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Forums > Help! > Sony Sonic Stage problems!

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OrangeBoboSILVER Member
1,389 posts
Location: Guelph, ON, Canada

I have a Sony MP3 walkman that I absolutely love to death. However, the program no longer works - when I go to transfer files, is crashes immediately! The same thing happened with this program when I had my MiniDisk player. It's sooo frustrating, as I got a bunch of CDs for Xmas, and I want them on there! But it just isn't working, which is bloody typical for this program, if you ask me.

So, my questions are, has anyone else had this problem? What can I do? Are there any other known programs that might work for me?? Use this as an excuse to get a new computer?? tongue


~ Bobo

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OrangeBoboSILVER Member
1,389 posts
Location: Guelph, ON, Canada

(Or to watch porn in class like some peopl I know at school... rolleyes

Hmm, yes mech, I think I'll talk to you a bit more about these MP3 players more in the summer.. I think I'll get a new one then, when I have two jobs and no school. I'll probably be debating between the iPod and iRiver...

I don't think I'll be getting another Sony anytime soon, unless they get a better program. It's just so unfortunate, because the device is amazing, but worthless because the program is sh!t. Grrrrr..... Also sony has the longest battery times!!!!

~ Bobo

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DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

I found the perfect mp3 player for you Bobo smile ubbrollsmile

Let's relight this forum ubblove

OrangeBoboSILVER Member
1,389 posts
Location: Guelph, ON, Canada



Where do I get one?!?!?

[colou:orange]~ Bobo

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OrangeBoboSILVER Member
1,389 posts
Location: Guelph, ON, Canada

Well, it looks like I'll need to buy a new MP3 player any ways... When finally getting things working with Sonic Stage, my MP3 player slipped out of my hand about 6 inches above my desk, fell, and crushed in the play button, completely jamming it up. I mean crushed. You can see all the cracks and the button permanently squashed inwards... It's so depressing... *sigh*

So I've been looking at iRivers for the past few minutes... ubbcrying

~ Bobo

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Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Written by: Dunc

Here's an idea, sell your sony MP3 player and buy a decent one wink

No only kidding, but the restrictions they put into their player and the way it changes file formats to prevent any kind of flexible use make it a very poor player in comparison to similar ones at half the price. Although it does have great battery time!

i use anapod manager and not itunes to drag and drop (ipod proprietary format) movies and songs into my 60GB ipod. really tiny for a 60 GB device!

if it were not an abomination to nature, i'd marry it.

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always


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