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Forums > Social Chat > dumming down the gene pool?

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I have been thinking lately, and kinda wondering what kind of incentive human kind has to further evolve?

Consider this: our genetic development in the past has been dictated somewhat by Darwinism- survival of the fittest. If you are prey, and not everyone can outrun the predator, over time, a species will get better running skills because those that lack those abilities have been eliminated from the gene pool.

Will human kind find further development from nature, or will we be our own god, genetically mutating ourselves to achieve desire traits? I'm not trying to be mean, but the advancements in medicine has allowed genetically weaker people to reproduce, thus allowing gene pool dilution and conflicting with natural processes that further development. Since nature is no longer weeding out bad genes are we just dumming down the gene pool? What will the outcome be?

6,650 posts

the government should in any way represent the majority of its citizens, no?

common sense is not dead - only in coma wink

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

tracerammoGOLD Member
29 posts
Location: Oregon, USA

Skill Toyz and Evolution
by Tracy Wilhelm

Do you want to change the world? Well, have you learned any cool, new moves lately? New moves are more important than you may think. Learning new stuff has a bunch of great side effects: bigger brains, conscious personal evolution and contribution to humanity as a whole, just to name a few.

Almost everybody’s heard of the effects of juggling on our brains. In a German study, brain scans documented an increase in gray matter in the brains of people learning to juggle over a three month period of time. These people’s brains actually grew. Another study published in Neuro-Report, 2005, documented an increase in gray matter resulting from “mindful attentiveness” during mediation. Just by learning new things, by paying attention to what we do at any given moment, we can grow our brains. Like Joe Dispenza, D.C., says in Evolve Your Brain: “By learning new information and having new experiences, we make new synaptic connections and evolve our brain’s hardware.”

When we choose to focus, choose to put our attention on a single task, we activate the area of our brain called the Frontal Lobe. This is the part of our brain that helps us focus and learn; it’s the part of the brain active when something ‘new’ is occurring. Unless we are using our Frontal Lobe, we’re running on old programming. Our brain has evolved the ability to figure out what ‘works’ and make it part of our ‘autopilot’ function. For example, after you learn to drive a car you can drive miles and miles with your mind wondering... you didn’t have to think about the clutch, the gas, any of that. During that drive, your frontal lobe was inactive and old neural patterns fired. When we focus, when we activate the Frontal Lobe, we’re essentially consciously evolving. We are making a choice to focus, learn new skills, do things we’ve never done before. These at the very actions that cause development of gray matter in the brain.

To take things another step farther, let us consider Rupert Sheldrake’s M-Fields, or morphogenetic fields. The idea of m-fields, very simply is something like this: non-local fields of resonance are responsible for the collective development of a species, sociality, culture, an so on. Sheldrake’s own words: “Each individual both draws upon and contributes to the collective memory of the species. This means that new patterns of behavior can spread more rapidly than would otherwise be possible.” A couple of popular examples are Roger Bannisters four minute mile and the ‘100th Monkey’ phenomenon. In the example of the four minute mile, it was believed impossible to run the mile in under four minutes... until it was done. The shared idea of ‘the four minute mile is impossible’ was broken and the m-field was expanded in the collective unconscious of humankind. The four minute mile has been broken several times sense.

Everyone contributes to our collective m-fields. What we know, what we can do and what we believe has an effect on everyone. By choosing to consciously evolve by learning new tricks and having new experiences, we effect everyone. Kind of makes you want to practice some new stuff, huh?

The wispering of the wise never entertains the fools...

fodehiwBRONZE Member
13 posts

Hey, I am thinking to automate my buisness with a large number of employees and there is a question: how quickly will they learn to work in a new program?

3 posts

How quickly will employees learn to work in the new system managemart for business automation? At the stage of automation (as part of the implementation), the company/store/enterprise employees are trained. According to the experience of specialists, the average time of training employees to work in the new program takes from one day to a week, depending on the characteristics of the company. Of course, it’s also important how large your company is.


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