CJ_ChucklesBRONZE Member
39 posts
Location: Glastonbury!, United Kingdom

Hello fellow HOP PPL

I really wana get hold of sum videos of the BJC, mainly the shows & stuff I'd love u 4ever if i could get a copy!

Love Ya! xx biggrin


We must stop the destruction of the planet, We need trees, not fac-trees.Otherwise the creatures of this earth will take back what is rightfully theirs.

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

Have you tried speaking to the convention people? They were filming all the way through smile

Let's relight this forum ubblove

CJ_ChucklesBRONZE Member
39 posts
Location: Glastonbury!, United Kingdom

lol o yeah didnt think of that! cheers dunc

We must stop the destruction of the planet, We need trees, not fac-trees.Otherwise the creatures of this earth will take back what is rightfully theirs.

FireNixBRONZE Member
old hand
904 posts
Location: India/Bristol

I spoke to John and he is unaware of who was videoing the main show - apparently its the same every year!! He never gets a vid.
So if you find out who has one - I want one, for me and to pass to him
I have the contact for Sorcha who organised the FireShow - she may well ahve a video or know who has (PM me for her email)
Alternatively the YMCA part has a link on here under vids, so whoever posted that on U-Tube would surely have the whole thing
Again - me wants to see
Hope that helps

Feel the Flame

CJ_ChucklesBRONZE Member
39 posts
Location: Glastonbury!, United Kingdom

ok ill let u know when i get hold of 1


We must stop the destruction of the planet, We need trees, not fac-trees.Otherwise the creatures of this earth will take back what is rightfully theirs.

Firetrampold hand
898 posts
Location: Binstead, Isle of Wight

2bags filmed a lot.

Ask a question and be a fool for a minute...don't ask and be a fool your whole life.

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