AnonymousPLATINUM Member

So, I'm wondering. How many folx out there have a fire safety regime? Do you have any practices you'd like to share? Thanks,Diana

69 posts
Location: Melbourne,Vic. Aust.

usually when i play with my fire staff i play at the beach so i figure if i catch on fire i can jump strait into the water. Rain.

Jeff Duncanmember
140 posts
Location: sidney, bc, canada

i forgot to spin the excess fuel off the poi once when i lit it..... the tree beside me started on fire!!! shockedgood thing there was a hose therenow i always have a bucket of water

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

+dry towel+giant damp towels+at least 2 fire extinguishers (co2 and dry chem)+bucket of water depending on circumstances.+1 -2 fire safety personnel depending on circumstances.+fuels clearly marked in heavy duty sealable laboratory plastic containers.+check gear for wear and tear before using themyup, i think that's the gist.-hope this helps someone!!flavio

ChloeBRONZE Member
54 posts
Location: Kent - UK

My Dad bought me a miniture fire extinquisher for Xmas! smile However, im thinking a fire blanket may have been less messy, still, it's small enough to take it places with me. Other safety procedures involves a damp towel and a vigilant friend watching closely (after being lectured in the dangers of fire) although they are usually a fellow fire user anyway!.have fun, and burn bright.Chloe

-I'm dancing through the fire just to catch a flame-
Paul Weller

56 posts
Location: UK

...standing in snow or water is good coz you can roll around/jump in it if you set yourself on fire. grin........Also practise/perform with friends or someone watching who is prepared to put you out rather than just stand and laugh at you!

118 posts
Location: Pittsburgh, PA/ USA

*1 100% wool blanket (damp)*1 dry chem extinguisher*1 wet and 1 dry cloth for wiping up spilled fuel.*leather pants and vest/bodice*1-4 trained safeties (I can't emphasize enough how important it is to actually PRACTICE with your safties. Not practice with your torches. Practice having a safety run up, throw you on the ground an wrap a wet towel around you, or practice the proper distance at which to use a fire extinguisher, etc. I have a friend who was burned because her safety didn't actually KNOW how to use a fire extinguisher!!!) depending on crowd size. *proper containers and transport wrapings for all my equipment and fuel.Did I forget anything???

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Alright.....Here goes.....*Warm up with the toys and with the safeties before every show...that way no stiff muscles get in the way to create possible mistakes.*check of possible problematic areas in the venue and get those taken care of, fans being turned down or off, stage curtain pulled back as far as they will go, etc.*All toys are checked for safety, all safety gear is checked.*leather costumes, dampened hair...safeties also wear marked shirts so that I can find them if I need to.*Dampened 100% cotton towel for toy and fire area smothering.*100% wool blanket for smothering me*Fire extinguisher at each end of stage*1 or more trained safeties...trained in burn emergencies, safety gear use and we are all registered with the Red Cross for Advanced First Aid and Life Saving (never know when you'll need that).*Clearly Marked Fuel in fire and safety approved gas containers.*Bottle of Mylanta incase of accidental ingestion*Complete Red Cross First Aid Kit back stage*Complete spinning of all toys prior, proper extinguishing and cleaning after*Wool rug for stage and spinning out on*Swiffer to clean the stage area once done, I don't want anyone to sue me cause they slipped on my oil slick!Sometimes when I am on a small stage at a Faire and am doing a fire eating show I also have a bottle of water (clearly marked) in case my mouth gets dry and a small container of baking soda in case my fruit gets too I sound paranoid but I work REALLY close to people so my theory is paranoid in this case keeps everyone safe. smileI also want to add that I saw someone had a bucket of water, which I don't use ever since I saw someone throw water on a fire and the fire spread from it instead of being smothered. Yikes! shocked That's my regime. Any other thoughts are always interesting.------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

bucket-o-water.... we've never really used it for anything.... and most definately not for throwing out a fire... our fire department actually has a bucket of water (don't remember the exact gallon-age) listed as a manditory safety if we do performances where we know they'll make an appearance, we'll bring the bucket of water along for the illusion of safety... :-)

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Thanks so much, all, for your responses. I thought my safety was pretty good. I never thought of warming up with my safeties or have them practice throwing you down and toweling you or getting Red Cross training. Thanks, guys, there's always something new to learn. Dian

Purple Dragonmember
23 posts
Location: Wellington

I just do the usual:Either spin next to the river or sea which is helpful if anything catches fire. Always carry water with me and don't do fire stuff alone.Always have a practice breathe with water before using fuel to fire breathe.

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