Forums > Introductions > good afternoon, is it sunny where you are?

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burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

hey, im Lianne hows everyone doing?

im away up living near the capital of the highlands in scotland, i got my staff for christmas after pleading with my folks for ages to get one. my portugese friend introduced me to it while he practised it (unlit..) in college, and a couple of friends took their staffs down to the beach, we had a big fire, watched the sun set, watched it rise and played with fire.. smile i loved it so much and found out a couple other people i knew had poi as well, i just had to get a staff..

im slowly learning contact stuff after a short session up in lewis after speaking to a couple of guys who were spinning and had put on a great show, it was a load of info at once, but i think i remembered quite a bit! if youre reading this guys thanks again, i couldnt remember your username so make yourself known like!

also into music, heavily. i like a wide range, mostly alternative i guess, everything from punk to funk to stoner rock to psy-trance to dark metal, theres a band for every occasion and more! i sing and write songs as well, my aim is to find a band into as wide a range as i am and take different styles and mesh them altogether, take everything i like about it and put it in with something totally different and find a way to join the two. also play guitar and bass, and i love messing about with percussion, my little brother has a djembe ubblove

any way enough about me, take it easy

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

TinklePantsGOLD Member
Clique Infiltrator, Cunning Linguist and Master Debator
4,219 posts
Location: Edinburgh burgh burrrrrr, United Kingdom

i am superbanter! *strikes a superhero pose*

Always use "so's your face" and "only on Tuesdays" in as many conversations possible

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

hah SUPERBANTER! i had no idea you even existed! how long have you been hob-nobbing with the super hero high brows??

one cup of tea coming right up flash, i dont suppose superheros drink just regular tea do they? ubblol

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

Wild ChildSILVER Member
Star Trekker
1,733 posts
Location: Cheshire, United Kingdom

Someone mention tea? biggrin

'The last rays of crimson on the spindle tree as the cerise fruit splits and reveals its orange seeds in a gloriously clashing colour scheme no-one would ever dare to wear'
Euonymous Europeus

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

and a brew for wild child! come in have a seat, how are we all?

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

ChellySILVER Member
884 posts
Location: Up north, Scotland (UK)

Miserable. And thoroughly frustrated with life. Had a really good cry a minute ago though, so hopefully it will pass. ubbcrying *sniffles* can I have some tea please lady?

Ooh - forgot to ask. How was Outsider festy? hug

"Lots of beeping. And shaking and tinfoil." Chelly

"Are you sure it's a genuine test and not a robot heroin addict?" Cantus

---set free by the rather lovely FireTom---
--(right arm owned by Fyre)--

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

hug hug hug why the sad face poppet? *brews a big gigantic bigger than the really big mugs of yours tea*

outsider was awesome and wet. I left on saturday to go to a really awesome 21st party but in doing so, missed out on a mud fight. GUTTED!

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

6,650 posts

no unfortunately it's not sunny frown as a matter of fact it's raining and I am hooked to HoP all day... *pulls out de-glue and goes shopping for dinner, before falling unconscious from lack of food and drink and such....*


the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

ChellySILVER Member
884 posts
Location: Up north, Scotland (UK)

*slurps happily on tea*

Just the usual stresses. Too much to do, no time to do it. Seems that uni has taken on the 10/12-hour-day-7-days-a-week thing, already, and I still feel like I'm not getting anywhere... Never mind the lack of social life...and I haven't had time for a spin in AAAAAAGES!!! *rant over* wink

Funnily enough, I feel much better for getting that out. biggrin

hug ubblove hug

wave hey Tom, fancy seeing you here! hug ubblove kiss hug

"Lots of beeping. And shaking and tinfoil." Chelly

"Are you sure it's a genuine test and not a robot heroin addict?" Cantus

---set free by the rather lovely FireTom---
--(right arm owned by Fyre)--

6,650 posts

well I couldn't resist the title and if you happen to be around it's a certain indication for a cosy place, besides I love optimists tea brewing... smile

May I offer you some cookies? Fancy Chocolate coconut flavour?

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... and here, Lianne have some flowers


You know I usually don't keep plants in my thread... I only pay compulsory attention to it, therefore it wouldn't be nice of me to keep some...

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

ChellySILVER Member
884 posts
Location: Up north, Scotland (UK)

Ooooh!! I feel bad for not having brought anything now! Ummm.... hug hug2 grouphug hug kiss kiss hug2

Hopefully that should be enough to go around!

I feel much better today, I decided to start learning to juggle last night, and 2 hours of thudding, crashing, smashing, and generally masterful ball-dropping ensued. It was brilliant fun, and surely a sight to behold, limbs flailing, mum shouting at me to "stop that censored thumping!!!" ubblol

My favourite part was when my dog (who sat at my feet the whole time) managed to catch one of the balls before I did, and proceeded to run around the house (and through the garden) with it, making me chase him. I eventually managed to catch him by climbing under the dining room table and was nice to know I had a captive audience. ubblol ubbangel

"Lots of beeping. And shaking and tinfoil." Chelly

"Are you sure it's a genuine test and not a robot heroin addict?" Cantus

---set free by the rather lovely FireTom---
--(right arm owned by Fyre)--

6,650 posts

oops I scared them all off...

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the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

ChellySILVER Member
884 posts
Location: Up north, Scotland (UK)

ubblol Not at all honey. Miss Clavey doesn't have internet in her house, so she doesn't get on here too much, unless she goes to the library. She'll be back with us shortly I'm sure, and be delighted for the company. biggrin

And in the meantime, here's some easy listening to keep you going... ubblol just joking. wink

hug hug2 ubbrollsmile

"Lots of beeping. And shaking and tinfoil." Chelly

"Are you sure it's a genuine test and not a robot heroin addict?" Cantus

---set free by the rather lovely FireTom---
--(right arm owned by Fyre)--

6,650 posts

okay, so I'll just idle for some time - hope you're right
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the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

aaah Tom ! the flowers are lovely thankyou, and cookies too? you are too kind smile hug hug2*puts flowers in jug in window* would youlike some homemade chai? very tasty, lots of cinnamon! make yourself at home, stick the fire on if im not here, etc

and yes, unfortunately today I only have twenty minutes online and so have just enough time to check my emails and my intro thread!

chelle hun hug biggrin on yersel for learning to juggle! i cant juggle for peanuts. maybe carrot cake... ubblolwhos teaching you?

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

6,650 posts

Chai? Chai? Chai?

*goes into humming mode* Chaia chaia chaia chai chaiaaah

Ever been on a Indian train? bounce I got a recording and everytime I miss India I play it.... It's hillarious!

Thanks for the Chai, ma'm ... I'll be back with some wood for the chimney smile

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

excellent, im running very low on firewood.... we have a fire pit in our back garden, its very small but still takes up a considerable amount of space as we have a very small garden..!

unfortunately ive never been to india, although i fancy visiting someday, perhaps when ive paid off my loan for my previous excursions! you are quite the travelleur mr tom? hug

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

6,650 posts

umm - well in bits and pieces, I'd say... Just had the opportunity to punch in my personal planetary playground coverage (atthis helpful website) and it returned with the message that I have only visited 12% of this gem planet....

So realistically speaking: I'm a couch potato rolleyes

If it would be mine, I would give you this cellphone...

Non-Https Image Link

If you'd sell it, you'd have enough money to pay back your loan, go on travels and take all of your friends and family with you. oh, yes and it would get you some firewood, too, as it's available at the bargain of 1.3 Million US$ shrug

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

ubblol good plan.....but without mayvbe stealing it from some wealthy american, maybe i should just try my luck at putting dreads on people and asking extortionate prices...or busking 24 hours a day 7 a week...? think it'd work?

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

TinklePantsGOLD Member
Clique Infiltrator, Cunning Linguist and Master Debator
4,219 posts
Location: Edinburgh burgh burrrrrr, United Kingdom

hmmm shall I say hi here? or on one o them profile things.... well I'm here now so hug

How's my favourite dreadlocky princess today? Just got in from work. knackered. hungry. eating pink and whites. (them marshmallow wafers mmmm)

Always use "so's your face" and "only on Tuesdays" in as many conversations possible

6,650 posts

Hey, I overlooked notification on my favourite threads, back then in July... how comes?

Clavey, I guess it could work... you're going to do hairwraps and dreaddies anywhere near Goa? wink

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

hahahahaha...goa? is that where you currently are?? And do you have a space for a miniscule clavey and partner? if so then dreaddage and hairwraps and firespinning oppurtunities could amass!!

miss tinkle i am wonderfully well, and a bit wasted but not as much as i should be on my birthday cos i fully TANKED it at the weekend! however thers a few weekend of partying left in the birthday celebrations and im taking it easy in the weeks for college so im being good...for once mwahahaha!

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

ChellySILVER Member
884 posts
Location: Up north, Scotland (UK)

hug Hey lady!! Happy Birfday for yesterday! bounce I seem to have misplaced my phone at the moment (I'm sure I left it in my room, but it seems to have vanished...)

Anyways, when you coming up the road next? And I mean for more than overnight?! the only nights I ever get to myself these days are Fridays and Saturdays and you're never here.... frown


"Lots of beeping. And shaking and tinfoil." Chelly

"Are you sure it's a genuine test and not a robot heroin addict?" Cantus

---set free by the rather lovely FireTom---
--(right arm owned by Fyre)--

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

ah, i should hopefully be up this friday as seemingly theres a fancy dress party at colettes if she can find a baby sitter...heres hoping...! if so then let the nairn component of clavey birthday celebrationage commence! hug biggrin

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

ChellySILVER Member
884 posts
Location: Up north, Scotland (UK)

WOOOO!!!! bounce2 Time for some spinny action in Nairn?! Someone to play with finally!! hug

I'm soooooo excited! I got new wicks and some paraffin, but noone to play with. And of course, the constant rain over the weekend didn't help! ubblol

Lufff yoooooo!! ubblove

"Lots of beeping. And shaking and tinfoil." Chelly

"Are you sure it's a genuine test and not a robot heroin addict?" Cantus

---set free by the rather lovely FireTom---
--(right arm owned by Fyre)--

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

ooooh....did i tell you i got a unicycle?! biggrin i mentioned it somewhere...and a shiny new digital slr camera to take beautiful spinny pics with, check my gallery for photos of the aboyne fire fest i was at last weekend to miss everyone going out and getting hammered in nairn on saturday! rolleyes

but yes my little brother has kindly offered to get me a set of fire poi, i think he bought my glow poi too..hes awfully good to me that boy... ubblove

hugs for everyone, tea and lemon/raisin pancakes on the counter

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

Curly_SueSILVER Member
laughter is the way to get through life
179 posts
Location: Inverness, United Kingdom

Oh a unicycle that will be soo much fun. Dire poi on a unicycle ha ha

I fell down a hill once, got up then fell down it again.

6,650 posts

Weaow - happy belated b-day hug

hearing of shiny presents and golden futures biggrin Nice one! wink

Yupp am in Goa right now, misplaced my cellphone confused and enjoy gardening and housework smile smile Space is available and loads of nice people here as well. As of today winter is starting and the star burns hotter every day biggrin This way even I can enjoy the season - woahahaha. tongue

Unifire? Sounds great to me smile Keep us posted hug

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

will do tom, and will maybe have to pay you a visit at some point we have a few friends in goa who only go for the summer, but seems like it could be a plan...:D hug

still unable to cycle more than two metres without holding onto things/people but im progressing!

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile

ChellySILVER Member
884 posts
Location: Up north, Scotland (UK)

Hey lady!!! hug

Did you get those photos on the computer? I can't wait to see them.... biggrin


"Lots of beeping. And shaking and tinfoil." Chelly

"Are you sure it's a genuine test and not a robot heroin addict?" Cantus

---set free by the rather lovely FireTom---
--(right arm owned by Fyre)--

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
lurking like a ninja with no camouflage..
926 posts
Location: over yonder, New Zealand

yeah got a couple up on my gallery, still deciding which spinny ones to put up cos i aint gonna put em ALL up.... hug
will send u a few so u can decide for yourself..

on spam robots - "Burn the robot! Melt him down, and then we can make lots and lots of money from his shiiiny juices!"

Owned by Brenn smile


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