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Forums > Other Toys > Devilstick: clockwise curls on right handstick?

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8 posts

can anyone give me a clear description of these? a lot of the stuff I discovered are actually one handed tapped helis, and I am confused as to how proper cw curls on the right hs should be done...also, can they be done from high to low and/or from low to high? I have one from high to low which I think isn't a curl but a one handed tapped heli, the one from low to high is probably a proper curl, but it is quite complicated and I haven't yet mastered it...Please let me remind you: be sure your trick is a proper curl and NOT a one handed "tapped" heli...

607 posts
Location: London/Bristol, United Kingdom


first off a curl is a hoirzantal move so clockwise or anti clockwise don't mean much usless you say where the clock is.

lets say the clock is on the floor, your using your right hand and your spinning anit clockwise. before you pick up the devil stick try and do the movement with the hand stick. so the hand stick comes anit clockwise under your arm round in a big circle then over the top of the arm then back round to the starting position (two full rotations) try and keep the stick level with the ground at all times.

now with the devil stick get it spinning horizontally anti clockwise catch with the right hand stick on it's centre and do the hand stick movement u've just praticesed makeing sure to keep the devil stick at 90 deg to the handstick.

two do it the other way just do the whole motion in reverse i.e. high to low.

hope this helps


Maybe I should change this too something abit nicer, humm no I still think your all Ccensoredt

Devilstick_RussellBRONZE Member
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196 posts
Location: Falmouth, United Kingdom

Dude i never realised it could be done high to low and low to high. I feel really stupid. I have been doing low to high left handed and high to low right handed but never tried learning both ways on one hand. Cheers
Also curls are horizontal fishtails basically.
I really need to work on my heli instead of propellor and wristraps all the time

Have a lovely day, this post makes no sense cos i'm so hung over and my mind is all mushy.

Does this site actually exist? Or am i talking to all my other personalities?

607 posts
Location: London/Bristol, United Kingdom

Written by: Devilstick_Russell

Also curls are horizontal fishtails basically.

not quite a curl has 2 rotations wheil a fishfail has one. you can do a horizontal fishtail but it's not that pretty and you can do a vertail curl but it's not that easy smile

Maybe I should change this too something abit nicer, humm no I still think your all Ccensoredt

DsAdsPoi? Never!
316 posts
Location: London

Humm verticle curls!?

*runs off to try*

Steffie, try back of the hand stick traped curls, they are much easier and will give you the exact movement, which you can then translate to the normal curl. Check out devilstick.de for clips of most of the bog standard DS stuff, hopefully these will help.


Is that magnets!?

8 posts

well, more practice is needed for the low to high cw curl on right hs...i can do both h2l and l2h on my left hs...still not sure wether my h2l on right hs is a proper curl or "just" a one handed heli...about the horizontal fishtails: aren't those essentially one handed tapped helis as well? i mean "tapped" not tapped, as the hs is almost constantly touching the ds...well i must say that i am happy to have joined this forum, even though it is not a "devilstick" oriented website, there seems to be quite some knowledge to be gathered here...oh yeahn ae vertical curls done in the propeller plane or in the saw plane?...

Devilstick_RussellBRONZE Member
I like devilstick...
196 posts
Location: Falmouth, United Kingdom

You can do Fishtails in both, Because propellor and buzzsaw are essentially the same plane just your body is turned 90 degrees. I found it easier in saw to begin with tho.

This is a saw fishtail under a silly name Devilstick.de and heres a vairation Devilstick.de again

However they can be done from propellor but you need to do them way out to your side and turn your body, so your essentially in the buzzsaw position. But in the propellor plane you can bring fishtails from one side of your body to the other either on the same stick or on the other stick you can also go into the 'Furtner fish'. And as soon as i manage to learn backward fishtails there will be a whole load of other posibilities too.

I'm still learning tho and am certainly not an expert. A good cheat is to use a flowerstick becasue the slower rotation is easier to correct and manipulate. If you don't have a flower stick buy this one Flowerstick super duper amazing flowerstick I have two so i can learn two devils but they are great for teaching people and practicing fishtails

Does this site actually exist? Or am i talking to all my other personalities?

SeyeSILVER Member
1,261 posts
Location: Manchester, UK

Written by: Devilstick_Russell

I'm still learning tho and am certainly not an expert. A good cheat is to use a flowerstick becasue the slower rotation is easier to correct and manipulate. If you don't have a flower stick buy this one Flowerstick super duper amazing flowerstick I have two so i can learn two devils but they are great for teaching people and practicing fishtails

I'm with you on that one!

I have one and I love it. Much bigger and bulkier than normal flowersticks and tends to give a better idea of how a DS will react.

Devilstick_RussellBRONZE Member
I like devilstick...
196 posts
Location: Falmouth, United Kingdom

Do you know the guy who makes them, he is sound as a pound, mushypea steve. He taught me devilstick all those years ago and hes somewhat of an introspective juggling guru. the suede for the sticks is actually from old jackets from charity shops, he he. Each one is hand made by him.

Does this site actually exist? Or am i talking to all my other personalities?

SeyeSILVER Member
1,261 posts
Location: Manchester, UK

I havent met him. Isnt he from manchester? I'm sure I've heard his name mentioned a lot.

I'm moving up there in a few weeks so I'll have to search him out and thank him biggrin Its definitely the best flowerstick I've ever used or even seen.

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