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Written by: richee
Distance is distance between centers. Direction is ment by the
arrowes. You can choose two going same way or going opossite. It
force the centers to move far or closer to each other, far in distance.
I choose sinusoid to let show the centers continuously met togerther,
like butterfly. What makes split time different from parralel is the initial
black point position on the sinusoid, so split time centers could be
placed both on the topper curve, split time place center in oppsite,
butterfly and split time is vice versa. The picture show bad parallel.
You sound good to me.
Center, I put 1 and 2 as two. Antispin is just term I take form the
move named like that as an example. For me only long arms are
single centric in special case of horizontal or vertical but with continual
turning around it othervise its not. Other moves use shoulder and any
other center, butterfly too. Example of 3tri-centric move can be 360
flower, four centirc is for example weave,so there is vertical lef side
continuation in diagram beside the picture, but I made there only
vertical one(the same vertical continuity you can find in beat part of
distace diagram too).
Move, sphere is are you can spin in, can be bordered by those
mentioned long arms.
Pole is picture figure of eight and I say still reel made by two poles is
iinside the sphere.
Atom represent pole inclusion. Let say buttefly is atom, but it didnt look
like that, but if you extend your arms you can see it. I say that weave is
Because is important to find that buttefly is trying to get closer to pole,
the eight, its trying to put those two simetrical eights in a line. Weave
is trying the same but from diffrent perspective.
Imagine spining weave with one center and invisible body,
now turn. If you do it right you will be spinning the same weave,
the same center.
Buzzsaw and inversion, if you look at the picture you will see that
eight has same center as buzzsaw anuloid. It allows you to pass Poi
throught the buzzsaw into the other half without touching it. Iversion is
atom that has its center there, the hands cross in the center of
The buzzsaw move, between you hands when the Poi do not touch is
connecting two atoms togerther from their sides, but as reel as inside
as this move is only trying to connect two atoms,
but this is different story.
To correct my description about distance. I see it as sinusoid,
preriodical beat of two Poi heads, making circle. If we take
center of both Poi as one, that timing and distance is matter
of direstion and time. The direction says in which direction the
Poi heads travel on the circle. Time meen what is their initial
Well, parallel is one point going two directions. Split time
(weave) is two points oppsite on circele, going same way.
Butterfly time is two poits that start as one and met on the top
and on the bottom going opposite directions. Split time
(Butterfly) is two point starting as one and met on the left
or right going opposite directions.
I was talking about Poi center but there I was wrong, the center
is one.
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This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti
This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti
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"Obviously, you're not a golfer.."- The Dude
"Buy the ticket... Take the ride..." -Raoul Duke
"FEMA has never done catastrophe planning..."-Michael Brown
Written by: Dut
as for an atomic theory of poi, i found a neat chart a while ago that shows space-filled atomic orbial diagrams. i wasn't sure how to incorporate them until people started talking about purposeful chain tangling, and i realized that most of the lower diagrams were just hyperlooped.seriously though, if you look at them long enough, you realize you just need a little bit better drugs to come up with some kind of logical correspondance. get to work all you psychonauts, psychonaughts, and psychoknots.
" title="" src="graemlins/peace.gif" />
Written by: ]
After that though, the split in to X:Y? What's that about?
It meens beat for left and beats for right.Written by: ]
And how does a beat divide into a cone or circle?
Cone is when you spin with your Poi at side, sides are connetcted with carry, two cones. Circle referre to perfect circle created by long arm in buzzsaw.