Forums > Social Chat > The unofficial 'I take my tea this way' Thread

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animatEdBRONZE Member
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3,540 posts
Location: Bristol UK

Hello. wave

I'm Starting this thread for two reasons:

1) I'm fed up of asking people how they take their tea. I think it would be better to have a sole port of call for tea makers all over the world.

2) It could be interesting. For example, the types of people that take sugar/milk etc...

Anyway, to begin.

I like my tea with milk and two. I like Earl grey tea with milk and two. I like Chai tea as it comes. I'm always willing to try 'different' teas. I like my tea sweet. I think this stems from me being a smoker, as a vast number of smokers I know drink sugar in their tea, and have a bit of a 'sweet tooth'. Not sure of the reason, maybe this thread will find out more...

I do drink coffee, but Tea takes preference. My coffee has to be made in a certain way. Mix the coffee/sugar (two, by the way) in with about half a cup of milk, then add the boiling water afterwards. Somehow it makes the coffee taste so much nicer...

Speaking of tea... I need another cup. biggrin

Anyway, how do you like your tea? Or coffee? or even hot chocolate (gotta remain politically correct these days, equal opportunities and all that). Is there any particular reason for the way you take it (in your opinion)? Do you smoke? Do you have special dietary requirements? Do you take tea this way because when you were younger, your parents took it this way, and you copied?

This *could* be interesting...

EDITED_BY: Loves the Circus (1125223480)

Empty your mind. Be formless, Shapeless, like Water.
Put Water into a cup, it becomes the cup, put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Water can flow, or it can Crash.
Be Water My Friend.

animatEdBRONZE Member
1 + 1 = 3
3,540 posts
Location: Bristol UK

I found some of the nicest tea bags ever!

Tetley do some lovely concoctions, namely Earl Grey and Vanilla Tea bags... Lovely! ubblove

Empty your mind. Be formless, Shapeless, like Water.
Put Water into a cup, it becomes the cup, put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Water can flow, or it can Crash.
Be Water My Friend.

Just_Another_Clownold hand
965 posts
Location: London

I take my tea, with milk, 1 sugar and a tea spoon of honey. It makes the flavour nice and sweet and adds a bit more flavour to it.

Q:"How many Jugglers Does it take to change a light bulb?"
A:"One, but another 99 others saying,'I could do that if I only practised more'" biggrin biggrin

Gate Keeper to Shocked_Prawn. None may pass.

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

milk, two sugars.

Awww yeah.

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

DutSILVER Member
380 posts
Location: Nashville, TN, USA

green and hot. honey if i'm at a coffee shop, straight up if i'm at a resteraunt or at home. chai is a different animal entirely.

-- dut

SunnySammySILVER Member
Watching the Sky
453 posts
Location: Cambridge(ish)/Bath Spa Uni, United Kingdom

Well, Im a bit of a snob with tea because its like the best thing in th world!

I have loose leaf Kenyn tea, milk and 1/2 a sugar. but then i also have at least 2-3 cups a day so ...................


I jumped into the river, what did i see?
Black-eyed angels swam with me. wink

Firetrampold hand
898 posts
Location: Binstead, Isle of Wight

I don't drink tea, nor coffee. Well, the only tea I drink is chai, very sweet. And no, I don't smoke. Does that put me out of the statistics? My choice of hot drink is hot chocolate, yes, sweet.

Ask a question and be a fool for a minute...don't ask and be a fool your whole life.

SokaraBRONZE Member
21 posts
Location: Arizona, USA

I like chai. 50% chai tea with a bit of sugar, and 50% soy milk.

I like my hot chocolate with a little chili pepper.

I like coffee to be 50% soymilk and 50% coffee.

I like my stuff sweet, but often leave out the sugar anyway. I don't smoke.

Love is the prerogative of the brave.

animatEdBRONZE Member
1 + 1 = 3
3,540 posts
Location: Bristol UK

Oooh... Hot chocolate and Chili pepper... That sounds mighty interesting...

Empty your mind. Be formless, Shapeless, like Water.
Put Water into a cup, it becomes the cup, put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Water can flow, or it can Crash.
Be Water My Friend.

GeoffonTour04SILVER Member
360 posts
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom

tea, no sugar, very little milk. Sugar is poison in tea, I can't even drink it once it's been spiked - recently a m8s mum tried putting 4 grains in to see if I could taste it, drank it but only cause I was being polite & she couldn't believe I noticed.

jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

one sugar and milk. Brewed well. Thanks

Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

Tom_ShillSILVER Member
213 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

FAIR TRADE!! Tea direct, strong with no sugar and the tiniest bit of milk. The big companies that sell prety much anything that grows ruin people's lives. They have workers living right next to the fields and they air-spray fertilizer and pesticide and all sorts of nasty stuff. They have some of the highest rates of birth defects, still births and cancers in the world. All bad. Buy fair trade!

Will those capable of telekinesis please raise my hand?

alien_oddityCarpal \'Tunnel
7,193 posts
Location: in the trees

Written by: screech

nato standard is white with 2 and thats how i take mine

however only talking english breakfast as i drink earl grey without sugar and some teas i drink black.

there is a link to smoking most stoners find that milky and sweet tea stops GMS (gammy mouth syndrome)

i know some people who only ever have sugar in their tea when stoned.

dude!!! that is soooo true ubblol

off topic i do like milky coffee, no boiled water just milk, heat it in the microwave till its hot enough and add 3 sugars ubbloco

Tom_ShillSILVER Member
213 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

yeah milky coffee is goooood. It goes similar if you make a normal white instant coffee, stirring the granules or powder or whatever into the milk before you add the water. It isn't as good as milky but it's less faff.

Will those capable of telekinesis please raise my hand?

_Aime_SILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
4,172 posts
Location: Hastings, United Kingdom

 Written by: Spanner

Juice - except grapefruit because it's

I think its lush!

Fruit juice with banana or mango in it is just wrong.

I have no gone down to just 1 sugar in my tea biggrin

162 posts
Location: Birmingham, UK

Im way too fussy about how my tea is made.

First goes the milk, about 1 5th of the mug but i look at it as 1 inch. Yes its a lot but thats the i like it.

Next goes 2 level teaspoons of sugar followed by 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of coffee depending on its strength.

Then goes in the boiling water... give it a stir. Then the tea bag, im not fussy about that PG will do.

Swish it around a little then give it a good squeeeeeeese for exra tea goodness.

1 more little stir and tadaaa the perfect teoffee. (sometimes include hot chocolate too (teoffolate)) ubbrollsmile

jensterPLATINUM Member
57 posts
Location: where butterflies fly, United Kingdom

i only drink herbal teas. I dont like caffinated drinks, especially coffee - the caffine gets too much for me.
I think its wrong to have milk in herbal teas, just doesn't mix. I love peppermint tea and nettle tea. i wish i had some now

SezzieSILVER Member
54 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

I don't like normal tea. I used to drink it as a kid but went off it. Fruit teas I can't stand, they smell great but then the taste just doesn't live up to it. I do like some types of tea - like honeybush which I discovered while on a caffeine free kick and that was a no milk, no sugar deal.

Now I'm once again a coffee addict - usually very strong, black, no sugar. Sometimes I'll have milk. Not a smoker now but have been for about 12 years and never had sugar - got my sweetness from chocolate I guess! ubbrollsmile clap

Life moves pretty fast and if you don't stop and look around once in a while you just might miss it!

TabtI Doubt, Therefore I Might Be
1,007 posts
Location: Horsham

tea - milk and 2 and im a smoker. so i fit in with the trend... *baaaa*

coffee - milk and 2.

not that i drink them that often. but it has to be sweet when i do biggrin

Owner of Dragosani's right side.

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
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Location: without class distinction, Australia

tea: as it comes. preferably with honey.
preferably not eglish breakfast either.

coffee: 2-3 brown sugars. milk can go either way.
(leant to drink coffee in romania in winter when there was no milk)

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

animatEdBRONZE Member
1 + 1 = 3
3,540 posts
Location: Bristol UK

NOT english Breakfast!!!??

In Spain, I can't buy that stuff for love nor money... I miss it... I think I'll pick some up when I go to england again on wednesday...

Empty your mind. Be formless, Shapeless, like Water.
Put Water into a cup, it becomes the cup, put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Water can flow, or it can Crash.
Be Water My Friend.

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

not english breakfast. i think it's vile stuff.

and surely there is enough english tourist traffic in spain to be able to find it!

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

_khan_SILVER Member
old hand
768 posts
Location: San Francisco, California, USA

Every morning I have a cup of Earl Grey with brown sugar (two teaspoons) and half & half.

taken out of context i must seem so strange
~ ani di franco

90 posts

I drink proper tea - Tetley, typhoo etc., none of your weird tasting stuff. Until recently it was with milk and two sugars, but now it's black with no sugar in an effort to save my remaining teeth. Crucially, it has to be in a man-size mug, dinky little teacups are for dollhouses. The recent posters have forgotten that you're supposed to say if you smoke - I do.

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

tea, chai or regular black, honey, 1 tsp, and a good dollop of soy milk, but will also take sugar and regular milk if the alternatives arent available.

basically I'm the hippy version of white n one.

now if we were talking about teacups.... dont get me started.

Currently on the right side up of the world.

90 posts

Nobody's starting anything, I'm just giving you the facts: a mug of tea is just fine. A tiny little cup just leaves you wanting more. Make yourself useful, go and put the kettle on for me...only kidding!


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