SeanfromLeedsBRONZE Member
12 posts
Location: Manchester, England (UK)

Hello All,

We're running it again smile
Pretty much the same setup as last year, main part of the day in sports hall and side room followed by a show in the Riley Smith and then Leeds Fire Circle have been asked if they would run run a session in nearby Hyde Park.

cost? around the £6 mark

I'm sorting out the show, so far we have acts such as Tiff and Josh, Norbi, Seb (ghetto blaster guy at Bristol), Vux (Diabology/MFP), Eek (sweet behind the back juggling) Dan Cooper (3b contact and bounce), Chronos (says he'll do something better this year eek ) Zack and Mark (two amazing diaboloists), a few more to add to that (though I'm in the market for a poi act or anything else that grabs my fancy).
Last years show

Doughnuts will again be on offer, trickshares, workshops, games, good people and good times.

Hope to see you there

ropey site with directions, hopefully to be updated soon

Chronofracture333Hobo Gaylord
329 posts
Location: I am worldwide and lush

So who's coming to this then?

If anyone fancies hooking up for a bit of a staff session let us know.

*no moves there are no moves there are no moves there are no moves there are no moves there are no*

"Oooh, what a shiny new move!"

FireNixBRONZE Member
old hand
904 posts
Location: India/Bristol

Hi there
I maybe in the area for this one.
What times are everything?
If I dont make it good luck et al

Feel the Flame

Tom_ShillSILVER Member
213 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

Sounds good to me. I'll try to get a load of the Sheffield contingent there smile

Will those capable of telekinesis please raise my hand?

MikefromGlosSILVER Member
985 posts
Location: Gloucester England

i will be there with the glos crew wink

he he i am mike the amazing gloscircus person who is mike.

Officaly an exception to the Poi Boys are Girls Thing

Fable Goodmanmember
16 posts
Location: Sunderland

It's entirely possible that I might come.

does anyone know if there is parking on the site.


Neon_ShaolinGOLD Member
hehe, 'Member' huhuh
6,120 posts
Location: Behind you. With Jam

I'm there.... biggrin

Yo Chrono. Fancy a bit of one-on-one staff tutorial? ubbangel

"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock

LemonkeyStalking amidst the desert, carrying an oversized scalpel...
1,019 posts
Location: Huddersfield + Hull Uni... UK.

I want to go, but don't know if anyone my end is making the trip...

Willy - is bad for your health...

Neon_ShaolinGOLD Member
hehe, 'Member' huhuh
6,120 posts
Location: Behind you. With Jam

Lemonkey if anyone on your end is too lame to go, go on your own! If you want to go it's not worth missing it just because you're on your tod!

"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock

SeanfromLeedsBRONZE Member
12 posts
Location: Manchester, England (UK)

Hi everyone,

A few more details covering directions parking etc.
Date is Saturday 4th November
! dayer, sports hall 2 in the sports centre.
Time, I believe 10am till 7pm in sports centre, 7.30 doors 8.00 show in
riley smith (student union building), turf you lot out by ten, fire
in the park.
cost £6
Doughnuts available on the day of course.
The show includes some great talent, both homegrown and international.
signs should be up if your driving you want to be coming to Cavendish rd.
entry to the Uni, follow the rd round to the carpark (free at weekend).

last years show (with me in a
suit) right click save as 34meg, 7 minuteish

sports centre
riley smith, show

Look forward to having you,


MikefromGlosSILVER Member
985 posts
Location: Gloucester England

anyone want to get me to leeds

he he i am mike the amazing gloscircus person who is mike.

Officaly an exception to the Poi Boys are Girls Thing

LarrySILVER Member
Electro Ponce!
383 posts
Location: Hull!, United Kingdom

i'm there!

contact juggling anyone? or magic?

Edit: Anyone fancy meeting at the bus or train station around 9 or 9:30 ish? i'll get lost getting there
EDITED_BY: Larry (1162478368)

What're you looking at?
I assume you're being rhetorical?
What're you callin' me!?

Tom_ShillSILVER Member
213 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

maybe larry, let me just check train times...

Will those capable of telekinesis please raise my hand?

Tom_ShillSILVER Member
213 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

Yeah I can get there for 9:05 so I'll give you a bell when I get there. lol, Dave P was asking if you were going to take your D-Lites again, he was loving it at York ;o)

Edit: and I've made a funky map so getting there should be theory.
EDITED_BY: Tom_Shill (1162489986)

Will those capable of telekinesis please raise my hand?

LarrySILVER Member
Electro Ponce!
383 posts
Location: Hull!, United Kingdom

well, usually i would, but i'll be clearing off at about 4 or 5, got a bonfire i'm performing at. unless there'll be somewhere dark enough there i'll leave them at home.

Who's Dave P?

i'm thinking i might run a workshop, i could do intro to poi or contact easily enough, but the thinking is that i might do Intro To Card Manipulation

edit: i WILL be running a workshop, probably cards
EDITED_BY: Larry (1162553537)

What're you looking at?
I assume you're being rhetorical?
What're you callin' me!?

Tom_ShillSILVER Member
213 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

Well that was ace smile Thanks, everyone, for a great day!

Will those capable of telekinesis please raise my hand?

LarrySILVER Member
Electro Ponce!
383 posts
Location: Hull!, United Kingdom

twas nice, a shame i couldn't stay for all of it.
thanks for the crossers tuting Shill, i'm happy!

and she was cute because of the poi!

What're you looking at?
I assume you're being rhetorical?
What're you callin' me!?

Neon_ShaolinGOLD Member
hehe, 'Member' huhuh
6,120 posts
Location: Behind you. With Jam

Brilliant Weekend... Despite me oversleeping and getting there about 4 hours later than planned!

Brilliant show. Thanks to Claudio for putting me up for the night... And the chai... ubblove

"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock

SeanfromLeedsBRONZE Member
12 posts
Location: Manchester, England (UK)

Thanks for turning up and thanks to Chronos, Claudio et al for your help (apologies to Claudio for that 'hippy guy will show you to the fire session' line, I had a total mind freeze because of stressy show and bouncer concerns).hug

Hope to see you next year, who knows I might actually feel up to doing a bit of playing next year and get to enjoy the day more.

Big thanks to the guy (sorry on the name front) for the contact staff tips, I will get better at this, having people like Chronos, Wolfie/Spiegel, Al and the other Leeds staffers and poiers is a real motivation (as is having jugglers and diaboloists of the level we do).

I'm sorry that I didn't make the fire session, I had my nieces christening to attend the next day. I'm not even sure if it happened.

Part of the reason for suggesting it was to make the event more inclusive and to give the locals the reason for a session.

On the inclusivity front I welcome comments and suggestions about what would make Leeds better.

Thanks again for being in the show Chronos, especially with all the stuff you had to deal with re your move.


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