Nell.woz.erePLATINUM Member
&*(%^&JHGBiguijuHGFHFGijgkfrpojknf5uyy&%798ij\;LLKKLF?l@~o{~l';U(*^&%uyfgj:@980hooH&*TgHUHK Jones.
18 posts
Location: Midlothian

Hey everyone, err yeah, i been here for a few weeks now and posted in a few topics but didnt do an intro cause i can be a little shy HA HAAA which can often be contradicted by my big mouth, but hey, there we go.

Err, yeah, fires cool, pois cool, i love spinning with friends and music.

ha haaa, uh oh, yeah, i can be what we call "a bit of a

moyd" meaning that i've answered these Q's quite enthusiastically...hmmm, i shall embolden my actual answers so you can skip my moyders ha hahah a ahhh, silly






Bangor, N.Wales.







I'm studying for a BA degree in Social Work at the mo.

Favorite Food(s):

Errr, well, just lately i have been LOVING!!! Dr Kargs spelt crackers with slices of avacado, garlic mayo and green peppers..mmmmmm, OH YEAH and i LOVE boiled eggs on a bed of Kasha (roasted buckwheat) with horseradish sauce surrounded by tomato quarters...RHUBARB CRUMBLE WITH CUSTARD!!! Me and my mate have been having that with our DVD session once a week for the past few weeks now, its my special family recipe mm mm mmm

Favorite Color(s):

I LOVE colour. When i was a child i would say it was green, but i like the colour of sky, even when its many shades of grey with cloud, and i like the colours of trees and water and mud and rock and stones...yeah ha ha.


Yeah, I got 2 sets of fire poi (just got some monkey fist ones from here, they TOTALLY ROCK!!), sock pois coming out my ears, staff, an old djambe which i carried and hitched back from cornwall with for a friend who left it in a festival, he gave it me as a reward...mad yeah? *grins* (the emoticons arnt working lol)

Hobbies other than the obvious:

Errr exploring, friends, music, vinyl, dancing, partying, learning, reading, singing, hiking, cycling, swimming, rowing, the old guit...yeah art too, i LOVE it!! i like doing wall murals, portraits, graphics, tesselations/symbols, tattoo design.



Favorite Book(s):

err Dune, All of Barbara Erskine's, shes WICKED!, Weaveworld (Clive Barker), Be as you are - Ramana Marharshi, Brave New World - Aldous Huxley, Perennial Philosophy - Aldous Huxley, most R.A.W just been reading Quantum Psychology...yeah, usually every book i read becomes my up-to-date favourite for some reason...its hard to compare.

Favorite Movie(s):

Just saw Apocolypto, didnt know it was by Mel Gibson, so i didnt have that baggage affecting my oppinion, I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!! Yeah, any kung fu movies, too many to name...yeah and the dodgy horror/voodoo ones too, like close encounters of a spooky kind and Mr vampire. Pans Labyrinth was good, i LOVED the end bit where she tells the baddie that his child will never know him and shoots him dead, that KICKED!!! Yeah, Dune of course, although the sequels werent that good. Labyrinth, Aliens, Lord of the rings tril of course...OH YEAH how could i forget Star wars trili trilogy, thats full on! CHEWIE RULES!!!

Favorite TV show(s):

errr, got rid of my tv a while ago now, i DID like...ha haaa...neighbours *looks down with joyfull shame*...err Supernatural, Prisonbreak, Doctor Who...its mad, i'm sure there was more, but i've completely forgotten, probably not such a bad thing.

Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up):

O.K short term plan.... Get my liscence (just started driving lessons), get dog passport for Nug, Get a merc bus/van and have fun in holidays. Get house sorted and tie up loose ends be comfortable for second year of study so i can work hard, get top marks.

long term plan..... Buy my council house and pay morgage for the remaining three years of study. Do loft conversion with wages from my first three years of guarenteed work. Decide whether to sell house or keep as pention plan to rent to students. Use money earned renting/from selling to move up property ladder and settle somewhere else liiike Australia or anywhwre else that i wanna be in six years time. Its been Australia for quite a while now, but i have also been craving the mountains of New Zealand too, i like mountains, i have lots of them here and would like to see some different ones *nods*

Favorite Music Artists/Composers:

erk!...well, i collect vinyl and LOVE music my tastes change all the time. The one constant would have to be Techno e.g. Pounding Grooves. Not into Trance or House at all. But i dont really regard techno as music but something unto its self. I really love Gogol Bordello at the moment too, and Funkadelic - Maggot Brain...i love "can you get to this", i'm always singing it to myself...and Maggot Brain actually, i know the whole guitar solo off by heart but i'm not sure if thats something to be proud of he hehe. I like Tricky too, and Dj Shadow although his latest album sucks big time. Bela Fleck and the Flecktones is cool too.

Favorie ice cream flavor(s): biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

Errr...I like ones with caramelly bits streaked through it and some lumps of toffee and nuts here and there, been having cravings for rum and raison lately too...mmm...icecream...*spontaneously jumps up and goes to shop to see what tickles fancy*

Heal the world by introducing someone to flow..

darkness-beforeGOLD Member
Rock is dead, long live paper and scissors
197 posts
Location: The sea, United Kingdom

Oh oh oh oh Bangor! I go to bangor every wknd!

wavehello welcome to HoP bounce biggrin

Eagles may soar but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.

Telepath wanted, you know where to apply.

Nell.woz.erePLATINUM Member
&*(%^&JHGBiguijuHGFHFGijgkfrpojknf5uyy&%798ij\;LLKKLF?l@~o{~l';U(*^&%uyfgj:@980hooH&*TgHUHK Jones.
18 posts
Location: Midlothian

ha haaa COOOOL biggrin what dya go out there or something?

Heal the world by introducing someone to flow..

darkness-beforeGOLD Member
Rock is dead, long live paper and scissors
197 posts
Location: The sea, United Kingdom

My GF goes to bangor uni/did go till she dropped out.

Eagles may soar but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.

Telepath wanted, you know where to apply.

Nell.woz.erePLATINUM Member
&*(%^&JHGBiguijuHGFHFGijgkfrpojknf5uyy&%798ij\;LLKKLF?l@~o{~l';U(*^&%uyfgj:@980hooH&*TgHUHK Jones.
18 posts
Location: Midlothian

MMmm, bummer, does she spin fire or anything?

Heal the world by introducing someone to flow..

darkness-beforeGOLD Member
Rock is dead, long live paper and scissors
197 posts
Location: The sea, United Kingdom

She's got a set of poi but she doesn't practice much. She knows one or two folk that do it up there. She's trying to learn diablo ATM.

She works lots though so I'm normally left to my own devices to spin or drink.

Eagles may soar but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.

Telepath wanted, you know where to apply.

Nell.woz.erePLATINUM Member
&*(%^&JHGBiguijuHGFHFGijgkfrpojknf5uyy&%798ij\;LLKKLF?l@~o{~l';U(*^&%uyfgj:@980hooH&*TgHUHK Jones.
18 posts
Location: Midlothian

ha haaa, where do you go spinning? i usually go to Roman Camp, i get quite shy to do it infront of people even though i'm told i'm quite good, me and my friends Etiene and Lis were gona statr meeting up for a spin a while ago, but still havnt sorted it yet, but meeting you has kind of motivated me, if we sort something out i'll get in touch if you like. There are occasionally parties and things in the area where theres plenty of people with fire toys and stuff. Do you think your gf might know some of the people i know? Apparently theres a circus club with the Uni too, but i dont know what days they meet got any ideas?

Heal the world by introducing someone to flow..

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