juggling ball -> crayons."

In other words, it's the thumps bump

.:star:.SILVER Member
1,785 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

When i was little (about 4), i had lost my favourite teddy bear, everyone had helped me look and it was no where to be found.

A few weeks later, i had this really strange dream where i was in my bed, i had my bear and he fell off the bed and through the floor. I woke up, ran down stairs and in a cupboard, directly below where i had seen him fall in my dream, there he was! I had looked in that cupboard before and hadn't found him.

I often have very powerful predictive dreams that are crazily accurate and its really quite scary sometimes. It makes me worry that the nightmare that i keep having is going to become true.

JauntyJamesSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,533 posts
Location: Hampshire College, MA, USA

I once had a dream where the Nazis snuck into my house and turned the gas on. I got everybody out of the house, then turned the gas back off (instead of the other way around). For some reason, turning the knob caused a spark, and the gas caugh fire, and burned like a campfire in midair instead of exploding. I rushed to get the fire extinguisher, but then my dad put out the fire with dirt from a potted plant.

I'm very proud of this dream because it was so increadably weird. I didn't make up a single bit of it.


"How do you know if you're happy or sad without a mask? Or angry? Or ready for dessert?"

NoddyToe Poking Bad Boy
2,865 posts
Location: Lake District UK

i had a dream once....

Remember.........YOU LOSE!!!

lauz the caterpillagoddess of all things slimey and an interchangeable insect!
2,443 posts
Location: nottingham - the land of opportunity lol!

ok i had a very weird dream i was in the sims and everyone i knew was in the sims too and you had to live like a video game character and win stuff and there was these giant flying donuts and you had to jump in the air and eat them to win money and we all got very fat.
have no idea what that dream meant

Shhhhhh! the boobies are trying to sleep.
owner and the property of noddy.
*i was a caterpilla last night wink* - libby_tuesday

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

It involved Carmen Elektra ubbangel
EDITED_BY: Fine_Rabid_Dog (1119557871)

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

114 posts
Location: South-west,UK

Written by:

I often have very powerful predictive dreams that are crazily accurate and its really quite scary sometimes. It makes me worry that the nightmare that i keep having is going to become true.

Me too Star! But i think that recurring scary dreams are in a different league from the predictive ones - So far ive never been stuck amongst a giant pile of furniture whilst shrinking smaller and smaller - but when i dreamt my car was going to break down at the end of my road, it happened the next day.. i actually knew it was going to happen but couldnt do anything about it!

Tomorrows World isnt on anymore...Does that mean its tomorrow now?

.:star:.SILVER Member
1,785 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

I think the recuuring dreams are probably more symbollic than predictive. If that makes sense, they need more effort to decipher and are normally caused by something far less obvious in your life.

I had a dream that i hadn't been paid properly and i also dreamt that i saw the payslip and saw the numbers on it. Three days later, when i got paid, it was wrong and it was wrong by the same amount as it was in the dream. There was no way that i could have known in advance that this was going to happen, there is even less chance that i could have known how much it was wrong by!

I used to have lots of dreams about not being able to see for some reason, these went on for years.....i still can't work out what that meant, maybe i was not seeing something that i should, i don't know!

Its wierd when you have have had predictive dreams because it could be one of many explanations

a. its a coincidence that the thing happened
b. thinking that it might happen made it happen
c. you are a psychic with magical powers to predict the future!
d. ....

alien_oddityCarpal \'Tunnel
7,193 posts
Location: in the trees

i suffer from sleep peraylisis (excuse spellings).........

it's very strange, your mind is awake but your body isn't....(dose that make sence?)

you have what you think is a mad dream but your so uncertain as to wether its a dream or not.#

also bein round an ex's and closing my eyes to go to sleep then seeing in vivid detail EVERYTHING in her room even though its pitch black eek

linden rathenGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,942 posts
Location: London, UK

sleep paralysis scares the crape outta me i hate it when your sleeping and you drift into a light sleep that merges with wakefulness and you cant move - tis horrible

lucid dreamings fun though smile although i dont get it often dont get many vivid dreams either. i barely rememebr any of my dreams but those i do tend to have long and odd plots

i think one of the scariest dreams ive ever had was when i was smale (about 5 i think) i would dream VERY vividly that i was some small flower and my dad was a giant and would pick me up and id scream out but he wouldnt stop and id have to try and get others to pass on the message. was terrifying to feel so small and unable to move

odd though cos i really like my dad and we get on well tongue

as for predicting things ive had similar but less accurate things - i think in my case what happens is i have a similar half remembered dream and when something similar happens i 're-remember' the dream but with the new events ubbrollsmile

and lotsa hughughughughughughughug for all those with nightmares atm


.:star:.SILVER Member
1,785 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

I had a dream that was a cros between Halo (the XBox game) and LOTR!

I was on a Halo landscape, with halo weapons, fighting cave trolls and orcs! it was fun!

SethisBRONZE Member
1,762 posts
Location: York University, United Kingdom

Another predictive one, Star? ubblol

*Snickers at FRD* Been there. wink

The dream I most remember is one where I was in a garden with a friend, and the garden was completely walled in by brick walls about 12 ft high. There was a tree in the middle of the garden and I climbed it, reaching a little fork where I could sit down and dangle my legs. It was summer and a bee flew past my head. I held my hand out and it landed on my palm. I watched it for a while, then it stung me. More than anything else I felt a deep sense of betrayal that the bee had stung me.

And I hate that thing where you go to sleep and you feel like you're falling, and then you twitch youself so hard you smack your leg into the wall?? I hate that. You just get this falling sensation and twitch out of reflex.

After much consideration, I find that the view is worth the asphyxiation.
I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

SocksBRONZE Member
Arf! Can I have a biscut?
288 posts
Location: North America, Mid West, USA

I get dreams, and I like to let them run. I like the randomness. I get mad when I know I'm dreaming, becasue it means that the random swings are over. I get dog or cat dreams, following spirit guides and the like. And a lot of the dreams I've gotten lately have been "emotional housecleaning" type. Nothing I want to share, but they've had meaning.

My favorites are the puppy or kitty ones tho. Where I'm the creature, interacting with the world. They feel comfortable.


I'm weird. Just work through that and we'll all be fine.

"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater suggest that he wear a tail." - Fran Lebowitz

The Tea FairySILVER Member
old hand
853 posts
Location: Behind you...

One of the most vivid dreams I had was when I dreamed I caught my then boyfriend having sex in a pub toilet with a very fat and ugly pprostitute. Think jabba the hut. I was so so angry with him even though it was a dream, took me ages to stop being moody with him in real life!

I also had a dream where my body was like a hot air balloon, there was this cord I could pull to float upwards and fly away, it was great.

Idolized by Aurinoko

Take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind....

Bob Dylan

roarfireSILVER Member
comfortably numb
2,676 posts
Location: The countryside, Australia

Ah...dreams are such incredible, fascinating things...and it's a concept I'll never to be able to understand...but so long as everyones dreams are positive to a degree then I think they're the best thing a human can experience....

Yes, even better then sex....maybe.

Lol. Nah but seriously, dream snever cease to amaze me and I'm fortunate to have vivid and be able to remember the majority of my dreams....I put a few into my Intro thread.

I've never fully understood the concept of lucid dreaming....exactly what it is or if I've ever experienced feel free to explain that to me smile

And don't get me started on SLEEPWALKING! Is that not the strangest thing? I hear weird stories about people who have been around someone who has sleepwalked/sleptwalk. It's so fasinating and freaky!

Ahh, I love this stuff! ubbrollsmile

.All things are beautiful if we take the time to look.

The Tea FairySILVER Member
old hand
853 posts
Location: Behind you...

Lucid dreaming is like having a dream but having your awake, conscious mind also present in the dream. You can then control the dream to certain extents. Sometimes when you lucid dream you are also still aware of your physical body and surroundings, but dreaming at the same time. In a loose sense, intense daydreaming is also a form of lucid dreaming. It's like being half in a dream and half-awake.

Idolized by Aurinoko

Take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind....

Bob Dylan

Sir a liability
899 posts
Location: playing with traffic

Written by: The Tea Fairy

One of the most vivid dreams I had was when I dreamed I caught my then boyfriend having sex in a pub toilet with a very fat and ugly pprostitute. Think jabba the hut. I was so so angry with him even though it was a dream, took me ages to stop being moody with him in real life!

*thinks back to an episode of "Friends" when Pheobe stops talking to Ross and it was because she had a very bizarre) dream about him ubblol

Pull my pin out, roll me in to a room and see what happens ubbloco

ezzBRONZE Member
1,899 posts
Location: melbourne, australia

oooo dreams i love dream talk hehe..ive had the predictive type dreams everything that had happend when my grandpa died in my dream happend in real life and it made me feel really sick and sort of ..guilty?!?! anyway theres been one thats come back to me just randomly through my life of being at the beach with my family and the tide starts to come up really fast and we have to climb this huge sandhill to get back to the car but everystep you take you just sink into the sand and then when i get to the top my dad is still on the beach and i go back to get him sometimes i wake up then and other times the endings change. the most recent ending was him gettin taken out to sea and me climbin over rocks to get out as far as i can then i dive in and try swim to him and i forget what happens after that but everytime i wake up soooo exhausted and just emotionaly drained its horrible..oh i could go on forever i think i should just leave it there hehe

hug me!

_FSA_now comes with skydiving license
1,627 posts
Location: In your head. (Tasmania, Australia)

i know its weird but i always used to have these dreams where id turn up to school with only half my clothes on or something!!!

another time i dreamt something that was so real that i had to ask my mum if it actually happened the day before!!!

Proudly owned by the very cute Pineapple Pete. Owner of Noddy. Joint owner of Mr Majestik.

pineapple peteSILVER Member
water based
5,125 posts
Location: melbourne, Australia

last night i had a dream i was falling out of bed. i didnt, but when i woke up i had a huge jolt. myco and flynt had a good laugh biggrin

cheers, pete biggrin

"you know there are no trophys for doing silly things in real life yeah pete?" said ant "you wont get a 'listened to ride of the valkyries all the way to vietnam' trophy"

*proud owner of the very cute fire_spinning_angel, birgit and neon shaolin*

Groovy_DreamSILVER Member
449 posts
Location: Australia

Written by: lauz the caterpilla

ok i had a very weird dream i was in the sims and everyone i knew was in the sims too and you had to live like a video game character and win stuff and there was these giant flying donuts and you had to jump in the air and eat them to win money and we all got very fat.
have no idea what that dream meant

Ahh video game dreams.... When i used to play StarCraft too much i used to dream that people always had little green rings around them.

I do a lot of lucid dreaming... its a whole other world. You don't realise just how vibrant dreams are until you learn to lucid dream. I do it so much now that when I'm awake, not being able to walk through walls / fly / perform telekinesis seems quite unnatural and annoying smile. Not to mention not being able to manifest hot women.

By far the wierdest dream i've ever had was, i dreamt that it was the year 2020 and that computer processors had been replaced by slimy grey matter. Someone called me up to fix a virus on their computer, so I went over, and the way to fix virii was to spray the gray stuff with bug spray.
what the [censored]?

roarfireSILVER Member
comfortably numb
2,676 posts
Location: The countryside, Australia

I had the worst nightmare last night.

So much so that I don't want to repeat it.

It's been getting to me all day....I hate gory nightmares that are close to home. frown

.All things are beautiful if we take the time to look.

PsyriSILVER Member
1,576 posts
Location: Berkshire, UK

hmmmm I've been dreaming about being a Jedi again... I blame it on the poi moves section lol

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

falling dreams are the best landing is the best feeling EVER *shivers with pleasure*

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.


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