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Posted: Name: Gemma Hewitt Country: england Hometown: loughborough DOB: 19/12/1984 Age: 22 Sex: yes please! ha, i'm female Occupation(s): mother, shop assistant, student Favorite Food(s): seafood, chinese Favorite Color(s): blue, purple or multi-coloured Toys: my flag poi at the moment.... Hobbies other than the obvious: reading, dancing, music Education: 2 a-levels, 1 a/s level, 1 avce Favorite Book(s): too many, ask me later! Favorite Movie(s): fifth element, benny and joon, sleepy hollow, knightmare before christmas, memoirs of a geisha, and so on... Favorite TV show(s): csi, scrubs, the news Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up) finish care course, get a job, start studying for a degree whilst working, get married, have two more kids, use degree to get better job, starrt traing to be a teacher, teach, train to be a writer, then spend the rest of my life writing and creating art! Favorite Music Artists/Composers: changes with the tide, there are too many Favorie ice cream flavor(s): pistachio, or coconut
darkness-beforeGOLD Member Rock is dead, long live paper and scissors 197 posts Location: The sea, United Kingdom
Posted: Hi, welcome to HoP
Eagles may soar but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.
Telepath wanted, you know where to apply.
shocked_prawnSILVER Member old hand 865 posts Location: Sunderland, UK
Posted: hi
Proud Co-Owner of PoiBoi Owned by J.A.C
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