rin_666SILVER Member
223 posts
Location: cambridge, United Kingdom

Hi there, just got myelf some luverly spinning poi which I already love to bits despite the fact that I can do hardly anything with them...yet. Hance the reason for this post I was wondering if there's anyone in the norwich kind of area that can take me under their wing and just show me some of the moves (yes I've looked at the free lessons section and while helpful some of it just has me going "wha...?"..yes I'm one of THOSE people :P). Or are there any meets that I could maybe join in on? Please? As much fun as it is hitting myself in the boobs time and time again I think I'm ready for something else now, yes? Any help'd be great adn to bribe any of you reluctantees, I have cake biggrin

SymBRONZE Member
Geek-enviro-hippy priest
1,858 posts
Location: Diss, Norfolk, United Kingdom

I'm sure I've read this before...

There's too many home fires burning and not enough trees

rin_666SILVER Member
223 posts
Location: cambridge, United Kingdom

yup I'm a sneaky posting ninja like that rolleyes

Theo_SILVER Member
Dirty Hippie
347 posts
Location: Norwich Norfolk, United Kingdom

hey up, i spin on most saturdays round the side of the forum with friends. if u r ever in the city on a sat u will prob see me there about 4..ish my friends all have band practice till 3 so dont normally spin much before then..

for every minute angry, you loose 60 seconds of happiness

Bernie_FlameSILVER Member
Poi junkie
75 posts
Location: In your face!, United Kingdom

Hi rin, I'm willing to meet up and spin with ya or anyone else for that matter. Where are all the Norwich spinners?? It's time to step out of the darkness and into the light!! ubbrollsmile

man who go bed with itchy bum wake up with smelly finger!

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