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Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

My computer has been playing up recently, i was wondering if anyone can help me,
I have Windows ME edition
When i first start up my computer it comes up with:
EVNTSVC has caused an error in EVNTSVC will now close

and occasionally (once a week) it comes up with:
RUNDLL has caused an error in and will now close

and my computer has been freezing a lot, and restarting itself.

Any ideas will be appreciated!


Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

97 posts
Location: Exeter

I have Windows ME as well, Apparentley it has a few niggles in it, you could try a virus scan, or a defrag but I cannot remember how to do it at the mo as i am on my work computer thats a mac and my computer had had to go to be mended as it would not start up ! Maybe someone else knows how to run a defrag!
Good Luck!

KatBRONZE Member
2,211 posts
Location: London, Wales (UK)


You got Windows ME. ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) also known as CFS.

In other words your computer has chronic fatigue syndrome.

Rub some elderberry over the screen and talk soothingly to it.

Computers have feeling too you know!

Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

- W B Yeats

KatBRONZE Member
2,211 posts
Location: London, Wales (UK)

Sorry Alice! That wasn't really constructive help was it!

Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

- W B Yeats

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

Tambo - I tried to Defrag it, it wouldnt work as it was damaged or something.

Kat - well i could try it, but my computer complains when i go near it with anything foody

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

I understand your frustration. I got the same thing going on here. According to System Suite software my hard drive is beginning to fail ...since I only got my computer in June I am going to return it and demand a new one.

Sorry I can't be any help but here's a huge hug

Are we nearly there yet?

68 posts

i'd say windows ME is a pretty horrible system i have 2000 and if you have access to it, i'd suggest you get 2000. (I hear XP is stable too, but haven't tried it myself)

I had the rundll problem on my old windows 98 (somehow, windows 98 is worse than ME *shudder*) and I think I fixed it by formatting the HD and starting afresh

there are some other suggestions that I have but that includes going into the registry and checking what programs start when you boot. Maybe some program that you dont want/need that's broken is started whenever u boot and wierd stuff happens.

ZoltarBRONZE Member
282 posts
Location: Beyond Time, South of Melbourne, Australia

I am sure it's not what you want to hear, but ME is a crappy OS. Ditch it as soon as you can. Either go for win98 or XP. Win 2000 is also OK, but in my experience XP is very stable, and will run everything I have tried on it.

So much fire, so little body hair...

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

pink poi, you have a damaged application.
either it's components are corrupt/missing or the installation is invalid.
how long has this been the situation?
your choice of solution should be based on which of the following options require the least effort:
a - determining what program is at fault and fixing it.
b - reinstalling the beast.

often, b is the easiest, sadly. what specifications are your computer? perhaps it can sustain a better OS.

if you want to pursue choice a, I would like to help, but better that be done in PM than in a forum, IMO.

hope this yelps!

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

firstly change to has nevere screwed me over...and what with my tinkerings and is fantastic!

secondly....if you want, i can come round and have a looksy at it and probably fix it......but only if you want me too..

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

Thanks everyone for there help, i've phoned up my sister (a computer expert!) as my computer decided to play up even more to make it near unusable and she's gonna come over and change my OS to 2000 as she says XP is crap aswell.
Hopefully that would be the end to my troubles.
Much love to everyone

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

what?? slap her with a herring!

Xp is honestly the best OS i have ever seen....EVER! its never crashes...adn is seriously very user friendly

RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

The U.C.O.F.
The best OS are UNIX based!!! Win2000 are able to be easy hacked


15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

indeed...but windows XP has lots of cool bells and whistles and lights and is gorgeous

tru about the hacking...but unix does have its weaknesses.

SteelWngsBRONZE Member
169 posts
Location: Malden, Massachusetts United States, USA

My computer has been playing up recently, i was wondering if anyone can help me,
I have Windows ME edition
When i first start up my computer it comes up with:
Pink Poi
EVNTSVC has caused an error in EVNTSVC will now close

and occasionally (once a week) it comes up with:
RUNDLL has caused an error in and will now close

and my computer has been freezing a lot, and restarting itself.

Any ideas will be appreciated!

::::Getting out all white geek lab coat::::
OK here is the deal. First off I would try uninstalling the last few programs that you installed. Windows ME has a problem with programs that run in high memory only. E.G. -- Real one player -
The reason that XP and 2000 don't have these issues is because they do not use "conventional and upper memory" like windows 9X and 2000.
As for unix based systems being the best. I have some problems with that statement. The reason that unix is so stable is because of it's memory managent abilities to recognize, say 256 meg ram as 256meg ram. Ever tried to find a video game that runs on a unix server?

If this issue keeps happening I would first run a through scan disk on your computer and get rind of all non esential programs on your computer. If that dosn't work ... The next step is a little more drastic, bring it in and have it looked at.

Blessings to all,
When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the Dragon just have to outrun the halfling.

750 posts
Location: Adelaide, SA, Australia

Linux - fight the powers, M$ sux0rz...

Oh wait this isn't slashdot...

Yeah WindowsME = not so nice.

I have only heard bad stuff about XP, with information privacy matters related to the whole MS Passport being the worst. Apparently there is some bad stuff in the End-User-License-Agreement (EULA) like giving Microsoft the right to install stuff on your machine via windows update etc (they don't even have to tell you).

At home I use Win2k - that is all good and dandy, but if I want to play some of my old games I have to reboot to Win98.

Courage is the man who can stop after only one peanut

Trippie HippieBRONZE Member
old hand
733 posts
Location: Bewildered state of nothingness, United Kingdom

Pink Poi, darling, Microsoft are currently evauating the problem for you . I'll keep you posted. They'll either phone me or contact me via e-mail, when they do, i'll get in touch and let you know what they came up with
Taking it easy

Last night i met some pixies and we danced around a stone.

Trippie Hippie- Monty Dons secret love child

Fly like a mouse, run like a pillow, be the small book case.

"Last night i met some pixies and we danced around a stone".

Because dressing up is fun.

FlameChildSILVER Member
136 posts
Location: Norway (Way way up North, on the left side of Swed...

Everybody knows that XP stands for Xtra Problems...
If I were you I would play the good old "format c:"-game, and the install Windows 2000...
He he, me myself still uses Windows 98 SE...
It is stable as a mountain..

-= I am the god of Hell-fire =-
-= And I bring =-

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

Thankies Trippy.
thankies everyone
you all diserve a big

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

Firetrampold hand
898 posts
Location: Binstead, Isle of Wight

Help, please!

I'm trying to fill in a job application form directly on a website. I'm supposed to attach covering letter, cv and picture in a zip file but when I press submit I get the message: File type not allowed.

Anyone? Thanks

Ask a question and be a fool for a minute...don't ask and be a fool your whole life.

[ Unregistered ]addict
413 posts

If it says "File type not allowed" this definitely meen you are attaching file with wrong extension. I you sure it accept ZIP, rather than PDF or DOC?


Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

The filetype is the .whatever at the end of the filename. Just google the .whatever bit and see what reader/software you need and bamf, you're well on your way to employment (fingers crossed for ya) x

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
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Location: without class distinction, Australia

I got all excited thinking that Alice posted...but then I saw it was just a necro frown

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

6,650 posts

Originally Posted By: FiretrampHelp, please!

I'm trying to fill in a job application form directly on a website. I'm supposed to attach covering letter, cv and picture in a zip file but when I press submit I get the message: File type not allowed.

Anyone? Thanks

there are situations where it's "mandatory" to do a search... and others where it isn't spank No worries hug still looking for that thin red line myself wink wink

To answer your question: usually zip files are prohibited for mailing. It's strange that they do request you doing so (especially since they don't allow).

Try to as .doc or better as .pdf (create from .doc/x via pdf printer, 150dpi) or as .jpg (not over 250kB).

Good luck

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Save it as a .jpg?
What? confused2
Why on earth would anyone send a picture of thier CV??

Firetramp - if the picture is of you, add it in the CV itself. Other than that, you'll have to make the covering letter and the CV just one document and send that over to them instead. The website iwll probably only accept .doc to be honest.

Good luck with the application smile

6,650 posts

converting a textfile to jpg is last on the list - and only an option when all other types fail. a jpg can be opened with software available on the net for free. doc and docx files not...

just tried to give a comprehensive advice wink

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

No Tom. tongue2
Sit back down with your South Bolivian friends, chop up some carrots, a few potatoes and a turnip, go wild and have a party.

You know it's what you want.
Treat yourself.

6,650 posts

sooouth boooliviaaaa ... wow suggesting a travel destination? wink

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Never been there yet?

Firetrampold hand
898 posts
Location: Binstead, Isle of Wight

Ok, I'll try the suggestions. I've tried to just send the CV first, which is a .doc, and it said "File too large"! Aaaargh...

Ask a question and be a fool for a minute...don't ask and be a fool your whole life.

Firetrampold hand
898 posts
Location: Binstead, Isle of Wight

Sorry I'm not Pink but what's a "necro"?! I'm not sure I like being called that!

Ask a question and be a fool for a minute...don't ask and be a fool your whole life.


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