9 posts

hello to u all i guess,
well im a newbie of sorts and just wanted to put the feelers out on any other spinners from the romford area.....
Me and some mates have been into poi and staff for a while now and are just learning devil sticks.(any tips welcome).
ive seen other juggler types in my local beer garden and one diablo geeza and wondered if any of u lot are likley to pop in for a pint and some spinnin...

The lone Fire Spinner
236 posts
Location: Channel islands Jersey UK

Hello and welcome to HOP biggrin welcome bounce bounce2 weavesmiley biggrin

To play it safe is not to play

8 posts
Location: York

Sorry I'm not from Romford...but welcome to HoP anyway!I'm sure you'll find some great tipps off the site (I'm a staffer myself) and there are some funky videos you can learn from too! weavesmiley

Meg's tutorials are the best I've found so far for learning staff. I can't quite remember where on here I got them from but have an explore around welcome

"No rest. No mercy. No matter what." - Akroma, Angel of Wrath

"Be who you are and say what you feel cos people who mind don't matter, and people who matter don't mind."

9 posts

why thank you....
btw my fav ice cream is plain ol vanilla with various choccy bits crummbled into it...

alien_oddityCarpal \'Tunnel
7,193 posts
Location: in the trees

MMMmm mud wink oh....sorry you ment the other kind ubblol welcome to HoP mudd wavehello

614 posts

i live miles away but hello.

614 posts

does anyone know how to get a thred to appear on my list of favourite threads on my home page,i keep forgetting where ive left posts?please help,
thanks tim

TinyPixieSILVER Member
394 posts
Location: in the clouds..., United Kingdom

Hello! Welcome to HoP! welcome

I used to live near Romford! I went to school in Upminster smile Which beer garden? Although i now live miles away, i might pop in at some point if there's spinning!

9 posts

well theres nuffin goin on anyplace now the suns done a runner... but someday soon, and for the rest of yoyour life.... you know the goose,only beer garden in rom.

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