Forums > Videos > IJC 2005 fire night

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_Poiboy_PLATINUM Member
bastard child of satan
1,113 posts
Location: Raanana, Israel

this is a vid of our fire party that was shot around april on IJC 2005, this year's israeli juggling convention. EDIT: matt uploaded it now... changed the link...

IJC 2005 fire night

and... gotta thank matt for uploading the vid on spherculism

hug thx man!

EDITED_BY: (¯`•¸·´¯)PÕÍ § ßØÌ(¯`·¸•´¯) (1122413318)

IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

This link isn't working im afraid something about the bandwidth or something. shame sounded like its going to be a nice video to watch.

fire leads to creation

_Poiboy_PLATINUM Member
bastard child of satan
1,113 posts
Location: Raanana, Israel

changed the link now... matt uploaded it on spherc...

_Poiboy_PLATINUM Member
bastard child of satan
1,113 posts
Location: Raanana, Israel

I want some replies ppl...

and we're going to have another fire party sometime this summer

LavatwilightGOLD Member
old hand
834 posts
Location: Wellington somerset, UK

is downloading will let you know when ihave seen it smile

Drawings by chalk minds, strech between the stars

Kyle Mclean-
Contact without dance is like sex without wiggling.
A) it does feel as good
B) it does not look as good on film

LavatwilightGOLD Member
old hand
834 posts
Location: Wellington somerset, UK

ok i like it but there are wayyyy tooo many cuts, would be nice to see each individual do something compleatly and then fade to the next,

apart from that me likes

Drawings by chalk minds, strech between the stars

Kyle Mclean-
Contact without dance is like sex without wiggling.
A) it does feel as good
B) it does not look as good on film

_Poiboy_PLATINUM Member
bastard child of satan
1,113 posts
Location: Raanana, Israel

i didnt edit it... but the original footage was around 30 mins... cuz we had alot of burns...
BTW i'm the one with the double fire poi...

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