32 posts
Location: Bucks

Who goes where??? i am looking for a uni to go to in britain so i was wondering who goes were and who is planing to go were???

There is nothing quite like standing on your head.....

NoddyToe Poking Bad Boy
2,865 posts
Location: Lake District UK

liverpool in sept'06

gap year biggrin

Remember.........YOU LOSE!!!

SethisBRONZE Member
1,762 posts
Location: York University, United Kingdom

York in October! (if I don't get useless results...) YAY!!

After much consideration, I find that the view is worth the asphyxiation.
I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

197 posts
Location: Bolton

Bolton until thursday then i'm not here until september.

Damn the addictiveness of forums! (Or should it be addictivity?)

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