Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > Rhythm(Poi fundamental poster)

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RicheeBRONZE Member
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Location: Prague, Czech. Republic


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This is poster about fundamental terms in pictures, especialy

dedicated for Home of Poi people.

Rhythm.png (66 K) (mirror)



Poi and body divide space into two parts. Frame, positive space, where one hand and

one Poi can spin, and buzzsaw. Frame has two sides, left and right. Plane, is kind of

stance to them, we call wheel and wall plane.

For more look in [Old link]


Distance is matter of time and direction of Poi head. The time says, what is Poi heads

initial position. Direction says, in which direction the Poi heads move. Than we can

imagine two Poi heads as two points on circle meeting after evry single beat. It can

be represented as circular move of two poins on two sinusoids.


There is one center of circle, but there are several centers of spin. Shape of circle

persisiting as cone and carry, the half of figure 8, and circle(see buzzsaw).


Spherical is area of circles. Polar is figure 8, atomic is move.

For more look in [Old link]


Buzzsaw is as space between your hand as place where you can make a circle

, remeber long arms. Its anuloid, ring around figure of 8.



Mirror thanks to mcp*.

For more description and discussion read below..

love and light,



jublianGOLD Member
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"Quote coming soon..."

JayKittyGOLD Member
Mission: Ignition
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i can kinda see it, terrible quality though

Don't mind me, just passing through.

11 posts
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

expand it. Hold your mouse over the bottom right hand corner.

RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
1,269 posts
Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

yeah you should be able to click the image and it will enlagre.. its a very interesting way to look at some of the relationships in poi..

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LazyAngelGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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I'm not sure I understand the first two parts of the poster, but the rest make more sense to me...

I like this, it makes me think. And by thinking about what it is trying to show, I might one day understand it, or see how it fits in with other ideas. hug for visualising concepts, richee!


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RevBRONZE Member
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If you ahve any questions about things, ask them.. Richee is more than happy to explain them.. he's explained them to me in some detail over the last few days, and I think its really cool.

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MikeIconGOLD Member
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Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

Why not just explain the whole thing... I dont really get any of it.

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RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
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Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

here.. all of this is collected from pms..

Written by: richee

Distance is distance between centers. Direction is ment by the

arrowes. You can choose two going same way or going opossite. It

force the centers to move far or closer to each other, far in distance.

I choose sinusoid to let show the centers continuously met togerther,

like butterfly. What makes split time different from parralel is the initial

black point position on the sinusoid, so split time centers could be

placed both on the topper curve, split time place center in oppsite,

butterfly and split time is vice versa. The picture show bad parallel.

You sound good to me.

Center, I put 1 and 2 as two. Antispin is just term I take form the

move named like that as an example. For me only long arms are

single centric in special case of horizontal or vertical but with continual

turning around it othervise its not. Other moves use shoulder and any

other center, butterfly too. Example of 3tri-centric move can be 360

flower, four centirc is for example weave,so there is vertical lef side

continuation in diagram beside the picture, but I made there only

vertical one(the same vertical continuity you can find in beat part of

distace diagram too).

Move, sphere is are you can spin in, can be bordered by those

mentioned long arms.

Pole is picture figure of eight and I say still reel made by two poles is

iinside the sphere.

Atom represent pole inclusion. Let say buttefly is atom, but it didnt look

like that, but if you extend your arms you can see it. I say that weave is


Because is important to find that buttefly is trying to get closer to pole,

the eight, its trying to put those two simetrical eights in a line. Weave

is trying the same but from diffrent perspective.

Imagine spining weave with one center and invisible body,

now turn. If you do it right you will be spinning the same weave,

the same center.

Buzzsaw and inversion, if you look at the picture you will see that

eight has same center as buzzsaw anuloid. It allows you to pass Poi

throught the buzzsaw into the other half without touching it. Iversion is

atom that has its center there, the hands cross in the center of


The buzzsaw move, between you hands when the Poi do not touch is

connecting two atoms togerther from their sides, but as reel as inside

as this move is only trying to connect two atoms,

but this is different story.

To correct my description about distance. I see it as sinusoid,

preriodical beat of two Poi heads, making circle. If we take

center of both Poi as one, that timing and distance is matter

of direstion and time. The direction says in which direction the

Poi heads travel on the circle. Time meen what is their initial


Well, parallel is one point going two directions. Split time

(weave) is two points oppsite on circele, going same way.

Butterfly time is two poits that start as one and met on the top

and on the bottom going opposite directions. Split time

(Butterfly) is two point starting as one and met on the left

or right going opposite directions.

I was talking about Poi center but there I was wrong, the center

is one.

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RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

There is bug in Distance decription text above,

please change word "center" to "Poi head".

stay tuned, more to come,

love and light,



RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
1,269 posts
Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

whoops.. I just straight cut and pasted richee.. I guess I missed that one.. I thought I had got it in the last part.. guess not..

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RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

Yes, its there.



[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both


nobody got any new moves recently then? wink

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

Actually in spite of I analyze it produce 0 and difficult

cross-hand buzzsaw. It was done to make it clear in base

rather to develop the other way, that is good as well cause

better fundamentals meen step better probability find one.

We'll see. (I add few beside in "New" thread).




[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

so, thats a no then? tongue

sorry guys I dont understand any of this stuff. especially this stuff.

I think you should re-make the poster with some human frames of referance, or some more annotations, or a matchbox for scale... wink

or maybe i should shut up cos i never bothered to understand any of this wild stuff you guys have been cooking up. Does it actually say anything diffrent to whats already been talked about, or does it just describe it in a more mathmatically elloquent (and discriptionally obtuse) way?

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

12 posts
Location: USA

I've always believed that Poi was an excellent visual representation of sub-atomic particle nature.

It definitely makes sense, but start plugging numbers in and ya might end up like the dude in Pi. lol

I'm printing this and possibily blowing it as a real poster.

LurchBRONZE Member
old hand
929 posts
Location: Oregon, USA

Vectors are your friend wink

#homeofpoi -- Come talk to us we're bored frown

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RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
1,269 posts
Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

nix.. the last stuff richee posted was very informative as a way of bringing a lot of different views together under the same heading.. and it showed us at the same time, new things just by tweaking what we already knew..

I'm sure there is the same potential in this as there was in the other.. I agree that this post is not as accessible as the plane stuff was.. But I think by constantly seeing the same things from different perspectives we can and often do enrich our understanding.

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DutSILVER Member
380 posts
Location: Nashville, TN, USA

repost. :P and from my favourite thread too!

"cyclic deconstructionism within the framework of post-modernist poi" :

[Old link]

Written by: Dut

as for an atomic theory of poi, i found a neat chart a while ago that shows space-filled atomic orbial diagrams. i wasn't sure how to incorporate them until people started talking about purposeful chain tangling, and i realized that most of the lower diagrams were just hyperlooped. [Wink] seriously though, if you look at them long enough, you realize you just need a little bit better drugs to come up with some kind of logical correspondance. get to work all you psychonauts, psychonaughts, and psychoknots. <img src=" title="" src="graemlins/peace.gif" />


GeoffonTour04SILVER Member
360 posts
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom

Pretty pictures, but the tree diagrams don't make an awful lot of sense. Like in the distance one, the split into time & direction is all good (you have forgotten speed but I suppose they're usually going at the same speed). After that though, the split in to X:Y? What's that about? And how does a beat divide into a cone or circle? Surely that's to do with the shape of a plane? If you want to define a beat in terms of what must happen afterwards (ie in a 3 beat weave, after the first beat there are beats that 'must' happen to return it to the original position, whereas with a butterfly there's only 1 beat) then some different terminology may be better.

Just spent 20 minutes trying to explain even the basics of planes etc & I'm flabbergasted there are just too many variations, the theory ends up being more complicated than the actuality. (results below, it's awful but I think the idea of arranging things according to a 'universal' beat may be a good idea)

The defining parameters I started with are: Rotational direction (clockwise/anticlockwise, relative to someone watching, I'll assume they're standing to the poiers' right), Current plane (left wall, right wall, wheel (middle, left or right), btb wheel, ceiling, any more?), Current time (must be relative to a universal beat, you can't just say alternate/same time it's not neat enough), Direction (that you're facing)

that's all I can think of

so for example, 3 beat weave, arranged into beats

Spinning 'clockwise' (forwards) throughout:

Beat 0: left poi head reaches top of left hand wall plane, no change
Beat 0.5: right poi reaches top of right hand wall plane, begins to move to left hand wallplane
Beat1: right hand poi reaches bottom of lh wallplane as lh poi reaches the top of lh wallplane
beat 1.5 rh poi is halfway round lh wallplane left hand poi begins to move across to rh wallplane
beat 2.0 lh poi hits bottom of rh wallplane, rh poi hits top of lh wallplane
beat 2.5 as last one but bottom & top are reversed
beat 3.0 both complete their current circles & move back (getting lazy with it but you get the idea)

confused ubbloco confused

RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

 Written by: ]

After that though, the split in to X:Y? What's that about?


It meens beat for left and beats for right.

 Written by: ]

And how does a beat divide into a cone or circle?


Cone is when you spin with your Poi at side, sides are connetcted with carry, two cones. Circle referre to perfect circle created by long arm in buzzsaw.



GeoffonTour04SILVER Member
360 posts
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom

ah, makin more sense now, but I'm still not quite sure precisely what it is your eventual goal is - is it a purely theoretical discussion of all the different aspects or are you eventually going to try and notate poi?

I would be very interested in trying to help develop notation, because the more comprehensively things are understood the easier it becomes to manipulate in the overall sense (like writing an entire performance to the letter, you can put in things you might not think of by practicing) but the biggest problem I suppose would be things that are not possible (due to arms, strings etc).

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