8 posts

Hi all, quick intro to the boards!

Name: Nick
Location: United States
Hometown/Place grown up: Iowa
Birthdate: 05/14/1987
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Favorite Food: Pasta! and Korean Food
Color: Light Blue
Toys: Poi
Hobbies: Dance - Jazz and Modern, Gaming, Activism
Education: In College
Last Read Book: Tales of the City - Maupin
Last Watched Movie: 28 Weeks Later
Last Listened to Song: Runaway Love
Last Watched TV Show: Ugly Betty
Plan for Life: haha...fall in love and spend time in an exotic location with that lover...okay dream for life.
Ice Cream: Banana Splits!

8 posts

Oh sorry, needed to be more specific...I do fire poi.

I am in constant awe of the comet/lighted/non-fire poi spinners, I want to break into area of spinning.

anna-)SILVER Member
10 posts
Location: Perth, WA, Australia

Heya - all de way from Oz. And how cute you're from Iwoa; awsome.

So how long you been spinning for? Ever burnt yourself? lol. How good are you? What are you up to?

Welcome and have fun!!!!!

* Nothing is permenent *

_Annie_BRONZE Member
28 posts
Location: Australia

Welcome stranger! HOw long you done poi for?

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