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TwerpyBRONZE Member
20 posts
Location: United Kingdom

After going to PLAY it seemed everyone's first sentance when I went and said hello was "Are you on HoP?" so for all those who asked me and got a vague answer about having four posts consider this a big fat yes! So, as much as I hate these introductory threads, here goes:

How you might recognise me from PLAY: I was the one with long blond hair, I wore a cloak a couple of nights, I drank rum out a hip flask, I spend quite a while juggling 7 balls in the main tent, I won the money juggling game, I played limbo and twister on Saturday night.

Name: Anthony

Country: England

Hometown: Brentwood (just outside London)

DOB: 20th may

Age: 18

Sex: Male, despite what my hair may lead you to believe

Occupation(s): Student/lifeguard (just think of the Hoff and you have me... honest wink

Favorite Food(s): Jelly babies ubblove, rum, sugary goodness

Favorite Color(s): Red, cos thats the colour of my favourite unicycle.

Toys: Pretty much everything except hoops

I juggle (seven on a good day)

I thought I was alright at poi till I went to PLAY and realised quite how out of touch I am with the poi scene

Diabolos, a little bit of flowersticking, a bit of staff. I can quite happily play with any toy you give me

Hobbies other than the obvious: I make noise on a guitar, make as many pirate noises as possible and generally gad about. Hugging hug

Education: Yes, which is something of a rarity in Essex

Favorite Book(s): Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, Terry Pratchet's diskworld series,

Favorite Movie(s): The matrix, Rock school, Ferris Beuller's day off, The Spongebob Squarepants Movie,

Favorite TV show(s): Jonathan Creek, Black Books, Neighbours (because I'm cool), QI, House

Plans for life in general: Have fun during summer -> University to do Maths -> Play it by ear...

Favorite Music Artists/Composers: AC-DC, Kiss, The Flatstanelys, The Oysterband, Devendrah Banhart, Bright Eyes... Quite a variety

Favorie ice cream flavor(s): I'm usually somewhere between raspberry ripple and mint choc chip although on special occasions (i.e. when I can get it) I'm a honeycomb man through and through.

...And because this looks a little bare, have a photo of a black pudding:

Non-Https Image Link

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
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Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

....eeeewwwwwww what are those exactly?

Nice to meet you.


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_Poiboy_PLATINUM Member
bastard child of satan
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Location: Raanana, Israel

hey man, was great meeting you at PLAY smile
dont forget you won the wheelbarrow race too with me and steaky tongue

_Aime_SILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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Location: Hastings, United Kingdom

Hello biggrin

I am the Aimée you met on the train on the way up

Hello and welcome to HoP! hug
EDITED_BY: Aimée (1186097341)

UnclassifiedLeggyGirlBRONZE Member
One day penguins will take over the world
916 posts
Location: Derby, United Kingdom

BOO! i need no introduction! lol you are nothing like "the hoff" tbh... he is soooo much uglier ^_^ oh, and there was amazing honeycomb icecream in the farm shop at PLAY, although i don't recall you getting any...

oh wells... heres a hug2 and heres a hug and heres a spank for not getting me them pics yet! tongue anyways, have lots of weavesmiley juggle goodness biggrin

ummmm...........anybody have any suggestions as to what i can put here?!

mjk is monitoring your interwebs!

TwerpyBRONZE Member
20 posts
Location: United Kingdom

They had honeycomb!? Why did nobody tell me? Which person where you ULG tongue I'll get you the photos as soon as they're on my computer. Still haven't found the cable.

Aimee, I thought it was you but wasn't completely sure. Many thanks for leading me in the right direction at Birmingham. I'd have been wandering about looking lost for ages otherwise hug

How could I have forgotton the wheelbarrow race? Someone ended up running off with one of my balls by mistake angry Thanks for the free poi btw, I'm having much fun with them smile

Poje, I'm not sure but I think they're mainly made of blood. Nice to meet you too

UnclassifiedLeggyGirlBRONZE Member
One day penguins will take over the world
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Location: Derby, United Kingdom

I told you they had honeycomb! Thats why i suggested we went to get some... but then you ignored my offer.... ubbcrying

Which person was I?! I was the person that got harrassed by your tickling! lol Thankyou kiss

And damn right, how COULD you forget about the wheelbarrow race?! I took loads of pics of it! lol Oh yeah, thanking Poiboy for the free poi aswell biggrin muchos gracias.

Yes, black pudding is made of mainly blood, along with pork fat and oats, barley etc.

ummmm...........anybody have any suggestions as to what i can put here?!

mjk is monitoring your interwebs!

shocked_prawnSILVER Member
old hand
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Location: Sunderland, UK

hay i recognize you now! cant remember if i spoke to you at play or not but oh well

hello! wave

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UnclassifiedLeggyGirlBRONZE Member
One day penguins will take over the world
916 posts
Location: Derby, United Kingdom

wait, were you the one that twerpy kept on dreads pegging? or possibly the one in the hurley burley at happy hour who ordered the pitcher of strange lemon drink?? there were so many people!! lol

ummmm...........anybody have any suggestions as to what i can put here?!

mjk is monitoring your interwebs!

monseratSILVER Member
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Location: waaaay south of heaven, United Kingdom

Hey Twerpy, I was with Aimee on the train from Birmingham. Mastered the moonwalk yet??

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TwerpyBRONZE Member
20 posts
Location: United Kingdom

Woo! More people I know! I'm getting there with the moonwalk smile I find shop floors are shiny enough to practise on but it has earn me a few odd looks smile

blu_valleySILVER Member
fluffy mess
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Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

I don't think I met you at play,I remember the limbo thing happening on the saturday night (but only a couple of the people who were doing it) . wave anyway biggrin

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Wild ChildSILVER Member
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wavehello and welcome to HoP. I know i didn't meet you at Play, but the whellbarrow race with Steaks had me in stitcvhed - so thanx for that biggrin hug

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UnclassifiedLeggyGirlBRONZE Member
One day penguins will take over the world
916 posts
Location: Derby, United Kingdom

blu: you were doing the limbo thing?! oh wow, i didn't know you was there! i met you and i didn't even realise it!

ummmm...........anybody have any suggestions as to what i can put here?!

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whyBRONZE Member
not _Y_
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Location: Scotland

 Written by: UnclassifiedLeggyGirl

oh, and there was amazing honeycomb icecream in the farm shop at PLAY,

There was Ice cream?!
I knew I should have gone with my friend to the shop... and I thought it was great to get a sheep biscuit when she came back (and some yummy actual sheep sausages)

morning twerpy, btw

You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?" George Bernard Shaw

UnclassifiedLeggyGirlBRONZE Member
One day penguins will take over the world
916 posts
Location: Derby, United Kingdom

yep... there was ice cream... i thought people knew?

ummmm...........anybody have any suggestions as to what i can put here?!

mjk is monitoring your interwebs!

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