6 posts
Location: London/Southampton/At Sea

Name: Adele, better known as Vox or Vox Draconis

Location: Southampton UK, London UK or on some god foresaken rust bucket (ship) to some port no one has ever heard of

Hometown: London, UK

DOB: 26/12/85

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Occupation(s): Officer Cadet (deck) - Merchant Navy. Bad things happen when I get put in a ship's engineroom

Favorite Food(s): Coffee, chocolate, brown bread, lychees and lime marmalade. Not all at once obviously....well maybe coffee with chocolate....mmmmmm mocha....

Favorite Color(s): Black, blue, silver, purple, red.

Toys: errrr......*thinks*.....*thinks some more*.... probably my computer games, (if that counts) because they are the only ones I can take to sea with me...Other than that the only Poi set I have, some uber shiney blue sock ones.

Hobbies other than the obvious: Dungeons and Dragons, pub quizes, tattoo design, poem and song writing (painting pretty much went out the porthole)

Education: Me....educated?.....Thats only viscious rumour. (Currently doing a HND Nautical Sciences)

Favorite Book(s): The Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore (list is far tooo long to list any more)

Favorite Movie(s): The Crow, The Lord of The Rings trilogy and the Blade trilogy.

Favorite TV show(s): CSI, Law and Order.

Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up) Pass my MCA Orals and acheive my 3rd Officer's ticket...after that I don't know yet.

Favorite Music Artists/Composers: Nightwith, Within Temptation, DragonForce (list is endless my CD collections contains most things from The Dubliners to Marilyn Manson)

Favorie ice cream flavor(s): Chocolate, Pistachio.

Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella? (please choose one...this is important as it is essentially this site's equivalent of stating your religion...we have religious wars, crusades, cathedrals to Nutella, all that.) Vegemite and Marmite when I can't get my hands on Vegemite.

Reason for post being edited: My spelling is crass.

EDITED_BY: Vox_Draconis (1142238186)

Officially nuttier than squirrel poo...

fNiGOLD Member
master of disaster
3,354 posts
Location: New York, USA

welcome to HoP wave

just in time for the new snazzy designs


kyrian: I've felt your finger connect with me many times
lou kitten: sneaky little meatball..
ezz: please corrupt me more

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

In spite of your unnatural vegemite-loving tendencies, welcome to HoP! smile

Is there anywhere online we can admire your tattoo designs?



everyone's unique except me

TinklePantsGOLD Member
Clique Infiltrator, Cunning Linguist and Master Debator
4,219 posts
Location: Edinburgh burgh burrrrrr, United Kingdom

thought that said new kids on the block then for a split second ubblol i started to dance!

my sis is in southampton - you'll probably run into her on these ere boards.

I wanted to be in the navy but I couldn't swim...

welcome! wave

Always use "so's your face" and "only on Tuesdays" in as many conversations possible

6 posts
Location: London/Southampton/At Sea

Funnily enough I did notice the shift in desgin earlier fireNice when I was forum crawling...I initially thought it was my computer playing up again redface

I blame my last ship for my addiction to vegemite. Started off with marmite, ate that on toast for breakfast. It was all I could manage when I had all of 10mins to bolt it down and then leg it up 7 decks to get to the bridge for my watch. Anyway back on track. We ran out in Tahiti, next port was Auckland, and with the stores order came vegemite not marmite, and with another three months onboard ship ahead of me it sorta grew on me ubblol

As for my tattoo designs Nephtys, there was a site but people kept stealing my art (and bandwidth) so it was taken down but I do believe that this page on The Collector's Blog Might still be displaying a few of my early fantasy tribal designs. I do take commisions in my spare time, currently working on neatening up a design for my friend's back and upper arms.

Funny you should say that about swimming TinklePants, a friend of mine can't swim and yet he still works for a gas carrier company...I think its Shell he works for, I could be wrong. ubblol

Officially nuttier than squirrel poo...

BirdGOLD Member
now available in "advanced"
6,086 posts
Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom

Hello, welcome to HoP!
wave weavesmiley

My state of mind is not yours to define!

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

mm..pistashio ice cream.. ubblove

What ships have you been on?

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

Loki_the_tricksterSILVER Member
Has sharp edges
1,266 posts
Location: Stuck in the mire, USA

welcometo HoP!!!!!
Enjoy your stay in the mad house!!!!
ubbloco bounce beerchug
oh yeah have a few of these hug hug hug

My ADD makes it so that.....Ooooo SHINY.....wanna go ride bikes....wait....where am I.....

6 posts
Location: London/Southampton/At Sea

I'm sure I will enjoy my stay here Loki, if insanity its a pre-requiste then I'm nuttier than a squirrel poo! Who else willingly cuts themselves off from civilisation six months at a time? ubblol oh, and have a hug in return hug

As for ships Pink, I've been on a nuclear cargo carrier for three months(putting greenpeace activist (me) on a nuclear cargo ship not a good idea...ever) I was on a lighthouse tender for three and a half weeks. My last ship was a general cargo/ Ro-ro/ container... everything from bulk organic copra to coaches. As it stands at the moment my next ship is a BAS boat, aka The British Antartic Survey ships... hehe will have to take my poi with me weavesmiley ...first person to spin poi in Antartica that could be amusing....and very very cold!

Officially nuttier than squirrel poo...

Loki_the_tricksterSILVER Member
Has sharp edges
1,266 posts
Location: Stuck in the mire, USA

OOOHHHHH!!!!! Bring a camera and post your pics.....I'd love to see someone spinning in Antartica!
ubbtickledOh yeah it sounds like you'll fit right in ubbloco ubbloco ubbloco

My ADD makes it so that.....Ooooo SHINY.....wanna go ride bikes....wait....where am I.....

6 posts
Location: London/Southampton/At Sea

My camera would go with me anyway, its an absolute nessesity (sp?) biggrin and I think its would be a case of LED poi (thats the next thing on my list of wants)...can't go burning things in antarctica can we?....errr not that there is much to burn out there ubblol. If it goes ahead, trust me, you guys will be among the first to know and the first to see photos when I get back.

Officially nuttier than squirrel poo...

Adya MiriyanaGOLD Member
6,554 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

heya, welcome to hop! hug

ooh piccies smile do show~!

GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

*Gidg bounces in on her pogo stick* ... boing ... boing ... boing ...

Now those pictures are going to be sooo cool.
Welcome to HoP Vox!

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


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