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Posted: Hey everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself and ask a quick question that you guys [and gals] might be able to help me with.
I'm Taina, I'm knew to the site and pretty new to poi spinning. I just recently bought the "Art of Poi/COL 2" dvd and was wondering if anyone knew where to get the pink/red fabric poi that one of the dancers was using in the COL 2 part of the dvd.
They were pink and had multiple tails of different lengths. They seemed to mimic fire more so than anything I've seen in nylon and I am very interested in purchasing a set.
If anyone can be of help, I'd be thrilled. Thank you in advance!
Peace and Love, --Taina
arsnHow do you change this thing??? 1,903 posts Location: Behind the couch...
Posted: Hey Tania, The Hop store has a pretty good and large range of practice poi, have a look...
I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.
"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men
AdeSILVER Member Are we there yet? 1,897 posts Location: australia
Posted: which spinner was using them, that might help narrow it down...
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